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Founded in 1965, the Association of Canadian University Presses (ACUP)/Association des presses universitaires canadiennes (APUC) has played a significant role in promoting Canadian scholarly publishing and supporting the dissemination of academic research and scholarship in Canada. As the unified voice of both French- and English-language academic publishing in Canada, ACUP is dedicated to upholding excellence in Canadian research and scholarship. ACUP/APUC annually releases over 600 titles, predominantly authored by Canadian scholars and focusing on subjects within the humanities and social sciences. They actively collaborate with all stakeholders in the scholarly arena to ensure a harmonious growth of the scholarly book market. At the heart of their mission is the dedication to facilitate and champion the widest possible dissemination of Canadian research and scholarship, both domestically and on the global stage.

Le Québec anglophone distinct du reste du Canada? La communauté anglo-québécoise au prisme des éditoriaux de The Gazette de 1976 à 1982 Chantal Lacasse
Développer la pensée historienne à l’école représentations, outils et pratiques Collectif Collectif, Marc-André Éthier, David Lefrançois, Gérard Bouchard
Water Quality Cynthia Woodman Kerkham
Finding Molly Johnson Irish Famine Orphans in Canada Mark G. McGowan
The Twelfth of February Canadian Aid for Gender Equality during the Rise of Violent Extremism in Pakistan Rhonda Gossen
Political Culture in Louis XIV’s Canada Majesty, Ritual, and Rhetoric Colin M. Coates
With a Unity of Purpose How the First World War Changed Newfoundland Michael R. Westcott
Deep Disposal A Documentary Account of Burying Nuclear Waste in Canada William Leiss
Improviser le reste Études noires, risques poétiques, relationalité décoloniale Philippe Néméh-Nombre
L'Amérique d'abord, le Canada ensuite Les relations canado-américaines de Donald Trump à Joe Biden Sous la direction de Frédérick Gagnon et Christophe Cloutier-Roy
The Canadian Shields Stories and Essays Carol Shields, Nora Foster Stovel
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