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                   HO SCALE LUMBER LOADS


Production for the families of HO lumber loads grew out of a request by our larger scale modelers to produce  lumber and related products for their scale. Our big concern was the expense of the material. We came to a good solution on finding material for HO modelers.

50 Series lumber loads  which is designed for HO Scale 50 ft. flat cars,53 ft. GSC Flat Cars and those of similar design. Time frame for this load would be the 60's into the early 80's. Length of load is 46ft long.

60 Series lumber loads fit the longer bulkhead cars with scale length loads running 54ft to 56ft. The old MDC's Roundhouse� and Athearn� bulkhead flat cars fit this series loads.

652 Series fit the Walthers� Canadian 50ft. Bulkhead Flat Car with load length of 52 scale feet long.

660 Series is our newest series that fit the Exact Rail's� Trenton 67' 11" bulkhead Flat car with payload length between bulkheads of 62 scale feet. We believe that Atlas Trainline � produces a similar bulkhead flat car in HO scale with built dates around the mid-seventies. These loads are an extended version of our 600 series. We should have 6 to 8 variations of this family of loads soon.

70 Series fit the McKean Models� 60 ft. Thrall Center beam flat cars and now the Exact Rail� 60 ft. Center beam Flat cars. These loads are available in many different configurations.

80 Series lumber loads fit the 72ft Center beam Lumber Cars by Walthers� and the new car issued by Atlas� Railroad Products.


                              Click on any Series above for more detail and pricing info.


bullet All loads are prototypically wrapped and stacked according to AAR loading specifications.
bullet All loads are stacked with scale dunnage e.g.. 2X4,4X4's etc.
bullet All loads are ready to load and not kits to build.
bullet Many load configurations available with each type of load.
bullet Loads are made with real wood and not cast in urethane or plastic.
bullet Complete directions available with each type of load.




� Details N Scale 2021