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Welcome to Discover Double Bass, where thousands of bassists from across the globe are on a journey to play their best music!
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In-Depth Courses taught by world RENowned Experts
Our online video courses cover a breadth of topics by tutors who are experts in their fields, including Barry Bales, Katie Thiroux, Slick Joe Fick, Lauren Pierce, Joseph Conyers, Adam Ben Ezra, Russell Hall, Heather Miller Lardin, Phoebe Russell and John Goldsby.
Our lessons are clearly presented, easy to understand, and get great results which make a real difference to your bass playing. Alongside beautifully produced video lessons, courses commonly include detailed transcriptions, play-along tracks and English subtitles. Many also feature accompanying musicians, allowing tutors to demonstrate the concepts with a live band.
You can also learn with our Masterclass artists Brian Bromberg, Renaud Garcia-Fons, Chris Wood, Avishai Cohen and Marc Johnson through in-depth exclusive interviews with our founder, complete with musical demonstrations and transcriptions.
What are people saying about us?
This definitely the right place to go to learn online. My eyes have been opened to so much in just the first few lessons!! 👍🤓
— Jim Shea (@sheait) June 26, 2018
Library of Free Videos
We publish regular free video lessons and interviews which cover a wide range of topics and styles for beginner to advanced students. We interview the world’s best bassists, including artists such as Dave Holland, Larry Grenadier, and François Rabbath.
Latest News
27th March - New lesson from Jason Heath, teaching how to play melodies in different positions.
21st February - New lesson on building funk bass lines with Chris Minh Doky
17th February - New course: Funky Bass Vol. 1: Bass Lines by Chris Minh Doky
13th February - Electric Upright vs Double Bass with new tutor Chris Minh Doky
7th February - New Russell Hall jazz bass lesson - Russell’s Rhythm Workout!
Free Major scales for double bass
Download our free PDF and use our 12 backing tracks to get to grips with your one-octave major scales on the double bass.
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