Tunnel: Episode 6

Kwang-ho tries to solve the mystery as to why he’s ended up in the future, but he may not get the answers that he so desperately wants. Until he figures out how to go home, Kwang-ho tries to be friendly to his new colleagues, but rudeness runs rampant all around him. One thing is certain: Kwang-ho has heart, but will it be enough to to overcome the challenges in his new timeline?


Kwang-ho visits the intersection where the other Park Kwang-ho almost hit him. He peers at the traffic camera and remembers that the car was chased from the scene by another vehicle. Cut to: some hikers walking along a trail above a damaged white car covered by dry tree branches.

Kwang-ho asks Sung-shik for an update on the missing Park Kwang-ho and learns that traffic cameras recorded his car. Sung-shik explains that the traffic control center will help with their search, and Kwang-ho is anxious to go there right away.

On the way out, Sung-shik asks Kwang-ho if he’s all right after learning that he’s been unable to find Yeon-sook yet. Kwang-ho answers that he needs to find the other Kwang-ho.

They run into Sun-jae and, in a show of concern, Kwang-ho asks if he’s eaten breakfast. Sun-jae responds rudely and walks away, but is surprised when Sung-shik runs after Kwang-ho and calls him “sunbae.” Sun-jae gets a call from Dr. Mok and meets with him to review the autopsy results for victim YANG HYO-JIN, who was killed two years earlier.

Sun-jae believes her murder is linked to other cases with a similar pattern — the use of pantyhose to strangle, then bind, the victims. He’s convinced that the killer (who he believes is Jung Ho-young) selects his victims and follows them. Dr. Mok reminds Sun-jae about the lack of clues and suggests that an investigation into the time before the murders could help identify the killer.

At Hwayang University, the dean urges Jae-yi to quit her consulting job, but she escapes to her class. Sun-jae packs up an evidence board at home, with the exception of one photo – his mother holding him as a baby. When he passes the dean on his way to Jae-yi’s office, she asks to speak with him.

The dean reminds Sun-jae that he once asked her to describe Jae-yi, and she now asks him to do the same. When he answers that Jae-yi doesn’t know how to express her pain, the dean requests that he keep her away from crime scenes in order to protect her.

Sun-jae readily agrees and then asks how Jae-yi’s parents died, because he heard something about a fire. The dean shares that Jae-yi came home from school to discover her house in flames and that the cause was never determined. Her mother, with a history of mental problems, was the main suspect.

The dean believes that Jae-yi’s mother is the reason for her interest in female murderers. Sun-jae wonders why Jae-yi is dogged by rumors that she caused the fire, and the dean explains that her adoption was responsible for the suspicion.

Jae-yi returns to her office to find Sun-jae waiting with a box of files connected to Jung Ho-young and an explanation that he needs to know how to catch the suspect. He moves closer to ask Jae-yi about her hand, but she gets flustered and turns away.

Sung-shik and Kwang-ho visit the traffic control center and view footage that proves that the other Park Kwang-ho was chased. Because it was too dark, it’s impossible to see the other vehicle’s license number, but an employee promises to contact Sung-shik when he finds more footage.

As Sung-shik drives, Kwang-ho wonders if the other Park Kwang-ho is alive. Sung-shik has found no activity on his phone or accounts for the past four months, and a check on the hospitals turned up nothing. He points out that they can’t openly search for the man since Kwang-ho has assumed his identity.

Sung-shik asks Kwang-ho about the speeding ticket, worried to hear it was written by the Soojung patrol. They drive by a building with a police car out front, and Kwang-ho tells Sung-shik to turn around.

Inside, a woman holds a pair of scissors and threatens to kill herself if the uniformed officers come closer. She claims to be a victim of identity theft, but the officers explain to Sung-shik and Kwang-ho that all of the disputed transactions were traced to her laptop. Kwang-ho picks up an ID card from her dropped purse and learns that her name is YOON YUNG-JOO.

The woman, now in handcuffs, sits in Hwayang station and details the mysterious charges and loans that were made in her name. Yoon Yung-joo was harassed so much at work over an unpaid loan that she eventually paid the debt, but later lost her job.

She describes how a man pounded on her apartment door and claimed that he was the fiance of Yoon Yung-joo. Kwang-ho asks how he can find the man, and Yoon Yung-joo turns over a business card for JO DONG-IK.

Sung-shik takes Kwang-ho aside to remind him that he’s also guilty of identity theft, and they bicker before Kwang-ho slaps Sung-shik on the back of the head. Tae-hee and Min-ha turn around, but decide that they don’t want to know what’s going on when Kwang-ho pretends to give Sung-shik a shoulder massage.

Sung-shik warns Kwang-ho to make sure Sun-jae doesn’t get suspicious, because he never lets anything slide. When Sung-shik gets annoyed that Sun-jae is working on his own again, Kwang-ho encourages him to be nice to his team members.

On the way to Jo Dong-ik’s apartment, Kwang-ho pats Sun-jae on the back and inquires if he was able to go home, only to be warned, “Don’t cross the line.” Kwang-ho decides that Sun-jae’s rude answers are worse than being ignored.

The pair visit Jo Dong-ik’s office only to learn that he died suddenly the week before. When Kwang-ho and Sun-jae hear that he is scheduled to be cremated, they rush to interrupt the funeral.

They meet with a relative, who explains that a woman called in the middle of the night to tell him to go to Jo Dong-ik’s apartment right away, but he discovered him already dead. The relative thought the woman must be Jo Dong-ik’s girlfriend, but he found no contact information on his phone or anyone who ever saw her.

Sun-jae gets permission for an autopsy. He and Kwang-ho realize that Jo Dong-ik died the day that he went to see Yoon Yung-joo, so Sun-jae calls Sung-shik to ask about her whereabouts that day.

As the mourners follow Jo Dong-ik’s body to the coroner’s van, Kwang-ho remembers the funeral for Sun-jae’s mother and asks himself, “I wonder if the father and son are doing well,” unaware that the son is sitting next to him.

Sun-jae asks Kwang-ho what he’s talking about, so he tells the story of a husband who visited the station every day with his young son to check on his wife’s murder case. Kwang-ho admits that he was never able to catch the killer, but Sun-jae only comments that he thought this was his first assignment in homicide. Oops.

Sung-shik learns that Yoon Yung-joo mostly stays home since she lost her job, so he sends the Tae-Min duo to her apartment to check the CCTV footage.

Sun-jae and Kwang-ho (now sporting crime scene appropriate gloves and booties) visit Jo Dong-ik’s apartment and notice that someone cleaned it. Sun-jae observes that Jo Dong-ik’s laptop is missing while Kwang-ho looks for a photo album.

Sun-jae doubts anyone has a photo album anymore just as Kwang-ho’s search produces one. All the photos show just Jo Dong-ik, but one provides a reflected image of the mystery woman.

Tae-hee calls Sung-shik to report that the CCTV footage at the apartment backs Yoon Yung-joo’s story, but he discovered a back exit that wasn’t monitored. He agrees to check the black boxes of the surrounding cars first thing in the morning.

Sun-jae reports that the phone number used by Jo Dong-ik’s girlfriend was traced to an illegal phone. Sung-shik realizes that the culprit is very skilled and suggests a search for similar cases before he sends Sun-jae and Kwang-ho home for the night.

As Sung-shik drives Kwang-ho home, he admits that the control center has yet to contact him. Kwang-ho sees Jae-yi as she walks home with a large box in her arms and asks to be dropped off. He runs after her, but she ignores him even when he asks about her injured hand.

Out of concern, Kwang-ho carries the box into Jae-yi’s apartment. He looks at the contents, curious why she would have information on the Jung Ho-young case before he realizes that Sun-jae asked for her help.

Jae-yi guesses that Kwang-ho wants her help as well, and he begins to explain that a cop disappeared, but balks when she asks for his name. Jae-yi asks Kwang-ho to leave, but he insists that he’s genuinely worried about her before he goes.

The next day, Kwang-ho realizes that Sun-jae worked through the night, because he hands over a report on another victim first thing in the morning. The case matches Yoon Yung-joo’s in every way, and Sun-jae thinks it likely that her claims are true. Kwang-ho reads that the victim committed suicide and thinks that it may be another suspicious death.

Dr. Mok calls Sun-jae to inform him that the results of Jo Dong-ik’s autopsy are ready. They visit the doctor and learn that Jo Dong-ik was sedated and injected with a lethal dose of nicotine.

Back at the station, the Serious Crimes Unit realizes that they have a murder case. Sung-shik dispatches Tae-hee and Min-ha to check if Yoon Yung-joo filled a sleeping pill prescription or purchased nicotine. Sun-jae and Kwang-ho decide to interview the family of the other victim, Go Ah-ra.

As the team disperses, Sun-jae overhears Kwang-ho reminding Sung-shik that thirty years ago, they could get information with a few phone calls. Once Sun-jae leaves, Sung-shik grabs Kwang-ho to chastise him over another reference to the past, worried that Sun-jae will figure out that Kwang-ho is a fraud.

Kwang-ho insists that Sun-jae has warmed up to him, but Sung-shik knows how focused he can be with a case. Sun-jae returns and barks at him, prompting Kwang-ho to tell Sung-shik, “You see? He talks to me now.”

Sun-jae and Kwang-ho interview Go Ah-ra’s mother, who is surprised that they finally believe her daughter was a victim of identity theft. Sun-jae starts to explain that their investigation has to do with another victim, but Kwang-ho steps in to interview the mother.

Kwang-ho gently asks the mother what happened to her daughter and learns that she overdosed on sleeping pills on what was supposed to be her wedding day. Her wedding was called off because she was supposedly in debt and behind on payments.

Her mother shares that no one believed her daughter, not even the police. Sun-jae shows her photos of Jo Dong-ik and Yoon Yung-joo, but the mother claims to have never seen them.

Go Ah-ra’s mother does recall a mourner who thought that her daughter was a regular at her massage parlor, but she didn’t recognize the girl in the funeral portrait. Kwang-ho remembers that Yoon Yung-joo was accused of borrowing money from a massage parlor.

Sun-jae and Kwang-ho interview the massage parlor mourner who admits that the woman who died was not the same Go Ah-ra who was a regular customer. When she’s called away, Kwang-ho is frustrated that they know nothing about the suspect, but Sun-jae reminds him that they now have witnesses.

Tae-hee and Min-ha find Sung-shik at work on an evidence board after the discovery of three more victims that match the suspect’s pattern. Tae-hee suggests that he add Yoon Yung-joo to the list because she was never prescribed sleeping pills, and Min-ha adds that she didn’t purchase nicotine. Sung-shik orders them to release her from custody and send their data to Jae-yi.

Sung-shik admits that he’s curious to know what the suspect looks like just as Sun-jae and Kwang-ho return with the massage parlor employees who saw her. Sun-jae asks Min-ha to work with them to produce a sketch of the suspect.

Sung-shik explains that Min-ha can picture what he hears and Kwang-ho thinks that he and Tae-hee make a perfect team, based on their talents. Tae-hee retorts that Kwang-ho and Sun-jae are perfect together because they are both maniacs.

In spite of their efforts, the team fails to find a connection between the victims, so Sung-shik asks Sun-jae to call Jae-yi. He jumps up and runs off when he realizes that she was asked to consult on the case.

As Jae-yi studies the cases, Sun-jae calls to ask how the suspect managed to meet her victims. She suggests a cultural activity or coffee with a boyfriend and notes that all of the victims had boyfriends, but that they broke up once their identities were stolen.

Jae-yi believes that the suspect was triggered by a breakup and has money problems. Sun-jae reasons that the team should focus their search on restaurants and look for a woman in her twenties. He then asks Jae-yi where she usually goes and softly admits that he’s surprised that she didn’t hang up on him.

Sun-jae smiles when Jae-yi does hang up, and he turns around, suddenly confronted by a scowling Kwang-ho who asks, “You like her, don’t you?” Sun-jae walks away as Kwang-ho insists that he noticed something between them during the rest stop case.

Sun-jae denies the claim, but Kwang-ho knows he’s right and asks, “Why do you have such poor taste in women?” Kwang-ho tells himself that his Yeon-sook is the best and sadly realizes how much he misses her.

The team searches the victims’ credit card records and finally finds a common thread — Wonderland Restaurant. Equipped with Min-ha’s sketch, Sun-jae and Kwang-ho visit the restaurant and look around. Sun-jae’s attention is caught by a waitress as she walks by, a match to their sketch.

The waitress, KIM MIN-SOO, sits in an interrogation room as the team observes her from behind the mirror. Sun-jae has proof that she bought pure nicotine and filled a prescription for sleeping pills two weeks before Jo Dong-ik died, so everyone is in agreement that she’s their culprit.

Confronted with the sketch, Kim Min-soo cooly asks if she can keep it. Kwang-ho shows her photos of the victims, but she claims that she’s never seen them before asking if they were customers at the restaurant. Sun-jae slaps down a photo of Jo Dong-ik and informs Kim Min-soo that he promised to come when he heard that Yoon Yung-joo was arrested, but she just laughs.

Unable to get a confession, the detectives step out, and Kwang-ho asks about Jae-yi’s analysis of the case. Sun-jae remembers that she suggested that the suspect probably broke up with her boyfriend, and he and Kwang-ho leave to investigate further.

They question Kim Min-soo’s former boyfriend, who admits that they planned to marry but instead broke up because of her excessive spending. He saw her at a restaurant and called her name, but she claimed she was Yoon Yung-joo. Sun-jae confirms that she was with Jo Dong-ik at the time.

Armed with proof of her guilt, Sun-jae tells Kim Min-soo that he understands her jealousy towards the victims who enjoyed expensive meals with their boyfriends. Jo Dong-ik figured out that she had assumed someone else’s identity, which was why she killed him.

We see that Kim Min-soo acquired the victims’ personal information when they entered a promotional event. Sun-jae details how she became more skilled with each victim and was only satisfied when they could no longer dine at the restaurant, certain that their happiness was destroyed too.

Sung-shik presents Kwang-ho with a smartphone, and he sends his first text to Sun-jae, “Kim Sun-jae is an idiot and Park Kwang-ho is a genius.” (I think these two belong in middle school.) Sun-jae’s reply is an emoji that makes Sung-shik laugh, but he becomes serious after a call from the traffic center.

Sun-jae stops outside of Jae-yi’s office with two coffees and changes her status to “On Vacation” before he walks in. She tells him, “It’s nice to see you. I mean, the coffee.” Sun-jae reminds her to use her uninjured left hand to take the coffee.

Sung-shik and Kwang-ho review the last recorded footage of the car owned by the other Park Kwang-ho, chased by the same vehicle, but this time the license number is visible. They drive out to the location near Youngil Fishing Site.

Sun-jae visits Dr. Mok for another game of chess and is complimented for the discovery of a criminal who was hidden. Sun-jae believes that it’s hard to live without leaving a trace, but Dr. Mok claims that he has managed it so far.

Dr. Mok notes that he and Kwang-ho share a similar disconnectedness, but Sun-jae informs him that Kwang-ho now has a cell phone. The doctor comments that people who have something to hide live like that, and Sun-jae recalls that Kim Min-soo suggested to Kwang-ho that he was living as someone else.

Sun-jae suddenly excuses himself. Alone, Dr. Mok moves a white chess piece and observes, “Some people… hide in the light instead of darkness.” Hmmm.

Sun-jae returns to the station and runs into Driver Oh, who explains that Kwang-ho called him all the time because he didn’t know his way around and always talked about what it was like thirty years ago, but he hasn’t seen him lately.

Sun-jae searches Kwang-ho’s desk, but it’s empty. He realizes that like Kim Min-soo, there are no photos of Kwang-ho. He recalls how Sung-shik addresses Kwang-ho formally before moving to his desk.

He checks his computer and sees the traffic footage near the fishing site and then answers Sung-shik’s phone to hear that the missing vehicle was located and belongs to Corporal Park.

Sun-jae visits the site where the car was discovered and investigates the surrounding area. He discovers the dead body of the missing Park Kwang-ho and wonders about the real identity of the Park Kwang-ho that he thought he knew.


Things just suddenly got very interesting with Sun-jae’s discovery about the other Park Kwang-ho. As hard as Kwang-ho and Sung-shik have worked to find him, Sun-jae intercepted the pass and discovered exactly what Sung-shik was afraid of: that there are two Park Kwang-ho’s. How he will handle that information is anyone’s guess, but I’m sure it will be a setback to his budding relationship with his partner, just when he had progressed from ignoring him to actually using words. As if Sung-shik doesn’t have enough headaches.

Speaking of Sung-shik, I really enjoy this character and his interactions with Kwang-ho. He’s happy to be with his old mentor again, but he’s burdened by his secret, which Kwang-ho refuses to be careful about. It was actually a blessing when Sun-jae ignored him, because he’s become aware that some interesting tidbits that are starting to add up. Now that Sun-jae knows that Kwang-ho isn’t that Park Kwang-ho, how will Sung-shik react to protect his old partner? He’s sure to have a big mess to deal with, because as he knows, Sun-jae doesn’t let anything slide. Except for Dr. Mok — Sun-jae seems to have a huge blind spot when it comes to his friend.

Dr. Mok is developing into an interesting character who protects himself with a smile and a nudge towards someone else, such as Kwang-ho. His comment that people who avoid modern technology have something to hide placed Kwang-ho on Sun-jae’s radar, but curiously, not the doctor himself. What is he hiding? By his own admission, he’s chosen to hide in the light rather than in the darkness, but, who is he? That’s the question that Sun-jae should ask himself, but all in due time, I’m sure.

Sun-jae’s interest in Jae-yi becomes more apparent with each episode, and I find his attentiveness attractive, yet puzzling, because she is hardly encouraging. I guess she’s not discouraging either, so for Sun-jae, that’s enough. She certainly discourages any interaction with Kwang-ho, even though he saved her life and has tried to be neighborly. She’s just plain rude to him even though she’s a police consultant for the whole team, not just Sun-jae. No wonder Kwang-ho thinks that Sun-jae has bad taste in women.

The death of the other Park Kwang-ho is sure to be a blow to our Kwang-ho and a setback in his crusade to find his way back to 1986. So far, Kwang-ho has been hopeful and optimistic, but how will his demeanor be affected when the one person that he thought could help him has been dead all along? Now, to get any answers, Kwang-ho will have to solve the mystery of who killed the man whose identity he assumed and why, while Sun-jae investigates him. Fortunately for Kwang-ho, even though he doesn’t know it yet, Sun-jae’s dad can vouch for the detective who worked on his wife’s murder case over thirty years ago, and Sun-jae may want to catch her killer more that he’ll want to expose the one man who can help him do just that.


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I am really enjoying this show, but I was very surprised at the death of the other Kwang-Ho.


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Ditto. I thought he would be more significant to the story, but I guess his significance is limited to his death and the reason why he was killed.


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I was taken aback too, and wondered what secret could the younger KH be on that warranted his death. I hope it is not something anticlimatic.


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More likely he saw something he shouldn't and more than sure the killer is our main psycho...I guess i was the only one that wasn't suprised he was gonna die,saw it comming when he was found in that forest...on another note i'm loving the main BGM so damn much


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It's possibly because N is in The Perfect Wife, he's preparing for Vixx Fantasia Daydream concert as well as the new Vixx comeback. He must be dead tired!


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True that!
Maybe once he catches the criminal in the future, it will set the clock back in time or something, and he will be transported back to the past with the killer still actually loose in the past. Then KH will use his knowledge from the future to catch the killer in the past. And then may be just maybe he will flash forward to the future with a still alive/jumpy younger KH working at the station with the older KH as the chief or something.


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That sounds like the way the story really ought to go!! ??


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I mean I knew from the beginning that the younger Kwangho would be a minor character but still I did not expect that he would die so early either. Was his role cut short later due to N's schedule? Well I hope we can see more of the character and N's acting in flashbacks as the story progresses.


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Dr. Mok sounded so suspicious in this episode, suddenly talking about hiding in a light. Now the probability of him being the murderer of Hwayang's case is rising again. And why I feel like this drama is pushing it too hard to make us see Sun-jae and Jae-yi as a couple? Not that I don't love them, but they suddenly become so sweet (as sweet as they can) that it makes me cringe a little. Other than that, the other Kwang-ho! Oh gosh, is he died already? Really? A little disappointed that N disappeared from the drama just like that, but I hope that him dying could be one of the connection why Kwang-ho is being transferred to 30 years in the future


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On the contrary, I enjoyed JY and SJ's relationship, although I do agree at certain points, they are pushing the relationship a little too hard. However, most of the time, SJ's attraction to JY is reflected subtly in his little gestures, and that's attractive. I like how he pushed the sign on the door to reflect that JY is on vacation just because he wants to spend some time with her alone without any interruptions.


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Same here! I actually like the romance/beginning of romance between SJ and JY. It's always fun to see this prickly guy turn into this mushy mess after falling for a girl. Also since KH is already married in the past, so he can't really have any other romantic lead for him. So I will take the amount of mush I am given and eat it with gratitude ?


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I love them too, but I just think that they pushed it too hard since eps5. I love their silly fight in the earlier eps when they hang up on each other. Or maybe that's just me being silly :D


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I actually don't feel like the writers are pushing it too hard. SJ was actually attracted to her ever since he saw her for the first time in the class room. I think it's just his aggressive nature which just shows up in his romantic line too.


He really better not secretly be the serial killer who has been guiding the young hotshot all along, that would be way too similar to I Remember You (aka Hello Monster).


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That's what I think too. I feel like I'm having a flashback of I Remember You


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Thank you for the recap :)
It was about time that Sun-jae got interested in Kwang-ho. Looking forward to the next ep. I really want to see them become real partners. Seriously, if those two would just communicate I bet they would solve double as many cases.
I still feel conflicted about Jae-yi. It is as if every episode she makes a step forward and the next one a step back. I don´t really like her, but I find her intriguing as a character and her weird flirting with Sun-jae is entertaining.
It is so sad that 1988 Kwang-ho is now confirmed dead. There are sooo many questions around him. Oh and as others have pointed out: Dr. Mok - hell of suspicious. I´m not convinced yet that he might be the serial killer, but he is shady.


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I think if Dr. Mok is the killer, that would be like Hello Monster/I Remember You. The killer became a forensic analyst.


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Or Hannibal. Soon we will trust no forensic analyst in any show.


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But sunjae has known him for a long time and the killer was transported into the future with Kwang-ho. how is it possible that the killer (if it was Dr Mok) knew sun jae beforehand.
I think there are two killers or something like that. One of them for sure is the high school boy who killed the dogs.


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Why do you think that the killer has been transported into the future as well? Have I missed something? It looked to me like only KH was transported. I thought maybe the school boy was Dr. Mok or that other killer, who escaped.


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Didn't the synopsis say that Kwang Ho will follow the killer into the tunnel? And therefore into the future..?
But it could be possible that the school boy is Dr. Mok (that is, if he stayed in his past and not traveled to the future).


Someone had the idea that the killer was from the future from the very beginning. Hence going back in time whenever he had the urge to kill. That's why the police in the past couldn't get hold of the murderer.


I also got that I Remember You feeling. Everytime Dr. Mok talks with Kwang-ho, it appears as if he knows him. Or he is interested/curious or pays close attention to Kwang-ho.


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I said so from the beginning that if Dr. Mok was the bad guy it would be ripping a page directly from that show. It's the only thing keeping me from NOT suspecting him. I am hoping that this show didn't use the same setup. IRY wasn't that long ago even!


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"She’s just plain rude to him even though she’s a police consultant for the whole team, not just Sun-jae."
To be fair, Kwang-Ho has hardly made the best first impression.
Certain courtesies aside, he has made a number of sexist comments regarding Jae-Yi that are hardly going to win her over. Hell, even the carrying of the box, whilst well-meaning, could be misconstrued as being driven by a 'women need help carrying heavy things' mindset, seeing as he has been pretty clear in his views of what women should and should not be doing.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that Kwang-ho was born in a very different time period, but I for one know that if a guy said demeaning and double-standardizing comments towards me on the basis of my gender, I would have trouble warming up to him, regardless of his behaviour afterwards. And Jae-Yi is a hell of a lot chillier than I am, so...


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I was thinking the same thing. If Kwang-Ho would have said that to me, I would have chewed him out (might even have punched him - I hate sexism. Actually the way she ignores him is fine with me, but I hope we will get past that stage soon, because it is getting old. I would rather see her make him eat his words by proving her capability.


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I was gonna say, I'd be pretty frickin' rude to him too.


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I completely agree with you. He has been nothing but rude and patronizing to her. I adore her character. I like that they haven't dumbed her down to make others dumb and visa versa. Who said only men can be Tsundere characters?


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If CJH had not portrayed the character, I would have hated KH from the get go. But he makes the character so endearing. I agree KH is very sexist and makes so many prejudiced remarks against women. I wouldn't have chewed him out for it, but I would have stayed far away from him.


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But she has her hand hurt, is it not good the he help her with the box? He was just worried and to be fair Jae Yi is not the type of person that ask for help even if she is hurt


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I think him carrying the box is a culmination of other comments he has made to Jae Yi throughout the show prior to that event. By itself I would say it is not bad, but taken with everything else....I was actually wondering if only I was noticing this.


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Loving this show so far, I'm sadden by 1988 Kwang-ho, I hope he knew his murderer and that the information is at his apartment which 1986 kwang-ho is staying. I like the chemistry between the characters except for the female. I find it's harder to warm up to the female lead in this drama, there are too many things about her I don't like. I can't wait until kwang-ho is confronted and what he will say about coming from the past.


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There is so much mystery surrounding 1988's Kwang-ho, who is he exactly and how is he related to what happened to our Kwang-ho? His death makes it even harder to answer these questions.


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Sunjae-Kwangho odd bromance, here I come!! Their bickering was so adorable and also in tandem. Haha... I'm glad they get to know each other better, because Sun-jae will definitely connect their shared history faster than Kwang-ho ever did. And hopefully, with what Sun-jae now knows about him, he'd be willing to understand the necessity of Kwang-ho's "identity theft" and eventually help him go back to '86.


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Now I wonder what SJ will do with the information he has about KH. Will he help 1986 KH or will he expose him? I don't think he will expose 1986 KH, but he might have misgivings about him, which does not bond well for their blossoming relationship.


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I don't know if I'm the only one randomly laughing out loud at some scenes. Just like when Kwang Ho suddenly appeared behind Sung Jae and the latter smiling awkwardly when he faced Kwang Ho. That was hilarious. At least for me.


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No you're not the only one, I laughed at that scene too, KH is adorable, and I love him with SH too thier interactions are cute.


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You are not the only one. There are too many hilarious instances between Kwang-ho and Sun-jae this eps. Just like when Kwang-ho asked Sun-jae whether he has breakfast already and Sun-jae answered rudely, but then our Chief was only fixated on the fact that Sun-jae actually answered a non job-related question.


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I like the message KH sent SJ. SJ is an idiot, PKH is a genius. That is so childish but funny, and something I would expect him to do - provoke his partner by messaging him something stupid.


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No, you're not the only one, I laughed really hard at that and the look they gave Tae-hee when he called the maniacs killed me!


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Yes! I laughed at that scene too. SJ's smile totally froze on his face when he saw KH behind him. It was so awkward for SJ, but it was so cute. And KH's accusation that SJ likes JY... comedy gold!


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This episode was so good, the identity case was so interesting I loved this case.

And the last 5 minutes were daebak, Dr.Mok has become one of the suspects, still I don't consider him the killer, what if the killer was someone we never thought of, or a person from the past! all the possibilities are available.


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Dr. Mok is certainly suspicious. But I don't think he is our resident serial killer. I suspected him as someone like Kwang-ho, transported from the past or maybe future. Especially since from the beginning, whenever Kwang-ho grumbled about Sun-jae acting like a sunbae, Dr. Mok always looks like he was enjoying an inside joke. He never questioned Kwang-ho's weird question or his unfamiliarity with advanced technologies. Almost as if he knows firsthand how that feels.


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Exactly, he seems to know a lot, the writer wants us to suspect him that's why he intentionally said those suspicious lines, I suspect the taxi driver (reporter Oh) more to be the killer, but who knows in those kinds of plots the killer usually would be infront of us and would be the last person we would've suspect.


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The actor who plays the taxi driver and reporter from the past, is very good at this kind of roles. I always kind of expect him to shock us and reveal his true villainous face. But this time, he seems to be a decent person. Well, who knows?


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I've wondered about him too. Especially since PKH keeps saying how much he looks like Journalist Oh. And Journalist Oh seemed to always be lurking around the scene in 1986.


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That's a good theory. I would certainly watch a scenario where Dr Mok is also a tunneler from the past


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This episode is so much better than the previous one! Really excited to find out the connection between the two Kwang Hos!!

And can't wait for Sun Jae and Kwang Ho to work together for the dots murders!


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I am waiting for Sun-jae to find out that Kwang-ho is actually from the past and worked his mothers case. Then they can finally be a true team!! Bromance! However, with Sun-jae being really logical it might take him a while to accept a time traveling detective is his partner.


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Sun-jae could really throw a curve ball at us and totally accept everything, as he tends to do the opposite of what we'd consider a standard reaction to events, etc. I want new episodes NOW.


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Me too. When will they start to work on the dots murders? But unless the murderer kills more, and in their jurisdiction, it will be hard for them to work on the dots murders.


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Best guess - he killed baby Kwang-ho. That makes him a cop-killer and a very high priority. They will be able to work on his case as much as they want, even if they don't tell anyone they are really also working the dots case.


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Sun Jae needs help with the dots serial murder cases, as well as older PKH. They definately have to know that there's a victim with 7 dots...


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Thanks TeriYaki! What a good meta, the detective who steals the identity of Park Kwang Ho is investigating identity theft! ?


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It is obvious that the case for each episode is meant to open up another aspect of the story. I guess that is why I'm never really into each case. I just want to find out more about the main mystery. Regardless, I'm still enjoying this show a lot.


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Yes i think that is a valid criticism of the show. This episode was about identity so sunjae could be suspicious about KH's identity. SJ telling his story felt a little forced last episode. Episode 4 was about Jae-yi opening up to the little girl and i felt that was forced too. Show needs to be more subtle in moving up through these aspects. It feels a little heavy handed right now.


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I actually think it's done quite decently. Maybe it's because I have watched worse. At least, I enjoy each case and episode so far so I am more forgiving of the way it's done.


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I do want to find out more about our main mystery but I still enjoy the cases of each episode, I especially liked this identity theft case, it was interesting to me.


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I want nothing to come between our maniac couple's budding relationship. Now that Sun-jae knows there are two Kwang-ho's, I don't know what to expect from him but maybe if he knows that our Kwang-ho came from '86 and has worked on his mother's murder case they could work this out together. It's not going to be easy to convince him that Kwang-ho came from the past, it was easy with Sung-shik because he's known Kwang-ho and could recognize him but Sun-jae was too little to remember him, it's going to be hard, even harder now that '88's Kwang-ho is dead. Who is it that was chasing him? Could it be the Hwayang case murderer? And why? Kwang-ho's only hope is dead now so how is he going to deal with it? Dr.Mok is definitely suspicious, the talk about hiding in the light didn't feel like it was only about Kwang-ho!

And am I the only one who actually likes where the show is going with Sun-jae and Jae-yi? I don't think the show is forcing it, Sun-jae showed interest in Jae-yi since the first time he saw her, he was curious about her and knowing that little piece about her past made him see her differently, she seemed a little more humane to him, I like the idea of them together!

Thank you TeriYaki for the recap.


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Yeah I want them to get along soon and work together in solving the main mystery. I'm also liking the growing connection between Sun Jae + Jae Yi. I don't think it's too much right now at all.


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I really enjoyed this episode - the middle school bickering (hey they're communicating!), the meta of the case, and the two men who can't keep a secret for anything!

I happen to enjoy the slow thawing romance of Jae Yi and Sun Jae - two chilly people meet and thaw each other out.

I'm sorry that the 1988 version died. I was wondering if that was his son. Is it possible that Jae Yi is his daughter?

Thanks for the recaps and comments TeriYaki!


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yup @plumwine..i am beginning to think that jae yi is his daughter.


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I've been thinking she's his daughter from the first time they mentioned she was adopted but someone in epispde 5's recap said that Jae-yi said her real parents died when she was 6, I don't know I'm just going to wait for the show to throw us some hints!


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1. The Medical Examiner is very sus. And watching other shows has taught me that the culprit it always someone they're close to
2. Also how did the criminal know that he was living under a stolen identity???
3. OH SHIT Omgg the other park kwang ho is dead. I was really hoping N would last the whole show :( This is just like Missing 9 all over again with chanyeol


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Your point #2, maybe it is like how a liar instinctively knows when another person lied about similar thing? I know it's possible, but Kwang-ho never really did or said something suspicious in the interrogation room, so it did feels a little forced.


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I felt the same way too. Kwang Ho did nothing to arouse any suspicion. Either the identify thief is way creepy or it's forced by the writing.


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Body language perhaps? He is from a different "era" and he tries to belong and to fit in the current timeline.

Or it might be another case of "tell, don't show". There was a period from the arrest to the interview that wasn't shown to the viewers. Who
knew what could've happened. It is still faulty writing though.


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I don't know, but it might be a case of lazy writing. There is absolutely nothing that KH is giving away. He was a cop, and in the present timeline, he still is. The only difference is, he is supposed to be a newbie and younger.


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I am thinking Dr. Mok is real suspicious too. Something isn't right with him.


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There is absolutely no way the culprit could have told that he was living under a stolen identity unless some things happened which weren't shown in this episode. It bothers me though.... It's just too "pat".


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I had close to the same reaction when we were shown 88 PKH dead. But now I wonder how nobody smelled a dead body, with how close he was to the road. Maybe because it's cold and kept him from decomposing? Okay, enough gross talk, I guess...


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Same! As well as how come nobody noticed the car


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I agree with the theory that the main culprit is usually someone close to the main characters, but the experience shows us also that they normally aren't on our radar as suspects, so even though I find Dr Mok kinda suspicious, it would be too obvious, wouldn't it?


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Hoo boy. That was intense. And I am only reading the recap! Things will get more interesting now that Sun-Jae has discovered our main Kwang-Ho is not who he claims to be. I hope they won't deny us the bromance for too long!


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I'm glad Sun-jae found out about other Kwang-ho this early. I like the Kwang-ho/Sun-jae team up and while we can be sure he's going to be suspicious of Kwang-ho in the beginning but I know they are going to make an awesome team once this obstacle gets out of the way. Sung-shik is cool but he is really only one man and tbh Kwang-ho is really a handful. He's going to need all the help he can get!


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LOL @ Kwang-ho being a handful! So true though now that you mentioned it... xD


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Thanks for the recap! ♥
I found this episode very interesting, thrilling and, why not? a little bit scary. The culprit was once again a murderer, but that's not what scared me the most. It's the fact that she was invisible. And that it was so easy for her to destroy other people life. Brrrr *shiver*

This allows me to enjoy the show, even if it's not tunnel-centered.

The identity theme also takes us to the truth. The young Kwang Ho is dead. OMG. omg. OMG. omg. OMG. And Emotionsless Lieutenant NOW KNOWS!


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I'm not sure if he really knows yet. Standard kdrama routine is to have that kind of dramatic reveal, then have him not really figure it out even after he knows enough so he should be able to catch on. That way they can beat us over the head with a few more dramatic reveals before they settle it.


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Well, he definitely knows that there's something "mysterious" about his colleague now xD.


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It's so cute to see sunjae kwangho bickering and also sungshik kwangho pair....
I also have a feeling that JaeYi might be KwangHo's daughter......


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Sorry, I'm distracted by your 1930's YAI avatar from Chicago Typewriter. Nice!


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Love this drama! This identity theft is really scary. Makes me think twice about filling in my particulars for 'events.'

Am curious to know how the identity thief knew 1986 PKH stole 1988 PKH identify.

My crazy theory is the 1988 Park Kwang Ho that we know is not really the 1988 Park Kwang Ho. In this episode they kept repeating that no photos of the identity thief exists. Same thing Sung sik & 1986 PKH said when trying to search for 1988 PKH photos.

Was the boy who killed the dogs in the earlier episode grew up to be the killer that got away from Sung jae?

I think the killer 1986 PKH is chasing has access to the police. I find it strange that there was a fire that destroyed all the 1986 files & nothing more is said.

Also curious that the 1986 killer seems to fit right in in the future. I mean 1986 PKH had a bit of a shocked before returning to work as a police. I guess the killer has no problems going back to killing without bothering about the new forensic stuff.

Love Jay Yi's teaching style! From her remarks her students seem to be a blood thirsty group.


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I like Jae-yi's teaching scene too. She is very observant, but always says her opinion in a nonchalant way that make it sounds somewhat disturbing. Especially since she talked about things like murder. Her "So no one wants to kill without inflicting pain?" comment got me thinking about what I would pick if I were one of her students. Will I consider those sleeping pills as one of my options? After all, the word 'kill' itself always conjures up a violent image in my mind.


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this series is always getting interesting every time.... but what really happened to the other Kwang-ho???? why did he have to die..?????


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Aww I wish youd included that dialouge b/w shung shik & kwang wo about their wifes. It was hilarious !

I feel the whole forum now is convinced that jae yi is kwang ho daughter. I just hope they find out only when their relations improve & not before. It would be too tragic otherwise.

Im not surprised she's irritated with him. He did manage to rub her the wrong way a few times


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Yes, it's seems to be the consensus that Jae-yi is his daughter. I was skeptical at first when we discovered her parents died in a fire, but after this episode we now know they were adoptive. The real question is what happened to his wife? I seriously doubt she would have willingly given up her child. And the fact that she is AWOL in the present makes me wonder if she died in the past. Was she too a victim of the serial killer and the body was never discovered?


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Can she be a victim of the serial killer? We have discovered 7 bodies so far, and they have been in chronological order - well, almost. And the 7th body is discovered in the present timeline... so...


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Victim 7? Are you talking about the body that Sung-jae was interested in? I didn't think we knew for certain that that body is connected with our original killer. If my memory serves right, we were not shown any markings on the foot to indicate that she was #7. And if she was murdered by the same killer isn't it possible for the body to be #12 or 20 even. Also, are we even sure that the killer isn't jumping back and forth between time murdering in both the present and past? This story can go so many ways at this point. So who really knows. It is all speculation.


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The markings on the foot was already shown at the end of ep 4.


Dr. Mok reminds me of Lee Joon ho from Hello monster. I thought it was just a red herring when I had suspicions that he could be joon young but no was wrong and Dr. Mok is giving the same vibes here.


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So this drama just completely lipe my attention. Been reading the recaps and all I can say is, I need to watch this drama asap!


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Bring it on Choi Jin Hyuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This drama is fun..


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