'Durgapuja is Bengali's biggest festival. When beautiful kasful (grass flower) paints the green land with a white touch the goddess Parbati visits to her own house (i.e. earth) with her four children Ganesh, Kartik, Swaraswati, Laxmi for five days and her arrival is celebrated with a great enthusiasm. During Durgapuja people use to roam around from pandel to pandel to get a glance of devi durga. Pandals are the one of the main attraction for the visitor. Beautifully decorated pujamandap/ pandals are made of many different materials. The preliminary structure of a pandel is usually made of bamboo tied with rope. Sometime themes are taken by the organizing committee to decorate the pandel. The creative use of different patterns, materials such as bamboo, jute, cloth, glass etc makes the pandal a work of art.
For more details: http://dsource.in/resource/durga-puja