Our outstanding software lets you make perfect 1:1 copies of your D5 and D9 movies. The built-in decryption codes will allow you to copy most DVDs.
Bonus Software

DVD Copy Software Bonus

Buy and get free! Buy now and you’ll get free DVD-TO-AVI, DVD-TO-MPEG and DVD-TO-SVCD applications! Freely convert DVD to AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD or SVCD file to expand your multimedia entertainment!
30-day money back

If you're not happy with your purchase, anytime within 30 days of purchase, your purchase will be immediately refunded upon your request.


free trial version

We provide the free trial version for you to test before the purchase. The trial version can only copy part of the movie, but it works the same as the registered ones. We are confident you'll be compeltely satisfied with our product.

DVD-CLONER V5.10 (size 4.58M)
(Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista )
from American Mirror Site 1
from American Mirror Site 2

from American Mirror Site 3

from Asian Mirror Site

Note: Please click "save" button to save the dcloner.exe file. If you receive a "protected file" message, simply turn off your firewall and try again.

Since DVD-Cloner V4.01
Takes the lead in supporting Windows Vista operating system
Click here for more.

DVD-Cloner V4.70 (Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
DVD-Cloner V3.40 (Requirements: Windows 2000/XP )
DVD-Cloner V2.62 (Requirements: Windows98/ME/ 2000/XP )

If you purchased DVD-Cloner II, DVD-Cloner III and DVD-Cloner IV within the last 6 months, you can use your original registration code and email address to register DVD-Cloner IV.

If you have owned DVD-Cloner II, DVD-Cloner III and DVD-Cloner IVfor more than 6 months, please click the "Upgrade" button to get the upgrade information.

DVD-CLONER requires the following minimum configuration

DVD-CLONER requires the following minimum configuration:

DVD-Cloner V requires the system to be configured with the following equipments as a minimum:

  •   Pentium-II 450 MHz or a faster processor
  •   64MB of RAM
  •   5GB free hard disc space for DVD-5 ; 10GB free hard disc space for DVD-9
  •   DVD Burners
  •   Windows Vista, XP, 2000

System requirements for Blu-ray/HD DVD copying:

  • NTFS partition

  • A Blu-Ray or HD DVD disk drive
  • A Blu-Ray or HD DVD media player (like PowerDVD,WinDVD)
  • 50GB or more free disc space for Blu-Ray copying
  • 30GB or more free disc space for HDDVD copying


Language files

How to use the Language file:

Click here to download the "Language file("Unzip it and save all the files to the \lang directory in your DVD-Cloner directory (such as \Program Files\Dvd-cloner\lang ).Then restart DVD-Cloner.

The language files we have are listed below:

Afrikaans (Thanks to Jacques Rossouw) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Albanian (Thanks to i Engert) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
BIG5 Chinese (Thanks to Chun Wang)
Bosnian (Thanks to Senahid Hodzic) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Catalan (Thanks to Juan Antonio Saez) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Croatian (Thanks to Marica Osje?ka)
Czech (Thanks to Fred Veverka) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Danish (Thanks to Michael Askjaer) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Dutch (Thanks to Ivo Dijkgraaf) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Estonian (Thanks to kalle volkov) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Filipino (Thanks to Emmanuel Samson)
French (Thanks to Philippe DUVEAU) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
GB2312 Chinese (Thanks to John Li) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
German (Thanks to Rainer Groer) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Greek (Thanks to Panayiotis S. Amarantos) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Hungarian (Thanks to Toth Bela)
Icelandic (Thanks to Sigurgeir árs?lsson)
Indonesian (Thanks to Martinus) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Italian (Thanks to Federico Berrino)
Japanese ( [email protected]) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Korean (Thanks to Woojin Oh) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Lithuanian (Thanks to Juras Aleksiejevas) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Norwegian (Thanks to Morten Hvattum) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Polski (Thanks to Bartmiej Wieczorek) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Portuguese (Thanks to Max Malta)
Romanian (Thanks to Stefan Dinica) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Russian (Thanks to Dmitry Osipenkov) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Serbian (Thanks to Nenad Obradovi) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Slovak (Thanks to Jakub Meisner) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Spanish (Thanks to Jorge A. Arango)
Swedish (Thanks to Eric Birgersson) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3
Turkish (Thanks to Atilla Denis) Need new languages file for DVD-cloenr 3


Trade your translation for a FREE registration code:

If you would be so kind, please translate an original English language file to your native language and send it back to us. For this service, we will offer you a free DVD-Cloner registration code, once your translation has been adopted.

Please note: When you do the translation, some words in the translation might be too long to display in the DVD-Cloner software. Please see details in the original English language file.

If the language is listed above, we do not need that particular translation; please do not send them to us.

To obtain the original English language file.

To submit:

1. Just send an email to [email protected], with the translation as an attachment.

2. Include in your email your name, nationality, email address, city and your telephone number.

Thank you for your support.

See More : DVD to iPod | DVD to AVi

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