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Page 79 text:
A 'W' ' 9 is L . -1-, New to Bradford High this year, the seventh grade class officers soon discov- ered how to use the library and perform the duties of their office. They are. left to right: Bish Bishop, Sergeant-at-Armsg Andy Strickland, Vice Preszdenlg john Williams, Presidentg Marcia Haynes, Treasurerg Martha Susan Rilch, Secretary. ,fa BULLINGTON S GIFT SHOP 'I 5' gf ,I , y afi L A , is Mg f Q V , i ,VJ ' Q i' , 5 , X W l Jfffir ' 1' ' V a lm Donnie Bagwell 'i ,' Thomas Ballard HfL'ZZ2'1lf,iiE?n tv V I Harold Bishop Vi firing Wg - A 5, - W f tw ri A ,. 1:- ' ,ir-I , P. J :si 4 if-if f A A -'wx' A, . xf':'2'c Barbara Bradley Suzi Broadway Lorene Broughton Linda Bishop Emory Black Mary Bollinger Franklin liunne Seventh Grade- Class of 1964 lt Mark Adkins Faye Allen Linda Alvarez Jimmy Alvarez Larry Anderson June Anderson -1
Page 78 text:
'59 fl MQW Whirl! , www , . San: Wen I :WI A Ytetm Wyme Ymayer , 1 Thu .7 f f 1 10, y Q 5 , Sameswhegyer M, I I M A A . Lv ww ff ' .5 -L J! X X I If ll 7, v K ix W hr 3 , , cv A 1 X , ng- Ewa' g W ff Ifigizf ' ' N, , . ,ly Q- I lf y if WMM QQ g ' 'wiv ' A ff Autographs 7,9616 33332195 Xbeff gg g3Xx05'5on 09933 W awww .AQCY . ' . V CAY'S HOME APPLIANCES
Page 80 text:
P!-'V , 'Q' wi 4 En. 1 1 J IFE 2 kb.-P-an fy 2 ,, , W R 'V tx 2? 1 , 'W A f e iidllililli Jerry Broughton Janelle Bullington Tommy Brown Murley Fae Browning Arrie Mae Browning Sandra Bryan Mildred Bryant Linda Carter Jack Carter Randine Chism Margaret Colson Joyce Conklin Hazel Cogdill V Yvonne Conner ' k' Mm' fs , . - 'tt Tony Cowart V' Q' fi l 4,904 Patricia Cowart 'ig FF 4 f- v ,., - Gary Cole ffzt Donald Eberle Richard Edmondson Gayle Edwards Eugenia Ekard Carol Ann Farr Barry Firth William Fipps Judy Forsyth Vicki Frees James F uquay Kay Garbett Joe Gardner Gail Coleman Nmu Nmu Nmu A ! ,I Linda Crews D nf V- V f f J ' 4 . .. 2 n A ., , , 4,v Gail Cruce . 050' . W .V V- Joe Dicandio A V ir? 5 Lynn Dixon K I, fl x .. V sig, C' V fa- , , t r f' .g:.?:1, 3 ,.,f:::, 2 5 3 swmawmw John Douglas Tr, lf- A James Dowling 1 ' i' ' gif? Leonard Dugger . L 4 A J. W. Dukes - ' E' Bill Durham A C , - C 1 fa'fWp ' Q ,, I 1 li B f'!Q'Q3'i'f s ,A V! Q - Q 1,','g, . ln 7' ,J d. g Q Fr. 1, :iff Uni. ' ' 5,5 .,,:,,'i9f Q1 I N ng ti Q3 'N - - V
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