Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA)

 - Class of 1967

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Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) online collection, 1967 Edition, Page 67 of 236
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Page 67 text:

APPROACHING COLLEGE BOARDS Brenda Wells Gail Verner Skip Wheeler Stephen Wiggins Anne Williams Kathy Wilson Debbie Wood Terry Woodruff Kenneth Waolard Rod Woolard Steve Wright Bob Yoder Debble Taylor David Tew Marilyn Thorlngton Donna Thurston Genny Tiller Debbie Tobin Alexia Touch Diane Trump Stephanie Tucker Mike Ussery Karen Vegelahn Gery Verbruggen Mike Vogt Susan Vrabel Linda Wade Wayne Weirich

Page 66 text:

P AT TESTS PREPARE JUNIORS FOR Bob Souder Jim Spiess Julie Stokes Sandra Stark Linda Stenke Sydney Stockton Debbie Stone Bonnie Stonum Betty Strickland Marilyn Stubbs John Sullivan Bob Tarbutton 68 David Shanahan Lols Simmons Marianne Simmons Bob Simpkins Frances Skinner Lou Skinner Nancy Slaughter John Smalley Diana Smith Jerald Anne Smith Martha Smith Shirley Snyder Frankie Horton represents the Junior Class at home coming.

Page 68 text:

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS D. McDermott, rep., S. Cummings, vice-pres., D. Derrick, pres., M. Wood, trees D. Bonney, sec. now, halfway there we only have two more years to go-if we can make it through this year-we aren't young but we still aren't old enough. a fight against sophomore slump who's making posters for school spirit week? - come on! - let's see which is the best class-our president and other officers sure are energetic! spirit renewed to succeed will you take tickets at the sock hop?-have you heard about the plans to adopt a Korean war orphan?-the car wash was really a success! a glow appearing in the fire. 70

Suggestions in the Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) collection:

Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) online collection, 1964 Edition, Page 1


Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) online collection, 1965 Edition, Page 1


Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) online collection, 1966 Edition, Page 1


Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) online collection, 1984 Edition, Page 1


Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) online collection, 1986 Edition, Page 1


Frank W Cox High School - Talon Yearbook (Virginia Beach, VA) online collection, 1987 Edition, Page 1


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