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Page 64 text:
1978 VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM. Back-Coach Marty Malatin, Curt Smith, Anders Flendahl, Bruce Abbey, Harvey Allison, Doug Henderson, Garry Sommers, Keith Williams, Cory Flendall, Dan Messer, Coach Doug Holcomb. Middle-Jay Hill, Keith Monroe. Jeff Griffith, Jeff Petrusha, Flustv Oliver, Ed Spies, Chuck Parisi, Skip Berry, Flon Olds, Dave Hollens. Front-John Bly, Dave Lowe, Brian Logan, Jeff Bossard, Bill Pennala, Kevin Gonda, Gary Edwards, Clark Bushman, Bill Fleed, Marty Blaskowski. fnot pictured-Bill Hoag, Chuck Skylissl WITH THE HELP of Jeff Petrusha's block- , K F , ' ,wifi .,b, 5 all 60 varsity Football ing, Skip Berry gains yardage after receiving the hand-off from quarterback Bill Hoag. Berry was the Most Valuable Offensive Back. ALL LEAGUE selection Keith Williams yells to his teammates. Jeff Griffith was also an All League selection while Jeff Petrusha and Bill Fleed were Most Valuable Lineman.
Page 63 text:
R I 0 ! TOGETHER WE CAN win, alone we can I figml 1977-78 SKI TEAM: Kevin Brendall, Andrea Greer, Keith Williams, Ron Tyrell, Mark Bren- dall, Tye Damon, Don Tyrell. 1 JUST A FRIEND to hold is an you need ,after a race, quoted Pam Fix. sl 'R sa Or he may choose from team oriented sports such as baseball, football and basket- ball. The coach always knows when a player has overin- dulged himself by judging his contact with the outside world. If and when this occurs it is up to the individual to search his inner soul for the answer to the question, Am I stable enough to fill the shoes of the all- around person often referred to by his given name: JOCKI' Athletics
Page 65 text:
SENIOR GARY EDWARDS, voted Most COACHES HOLCOMB AND MALATIN Valuable Defensive Back, recovers a fum- Watch Clgsely as the Dragons are ready to ble on the four yard line. ggore, THREE-YEAR LETTERMAN Clark Bushman, recipient of the Coach's Award sweeps around the end to move the Dragons deeper into their opponents territory. DAVE HOLLENS, Most Valuable player runs off the field after an exhausting first half Hollens is also a three-year letterman. f - ay. 3....x1wvf'wrw'-nwx just bareIy, stated Coach Doug Holcomb, pleased with the trouncing of arch-rival Oxford in the final game of the season to give the Dragons a 5-4 record. Holcomb felt, While the result was not amazing, it was a good year in the sense that we got back on the winning track. We were never really blown out of the games we lost, because of our consistently good defense, com- mented Clark Bushman. We played hard and didn't give up, added Ed Spies. The team set high goals for themselves, and though they didn't attain them all, one team member felt, striving to reach them developed character among the in- dividual team members. The seniors gave us excellent leadership all season long, stated Dan Nlesser. But the juniors are ready and looking forward to the up- coming 1979 season. Holcomb concluded, One of our goals for 1978 was for each player to feel he has benefitted from the foot- ball program here at LOHS. l believe we accomplished just that feeling . Athletics 61
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