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Page 153 text:
' ap-4'W a ? i 1. .Ve . .av ' . Kellee Eyre Christiano Falcao Tina Gabelt Kurt Giles 3 Traci Gregg , . Tiina Haara Clint Hallam Jeanine Harrison ll Tammy Hicks Kari Hoopes Michelle Hysel J on Jensen Your , ,Seniors Index VICKI SUE ANSON... SADD 3,43 SADD President 3,43 Year- book 43 FHA l,2,33 Band l,2,3,43 Chorus l,2,33 Basketball Stats 33 Volleyball 1,2,33 Volleyball Stats 43 Pep Club 33 Sophomore Vice President3 Newspaper 4. MELODY ANNE APEZTEGUIA National Honor Society 3,4Q Band l,2,3,43 Jazz Band 2,3,43 Valedictorian. SUSAN APGOOD... Band l,2,3,43 Jazz Band 1,2,3,43 MENC Honor Band 43 All State Choir 33 Swing Choir 33 Senior Vice President3 Yearbook 1,2,3,43 Track 2,3,43 Thespians 3,43 All State Drama Cast 3,43 Main Stage Intemational Thespian Festival 33 Musical l,2,3,43 NFL Speech 2,43 Quill and Scroll 3,4. MARGIE BATES... Chorus 1. CHAD BENSON... Football l,2,4. CAROL BLUEMEL... Freshman Class President3 NHS 2,3,43 Volleyball 1,2,3,43 All Confer- ence 3, 43 Basketball l,2,3,43 Track l,2,3,43 All State lg Lettered in Volleyball 8: Basketball 2,3,4Q Lettered in Track 1,2,3,4. CHARLIE BLUEMEL... Football l. JEFFREY L. BLUEMEL... Basketball l,2,3,43 Football l,2,33 Band l,2,3,43 Jazz Band l,2,3,4. ELECEA BRUNOW... FHA l,2,33 FHA Vice President 23 FHA President 33 SADD 3,43 Pep Club 2,33 Basketball Stats 43 Chorus 2,33 Co-op 4. JAY HARRY BUCKLEY... Freshman Class President 3 NHS 2,3,43 NHS Vice President 43 Thespians 3, 4g State Drama 33 Main Stage Intemational Thespian Festival 3g Thespian President 4g Quill and Scroll 3,43 Yearbook 33 Yearbook Editor in Chief 4g NFL Speech 1,2,3,43 Basketball 1,2,3,43 All Confer- ence 43 Football 1,2,3,43 Second Team All Conference 43 Science Fair First Place Physics 13 Track l,2,3,43 Chorus l, 33 All State Chorus 33 Swing Choir l, 3, 43 Musical 1, 2, 3, 43 SADD 3,4. NILS HOLGER BUSCH... Band 43 Drama 43 Track 43 Musical 4. CYRUS J. CAMPBELL... Football 1,2Q Basketball 1,2,3,43 Swimming 1,23 Track 1,33 Industrial Arts Fair Award 2,3. Peo le Seniors
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Seniors tangle. Dancing was a pleasant outlet from the press- ures of high school for Dennis Johnson and Lisa Brunow. Dating can . come between friends If you spend equal time with both your friends and girbfriends, then it really a'0esn 't matter. ith school came certain responsibilities like school work, but having a boy- friend or girlfriend side tracked this re- sponsibility. Not only was school work ne- glected, but so were friends. During a serious involvementfl friends felt rejected, ignored, jealous, and resentful because too much time was spent with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Senior Carl Menck said, If you spend equal time with both your friends and girlfriends, then it really doesn't matter, but if you spend too much time with your girlfriend, then your friends are hurt. I usually will put my schoolwork off to go out with John, said Senior Carol Bluemel, who was dating John Martin. But going out with John doesn't affect my friends because they are steady with their boyfriends. My school work hasn't been affected because Dean lives forty-five minutes away, said Senior Kristen Cushing, whose boyfriend Dean Taylor lived in Kemmerer. I care about my homework, and I have to keep my grades up. So Jim doesn't affect my school work, said Senior Tina Gabelt who dated Jim Woody from Mt. View. Because of the decline of school work and the breakup of friendships, one wondered when serious dating should start. Senior Kurt Giles said, I think the perfect time to get serious is during your senior year. Then you know a little more and are mature enough to handle it. I think getting serious during your senior year is a good idea, but when it comes time to leave, it's going to be heartbreaking. Menck said, You're too dizzy when youire a B People Seniors freshman, sophomores are too stuck-up, so I think the perfect time to get serious is either your junior or senior years. Gabelt said, I don't believe in any perfect time. Whenever you think it's the best time is when you can become serious. Some students preferred playing the field. I like to have a girl- friend, but playing the field is more fun. First impressions are impor- tant. I like girls that are fairly good . gg, Win. wa Savage love. This may not resemble a traditional sun dance, but Deon Thomas and Tracy Thrasher enjoy each other's company at the Halloween Dance. Oh, Man Ll. The National Dramatics Magazine cover model, Leza Champman, outfoxes her father when she dates her true love in Chinese Romance. looking, not stuck-up, and that treat other people well, noted Giles. Menck added, I like girls you can go steady with, but you can still flirt around with other girls on the side. I also like girls who flirt back, and are halfway good looking. Gabelt added, I look for character in a person. The first thing you see is their outward appearance, so I try to see the character of the person. Then I like guys who are intelli- gem-M Jessica Dunn
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YQ111' V S CHIOTS IIICICX TINA ELMERW SADD 3,43 CHRISTIANO FALCAO... SADD vice President 3g Wfesfling 4- Yearbook 45 FHA 1,25 Pep Club 2,35 Vice President Pep Club 35 TINA GABELT-H V011eyba1141 ELIZABETH CHAPMAN Cheerleader l,3,45 Head Cheer- leader 45 Drama l,2,3,45 All State Drama Cast 35 Main Stage Intemational Thespian Festival 35 Yearbook 25 Yearbook Copy Editor 3,45 Executive Student Council 35 Band 1,2,3,45 Chorus l,25 National Honor Society 2,3,45 Quill and Scroll 2,3,45 Thespians 3,45 NFL 25 Swim- JERRY DAVIDSON... Football l,2,3,45 Basketball l,2. SHAUN AUTUMN DOTSON... Basketball 1,2,3,45 Band 1,2,3,45 Girls State 35 Interschool Band 3,45 Volleyball l,2,35 Chorus 2,3,45 Track l5 Newspaper 4. PAT DOTY... Wrestling 25 Golf Chorus 1,25 Football Stats 45 Newspaper 4. DALE ERDMANN JASON EVANS... Football 25 Basketball 1,25 Wrestling l,2,3,4. KELLEE EYRE... FFA 2.3.45 Cheerleader 1,25 Band l,2,3,45 All State Band 2,3,45 Jazz Band Track 45 Drama 45 Chorus 4. KURT GILES... Senior Class Secretary5 Football l,2,3,45 Basketball 1,2,3,45 Track 1,3,45 Football Captain 45 Prom lst Attendant 35 Homecoming 2nd Attendant 45 Lettered in Football Basketball, Track. CLINT HALLAM... Football ming 2- 3.4: Eddie Eggle 2.3: Boys Rally 2 3 4. Imemhoo1Band 1 2 3 43 1,2,3,45 Basketball 1,2,3,4g FFA Association - Mriric Honor Band-44 Bisiratball 3-41 Rodeo Club 3'4- KRISTEN CUSHING... Cheer- A 13213345 Volleyball 13233345 leader 1,2,45 Volleyball 1,2,35 ANNA DUFVA... Chorus 45 Homecoming Queen 4. TUNA M ARIUT H AAR Am Basketball l,2,35 Sophomore Basketball 4. Swing Choir 43 Basketball 43 Class Treasurerg Chorus lg Band 45 Chorus 43 Music Yearbook 4- Interschool 4. Dennis Johnson Randy Johnson Spinner Jones Tatsuya Kawashima John Keller Amye Larsen J ulee Lee Monique Lewis Danny Lopez Chad Marshall Brenda Massa Anita McCrea.ry Peo le Seniors li -. .ifdr
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