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Page 34 text:
Richelle Nieman Joanne Nimik Diane Nowakowski Jacqueline Oates Terry Orge Andrea Paulson Sherridan Purchase Todd Rosner 30 .. K, X Christopher Osgood Bruce Perini Paula Redpath Clinton Ostrom Shane Perry Matthew Reeves Troy Page Jennie Phung Lisa Reich --,:f:Z:QEi:?' f uf - :wr 1 ' fi-ig fiufeflfr f . ,Z ,Sw QW 1?-ejlggsf 'fu me ff-waf,s- 1 2351 ' Carrie Oliver Tammy Oostlander r . - ' 14 fit? 1 V - , , .ff -ri? : U25 -5 , H N 1 .1 ,.,, ll , :IV ,A. J - , 1 QQ ' ' - ' t Q Tara Parker Charlaina Paul 1 X llff-.. .'. vb a 1, n 1 y!?:xXl-tl'-.nln'1, . Mfs af' '.'. .xi Jason Pocsik Paul Pudwell Kathleen Rissling Marcia Rosaine Mark Rothfus Barri-Lynn Rudolph Trevor Russell Trevor Sandau Colin Savard
Page 33 text:
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Page 35 text:
im .1 -. 4-me 1- 1 , ' i S N X' Troy Scarrow Heidi Schempp , qw- . , K. Kevin Sigmundson Joell Simmons 6 wr Warren Srubowich Dion Stacey Shawn Svrta Andrew Thiessen Jason Schenkey Cheryl Schuler Mark Schur Donna-Lee m Sheardown Kenneth Smith Kent Solheim John Specht Lana Spyker Angela Stamp Kristin Stein Jacqueline Stock Robert Sturm Kimberley Thompson Richelle Tisnic Stanley Tsang Ken Turnbull QEV Darla Turner Darli Ulmer Steven Van Beveren Bart Vanstone Jason Waite Brent Weick 31 . x .sa
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Looking for old family members and relatives? Do you want to find pictures of parents or grandparents when they were in school? Want to find out what hairstyle was popular in the 1920s? E-Yearbook.com has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly!
Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? E-Yearbook.com can help you with scanning and providing access to yearbook images for promotional materials and activities. We can provide you with an electronic version of your yearbook that can assist you with reunion planning. E-Yearbook.com will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy.