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Page 13 text:
Mission High is fortunate in having as principals: Brother Marinus and Sister Mary Almira. Each enjoys the respect and confidence of the student body and each is well equipped for the task of molding and directing the stu- dents who come under their separate guidance. As they work in close coordination for the bene- fit of the whole school, the force of their example is seen in the fine teamwork evident in both the boys' and girls' departments. In Brother Marinus the boys have their Christ-like patterng while the girls have their Mary-like model in Sister Mary Almira. V 43- Brother Marmus C F X TO X Ol the I' acultw the Redemptorlst Fathers the Xaxarian Brothers and the bthool Slsters of hotle Dame who not onlx TAL GHT us with skill and undeistandlnv' those subgects which inform oui minds but also Dl RECTILD the extra tuiiitulai attluties which 0W flllfll fu Sister Mary Almira S S N D jmm our rharacteis ind stren then oui bodies o GXXI so uillin lw of time aic talent to tonxut our dau at NIISNIOII into cur re lu tor eternitx who INSPIRI ll us bw noni exunplt mth deep appuuatlon and ceeiei iesput I0 itll
Page 12 text:
Ncry Ruvrcnd ohn Homes CSSR Reverend ames G Kenney C Ss R .5 V , I! -, :Q fs in 211, - , 1 . . A ' f -5, 1 -4114 ' ,- nb 1 ,K ' 1 1 f - L -P If X i f 4 3 S f 1- .' ' 1. 1. 9? 4 f 15' .41 : li 1.14 Q, 1111 N 1 H II1 I 1 1 1 PI N 1 9 K N 11 111 N . . 1 IIN 1111 N11 1I1f1X11l1 x QI x N 1 f 1 1 1 p r 1111111 1 llllx 1 2 11 I 1 11 1x11 1 A 1 1. 4 f l lxxllyll 1Il111l1N 1 1 NN 11 1 111 1 han 0 7'll NE FE
Page 14 text:
'A Sister Mary' Guido Religion, English, History Sister Mary Agelia Music, Latin, History, Mod- erator: Glee Club Sister Mary Brendan Q9 Religion, Spanish, History, Moderator: Spanish Club Sister Mary Nicholas Religion, English, History, Librarian, Moderator: C.S.lW.C., ,lunior Red Cross WE PIMFF It fl .4 Sister Mary Ethna Religion, English, lhlodera tor: Fatima Club, Coach: Spelling Bee Sister Mary Viviana Religion, History, Biology, Mathematics, Moderator: Science Club Sister Mary Margaret Religion, English, Mathe- matics, Latin, Moderator: Bowling Sister Mary Fridian Religion, Stenography, MINT
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