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Page 76 text:
Brenda Lynn Roberson Kimberly Diane Robinson Jacqueline Rodriguez Mark Rodriguez Axie Roland James Ronsse Carta M. Rosas Janette Roy L. Renee Rutigliano Foo Saelee Jesus Sainz Michael Sanders M. Scott Sawyer Christopher Scarfone Carrie Schaefer Sally Schierbeck Stephanie Schneider Scott Schwarte Brian Scott Tamara Scott Kim Mealii Seanoa Darby Shaffer Becky Shaver Barbara Sims Ethel Sledge Class Of ' 86
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Teresa Ramirez Karyn Marguerite Ramsey Marcia Rankin Elizabeth Rayfield Pamela Rayfield Robin E. Richardson Greg Richey Patryce Richmond Sandra Rivera Michael Robbins Time ▲ The first date, something everyone remembers. In this untraditional era, students come in unusual, humorous, and traditional shapes and sizes, and their dates turned out to be just like that as well — unusual, humorous, and even traditional. Many first dates oc- curred at the movies, drive-ins and walk-ins alike. David Silvia enjoyed the movie on his first date and Laura Ber- shas even remembers that Indiana Jones was the show she saw on her first date. Eating is enjoyed by one-and-all, es- pecially on dates. Provided, of course that you can overcome the potential embarrassment of having to carry on a brilliant conversation while daintily shoveling the food without spilling it all over yourself and or your date. Kim Seonoa went to the movies and then out for pizza, which combines both fa- vorites. Edward ' s Mansion made a yummy first for Daniel Trujillo. And it was the Mad Greek for Micki Black- men. Tiffany Prall, Laura Loyd. and Kimber- ly Robinson enjoyed California ' s popu- lar amusement parks on their first out- ings with a potential sweetheart. On the more competitive side, Karine Dewey went to the motor-cross races and Erik Digbywetrt bowling. Jo Falcon er attended a football game with her date. Making a long-lasting impression and conserving money was on Lance Arget- singer ' s mind when he took his first date to the front porch. Shirlee Cor- nejo will never forget an exciting trip around the block. On the unique side, Linda Bostick visted the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. A Western museum in Arizona entertained Laura App. and Karla Coulson enjoyed a football Boost- er Club meeting. Whether it was fun or miserable, and no matter how much it cost, you ' ll nev- er forget it. Even if the best part of your first date was the fact that you ' ll never have to have a first date again — ever.
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Life Isn ' t Just peanuts It isn ' t just all fun and games. Comics and cartoons are an important part of all of our lives. Experts say that for most people, their first exposure to the newspaper is through the comic pages. This past Thanksgiving, most of the cartoonists entered the world of poli- tics. They banned together (much like the Rock Stars for Africa and Country Western singers for farmers) to write cartoons which voiced their views on world hunger. We couldn ' t help but feel touched as we read each strip and saw some of our favorite cartoon charac- ters make observations on the tragedy of world hunger. On the lighter side, a senior poll re- vealed that Bugs Bunny, Garfield, and Scooby Doo were the most popular car- toons for members of the senior class. Who is your favorite cartoon charac- ter? Fred Flintstone because he ' s loud like me. — Felica Masters; Mickey Mouse because I like his ears. — Chris Williams; Sylvester, he ' s really a kind- hearted kitty underneath. — Kelly Bryson; Chilly Willy because he ' s cute. — Tina La Bella; Garfield, he ' s never in a hurry, he ' s calm, cool, and sneaky! — Yun Lee; Road Runner. He ' s fast and he always beats the coyote. — Erik Digby, Pink Panther, he ' s so cool. — Robin Richardson; Gumby. He ' s very flexible. — David Wright; Ziggy is pleasantly sarcastic. — Kimberly Stokes-, Cheer Bear is the coolest. Tiffany PralT, Bugs Bunny, I like the way he chomps on carrots. — Rosemarie Jefferson; Felix the Cat. Whenever he gets in a fix, he reaches into his bag of trix! — Greg Richey; Opus because he is such an absent minded penguin. — Pilar Millan; Scooby Doo. He ' s my hero. — Jenni- fer Raleigh. Sledge
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