Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA)

 - Class of 1957

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Page 59 text:

LORETTA ANN MANO 135 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands Lori Suppressed Desire: To get mar- ried within 3 years Favorite Pastime: Being places where I shouldn't be IV: Natick, Mass.: Business Dance Committee 1: Basketball 1: Softball 1: Art Club 1, 2: Home Economics Club 1, 2. IN ' X MURIEL MANSON 9 York Rd., Waban Mur Suppressed Desire: To finish whatever I start Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Miss Bracket and the wastepaper basket IV: Weeks: Business Home Room Manager 1: Girls' Chorus 3: Junior Red Cross Coun- cil 1: Science Fair 1: Tennis 3: Badminton 2, 3: Home Econom- ics Club 1: Music Club 3: Outing Club 3. . V .- ' ' 1 + ' il ,, .I -, figf ,A 9 31,2 P:'f.,,. I .: fi A-,Ag f A ' ips: fx? .M P. -- Wu -JI -Vx .ma I ' . ll, , 'Lf' .- 'i 3 gz. .1 TF gill: . B f it ,, -f 3,1 sf .. - f .ur 1 . , . 'Y' ARAM TAREH MARASHLIAN, JR. 125 Langdon St., Newton Aram's Harem Suppressed Desire: To get married Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Best high school in the country II: Bigelow: College ELAINE MARIE MARCELL 31 Harold Ter., West Newton Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Mr. Karpas for Problems in my Sen- ior year II: Warren: College Girls' Chorus 1: Tigerama Com- mittee 2, 3: Senior.Play 3: Spring Musical 2, 3: Rally Committee 3: Vespers 1: Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3: Ofhce Work 3: French Club 1: Music Club 1: Otchesis 1, 3. LOIS RITA MARCHANT 62 Webster St., West Newton Lo, Slowis Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Canadian Sunset II: Warren: College Legislature 1, 3: Home Room Manager 2: Orange Shield 2, 3: Girls' Athletic Board 2, 3: Chair- man 3: Leader Corps 1: Anti- Smoking Committee 2, 3: Dance Committee 1, 2, 3: Basketball l, 2, 3: Field Hockey l, 2, 3: Vol- leyball 1, 3: Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3: Outing Club 1, 2, 3. X. DEMOSTHENES ANTHONY MARKEN 1099 Walnut St., Newton Highlands Demo, Greek Suppressed Desire: To see 3-can John in action again Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Hi-Y beach party at Falmouth Il: Weeks: College Legislature 2, 3: Orange Shield 2, 3: A Capella Choir 3: Boys' Cho- rus l, 2, 3: Motion Picture Squad 2, 3: Hi-Y 2, 3, Vice-President 2: Football 1, 2, 3: Track, Outdoor 3: Aviation Club 3. CHRISTOPHER D. MARSH 187 Concord St., Newton Lower Falls Chris, Hot-Lips, Kit Favorite Pastime: Studying the charms of the opposite sex and increasing my average Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: The Wisconsin Exchange trip, the pastures I: Warren: College Class Treasurer 2: Home Room Manager 2: School Exchange 2: A Capella Choir 1, 2: Boys' Chorus 1, 2, 3: I-Iarmonaires singing quartet 1: Drama Board 33 Tiger- ama Committee 2, 3: Senior Play 3: Spring Musical 2, 3: Drama Festival 1: Rally Committee 3: ALLAN LAWSON MARTIN 29 Fern St., Auburndale Marty, Al, Fuzz Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: 9:15, Baseball, Basketball, and the friends I've made I Will to N. H. S.: The big bat bag and the drill shed I: Warren: College President of N. H. S. Associates 3: Class Committee 2, 3, Presi- dent 2, 3: National Honor Society 2, 3: Legislature 2. 3: Executive Committee 3: Home Room Mana- ger 1: Orange Shield 2: Tizerama Committee 2: Rallv Committee 2: Dance Committee 1. 2: Ushers 2: Baseball 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 3: Basketball 1, 2, 3, Captain 3. JOSEPH FRANCIS MARTIN 11 Mount Ida Ter., Newton Corner Joe Favorite Pastime: Being with Pac Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: My Senior year I: Our Lady: Service Intramural Sports 2. DAVID WILLIAM MARTOWSKI 20 Falmouth Rd., West Newton Dave, Gig, Baish Suppressed Desire: To drag on the outdoor track Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Demo's party: Emmy's party I: Day: College Orange Shield 3: Boys' Chorus 3: Hi-Y 2, 3, Secretary 2, 3: Baseball 1: Football 1: Track, Outdoor 3. ELLEN HANE MASLOW 257 Linwood Ave., Newtonville Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: My friends I: Day: College Orange Shield 3: Newtonian 3: Newtonite 1, 2: Tigerama Com- mittee 3: Spring Musical 1, 2: Drama Festival 2: Dance Com- mittee l, 2: Intramural Sports 2: Alpha Beta 1: Music Club 3: Tusitala 2. 'Ph-.

Page 58 text:

Atv, at X wa. x v',.. W , w 1 QP ' C' WILLIAM CAMERON MacKNIGHT 300 Hammond St., Chestnut Hill Bill Suppressed Desire: Valait-il vrai- ment la peine de traduire routes ces betises? 1 Will to N. H. s.. All the happi- ness it has given, may it always continue to do so I: Weeks: College Football Manager 1, 2, 3. CARYL RUTH MacLAUGHLIN 28 Kingswod Rd., Auburndale Termite Favorite Pastime: Getting out of control Fondest Memory of N. I-I. S.: The Hrst Tigerama and the fun it led to I: Warren: College Legislature 3: School Exchange 3: Orange Book 3: Spring Musical 1, 2, 3: Leader Corps 2, 3: Dance Committe 1: Stage Crew 3: Field Hockey 3: Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3: Future Teachers Club 2: Or- chesis 1: Outing Club 1. WILLIAM CHARLES MacLEOD 116 Waverly Ave., Newton Corner Bill Suppressed Desire: To Hnd the Elixir of Life and a Universal Solvent I Will to N. H. S.: All my extra- curricular activities II: Bigelow: Service Legislature: Intramural Sports. SANDRA MACNAIR 20 Beverly Rd., Newton Highlands Sandy, Mackie, Mac I Will to N. H. S.: The reeds to my bass clarinet II: Weeks: College Marching Band 1, 2, 3: Concert Band 3: Leader Corps 1, 2, 3: Motion Picture Squad 1, 2, 3: Basketball 3: Field Hockey 1, 2, 3: Badminton 1, 2, 3: Softball 1, 2, 3: Volleyball 1, 2, 3: Intra- mural Sports 1, 2, 3: Outing Club 1, 2, 3. GLEN LAWRENCE MACNEIL 111 Oakleigh Rd., Newton Mac Suppressed Desire: To see O'Brien wear a pair of white bucks Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Mr. Chase's class II: Bigelow: College Football 3: Ice Hockey 2, 3. ROBERT JOSEPH MACRILLO 17 Harvey Pl., West Newton Mac Suppressed Desire: To be an Electrical Engineer Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: The third floor of Building III to the third floor of Building II IIIA: Warren: College Legislature 3: School Exchange 2. MARLENE H. MADES 80 Woodchester Dr., Chestnut Hill Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: The great kids I Will to N. H. S.: Hope that the future Senior classes will have the spirit, enthusiasm, and get up and go of the class of '57 II: Weeks: College Orange Shield 3, Captain 33 Glee Club 1: Newtonite 2: Orange Book 2, 3: Vespers 1: Leader Corps 1: Softball 2: Outing Club 3. PHYLLIS MADOW 69 Dartmouth St., West Newton Phyl, Fuzzy Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: The Kids-Kids I Will to N. H. S.: Students who speak only when spoken to I: Brookline High: College A Capella Choir 3: Girls' Chorus 1, 2: Tigerama Committee 2, 3: Senior Play 3: Spring Musical 1, 2, 3: Rally Committee 3: Vespers 1, 2, 3: Dance Committee 1, 2, 3: French Club 1, 2, 31 Music Club 1, 2, 33 Orchesis 2, 3. for l'lll..S' Uefy l.l7lp0l'fCllll dafd FRANCIS DANIEL MAGNARELLI 125 Lowell Ave., Newtonville Frank, Mag Suppressed Desire: To toast marshmallows in the ashes of Building I I Wil to N. H. S.: A meal ticket for joe 8: Nemo's II: Day: College Hi-Y 2, 3. 'fs-'Q CYNTHIA ARLENE MALKIN 434 Lowell Ave., Newtonville Cinnie, Cindy Suppressed Desire: To be a squaw I Will to N. H. S.: Reserved park- ing spaces for everyone II: Day: College Home Room Manager 3: New- tonite 2, 3: Senior Play 33 Tennis 2, 3: Archery 2, 3: Cavalry Club 1, 2, 3: Future Teachers Club 2, 3: Music Club 1, 2, 3.

Page 60 text:

MARCIA PENNIE MASON 154 Beaumont Ave., Newtonville Pen Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: The fun I had in my Senior year with the S Block musicians I Will to N. H. S.: An unbreaka- ble baton for Mr. March II: Day, College Marching Band 2, 31 Orchestra 2, 3: Concert Band 2, 35 A Capel- la Choir 2, 3, Glee Club lg Spring Musical 1, 2, 35 Vespers 1, 2, 3, Science Fair lg Archery lg Music Club 3g Neophytes 1. LAWRENCE DENNIS MAURO 456 Watertown St., Newtonville Schoochie Favorite Pastime: janet IIIA: Day: Business Administrative Aid. ANN MARIE MAZZOLA 26 Alba Circle, Newton Corner Mike, Ooh-be-do Suppressed Desire: To slide down the banister Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: My junior year Il: Bigelow, College Drama Festival 2, Ushers 1, 2: Music Club 1, 3. FRANCIS GERARD MAZZOLA 101 Pearl St., Newton Corner Muzzie Suppressed Desire: To become president of the Star Market Favorite Pastime: Being with a certain girl IVg Day: Service School Exchange 3. MICHAEL EDWARD MCARDLE 25 Pleasant St., Newton Centre Suppressed Desire: Better sup- pressed Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Trial by Jury II: Weeks: College A Capella Choir 3: Boys' Chorus 1, 2, 3g Spring Musical 2, 3: Ves- pers 3: Stage Crew 1, 2, 3. JUDITH ANN MCAULIFFE 7 Peabody St., Newton Corner Judy Suppressed Desire: To get all A's just once Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Demo's party at Falmouth I: Arlington Jr. High: College Class Committee 3, Tigerama Committee 2, 3: Senior Play 31 Spring Musical 2, 3, Rally Com- mittee 3: Dance Committee 1, 2, 35 Ushers 1, 2, Tri-Hi-Y 2, 33 Of- fice Work 2, Basketball 2, 3, Golf 2, 3: Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3: French Club 2: Latin Club 1, 2, 3, Outing Club 1. 2. 3. JANICE DOROTHY MCCORMACK 137 Warwick Rd., West Newton Jan I Will to N. H. S.: A third leaky tunnel II: Day: College Class Ring Committee 2: Legis- lature 1: School Exchange 3, Newtonian 2, Newtonite 2: Tiger- ama Committee 2, 35 Senior Play 3, Rally Committee 2, 3: Tennis 17 Archery 3: Drama Club 33 Outing Club 1, 2, 3. g f JOHN CHAPMEN MCCREE 7 Newell Rd., Auburndale jake, jaw, Jack Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: Scoring the winning run in 1955, giving N. H. S. the Baseball Championship I Will to N. H. S.: More loyal rooters IV: Warreng College Orange Shield 33 Baseball 1, 3: Basketball lg Track, Indoor 2, 33 Hi-Y 3. Amidst our anxietl'es, VIRGINIA ELEANOR MCGRATH 5 Park Pl., Newtonville Gin, Ginny Suppressed Desire: Not knowing to any degree of certainty, I dare not venture to presuppose any great degree of accuracy I Will to N. H. S.: Foam rubber shower stalls for the girl's shower room IV: Warren: College Newtonite 2g Ushers 2: Oflice Work 3g Archery 31 Softball 33 Home Economics Club 1, 3, Out- ing Club 2, 3g Personality Club 2. -fi- JEAN LOUISE MCCULLOUGH 156 Winchester St., Newton Highlands Fondest Memory of N. H. S.: All the fun I've had, all the friends I've made I Will to N. H. S.: Escalators II, Weeks: College Art Club 3: Drama Club 2, 33 Home Economics Club lg Library Club 1, 2, 3.

Suggestions in the Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA) collection:

Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA) online collection, 1954 Edition, Page 1


Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA) online collection, 1955 Edition, Page 1


Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA) online collection, 1956 Edition, Page 1


Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA) online collection, 1958 Edition, Page 1


Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA) online collection, 1959 Edition, Page 1


Newton High School - Newtonian Yearbook (Newton, MA) online collection, 1960 Edition, Page 1


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