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Page 52 text:
Alejando Molina Sergio Molina Daniel Montigo Gary Nelson John Nelson Monica Nelson Diane Nightengale Nolan Nopah Jason Ommen Humberto Ontiveros Donald Owens Justin Peck Steven Philpot Eva Picon Tanya Piper Laura Rabago Nora Rabago Janna Ramirez Johnny Rather James Robbins Larry Robertson Marina Robledo David Rodriguez Jose Rodriguea Steven Rorno Antoinette Rubal Cameron Russell Jeff Sanders Kristy Schlecht Kelly Short Bradley Sigg John Simmons Tanya Smith Rafael Solaiza Annette Stevens Monte Stevens Shelly Stewart David Stidham David Stover Philip Sullivan Stephanie Taylor Nickola Tenaglia Michael Torres Nora Trevino Camille Turnbo J 4 anHoose Robert Vicory Chris Villeges 48!Sophomores leg? , ,V U ,',, 45 vw ti, we fr, 5 ai 2 LJ .43 f Us , -V I rr we i' f kV,, , W f f ff E vi ' , if 4 A lg W-af ii , if E if l 2 5 it rr i J, J 4 J ee f f X i,,, , W fx ,il ,, , , as ,nnfvsg , uw ,sf 'WH , I K mfr t 'Z 'HE' . drag ,... . ' .am :Qs D . ,. 1 7155 t .. WMI' - of 1 v .tn .' ,mn -nl', f-wif inn' ,Q 1-fjigi . .1 . ag, , Qi , 'A 1 f f f , 3. Wim, V , ,,,, Mba , ff A 5, if J 7 R , are ' f if if., Wifi 4455?-f l E QF i' it .11 5 2 es, irrit 2 i Q ' I Z, ri: 2 fr L , i f f fn Y -:ff V 1' - fv. L W - Z Y ,nf , iil Jil i L if is o ry ,A 4,
Page 51 text:
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ik' X? E P f is A it X S Y b g is is t Not Pictured: Leonard Anderson Yvonne Arellano Martin Barrett Carlos Cuadras Claudia Cuadras Roberto Cuadras Sheree Deckert Aaron Denny Jamie Drum Derrick Enas Pedro Exparza Joyce Fisher Mary Fisher Charles Harmon Shawn Hilburn Daryl James lliana Limon Darren McWilliams Adolfo Orozco A.M. Wilson-Lopez C gt i 'l Mario Walrod Rex Wayman Deanna Weir Gregory Welsh Paula White Mark Whittier Angel Wilson Shawn Wilson Steven Witt William Witt Jennifer Woodard Ludina Yazzie Molina Yazzie Alan Yee Christine Yoder La la Younis Christine a A ,i i Qjyvv -Z N ey -lrr i,i, A ff f Q ,f Y 'fiJ A577471 fw X ' ' 'V ll it ffef- ff' A ff Y lx ff X' 1 q' 12 ' Q ' ' f l ,sl it El XQ Q My Ki Ml f it l ji ,74,l.f Ll 4 - ,,1, 4 1255 ' It fl ,, A ll 'fr 'Lf YQ l A fl J A li Jlll ' Y A ' 'l ' lf f l ,f W. 5' 5 Y lil, , t J, AJ' 'F J. fi 1 , Y N Vg A ,J .1-fi: mg, ' ll 'A H if? 5' ir, 4' Qx kb' Sophomores!49
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Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? E-Yearbook.com can help you with scanning and providing access to yearbook images for promotional materials and activities. We can provide you with an electronic version of your yearbook that can assist you with reunion planning. E-Yearbook.com will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy.