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Page 13 text:
I I I FJ?-if in Nw: R.-. Raise your hand if you're sure!!! The ranks showing their best smiles. Are we in the right room? Dr. Irvine and Patty Panther promoting school spirii. We're number I. Rosemead Panihers are radicallll . , 1-we X 1 r r e U A 1 1 - xs X he f s N Lid S! rw X X ,if X N Zh L! L S K , 1' c' , ' f' -- . ' Q X' XX 27 .X f w I X A o mmf . K - Q nk my ii fl ' w .ff .1 ii XMZXIC fx Vi si, X 2, 24 5 r ii X K w My 'KQJ X N V krA Xw x ' , fr MQ i Ax KL, ke , f' I rl ,e C- or ff' 3 ka 1 ff v-3 ' , Q Y, 5 , ' X N .::- vi F rxfxywf' Lf X 'g J .. K, 'FN or -W C1vL!L'N D Q7 A my 1 e 5 n ,rw f fx X. x Q M, X JI? 7 X NM' in i A obj! no 1 , 1 K 5 1 F 'XX fi, L ' YJ The Big R !
Page 12 text:
NVASIO GF THE BLEACHER CRE TURE At Rosemead, the largest pep assembly we have to kick off the new school year is the Big R . The assembly generally promotes spirit and energy throughout the student body as classes unite to cheer on their graduat- ing year. During this assembly, fall sports including Football, Tennis. and Cross-Country teams are an- nounced. The auxillary, ranks, and cheerleaders gave us a fine performance. Our mascot. Patty Panther, made her debut during the assembly. She is full of spirit and en- thusiasm. Patty Panther gave us a wonderful perfor- mance during the pep assembly. She is a great addition to the terrific cheering squad of Rosemead. What did the students think of the Big R ? As Chris Jimenez put it, I believe the assembly had its good moments and it will get better as the years progress. Judy Solis quoted, The assembly was fun except for the seating arrangement. It would have been much better if we got to sit with our graduating class. Royce Campo- manes had this to say, The assembly was good but I think more people should get into the Panther spirit. Nancy Ho says, I thought the 'Big R' was fun especially having to get out of class and joining my friends in cheering for the class of '88. I. What time is the game? 2. Hey, where did all the guys go? 3. Rosemead Panthers showing school spirit!!! 4. Dr. Irvine's impersonation of John Travolta in Satmhfky Night Fever!!! A-TQ, N, , -, X e ff , sfrhe sig R .f ff is .Xi -X
Page 14 text:
Music ear when might Mode. favorite is their car music scene Concerts gotten certs in local sacred give th tickets? during song that memories l0!Music Events
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