Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ)

 - Class of 1978

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Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1978 Edition, Page 181 of 240
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Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1978 Edition, Page 180
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Page 181 text:

Pattakos-Rush Nadine Pattakos Eva Peebles Cathy Petersen Glen Pfeifer Paula Pieper Gwen Poleson Jon Potterff Jeff Preston Pat Quarterman Phyllis Ramos Sandy Ray Tracey Realsen Kathy Reld Rocky Repp 'Rhonda Rhinehart We r1CfkC'- Gina Rhodes Penny Rhodes Marcia Robbins Wig gwfw 039055537553 ,GY 6 in X Av K QQNN Q55 69 aff? if or 'X X wb' wi J f A NLP f bf xr L. A Brenda NC-f Y LJ I V6 Robinson ,. ' N F so t X cg! XO Us ww O 34 Q , ox K as X , . sf UN SLD J LUN XG of X61 ,W P' ' v-QL S u R b' 'UNA C5 Acjv co o inson U , 'Q Wow! Look at that girl, isn't she something! h - xcxiixxk Ox Cf yd Tiki Robertson 'xx aigwffi Heather Ruckamn Tammie Rumpler Pat Rush Juniors 177

Page 180 text:

Myers-Papietro V , -l , gk- l 'Q - If i mi! '1 'VL J A If I . Q , fi , My J ,uf x is kj Y - lv M ,N , -V la, iff - V I-',v,,i, H if g VL, . , N r, , f -' f f . l F f, l Yj'1!V.lrM.!.,f Z Y 'V Mk Y Lil, ,ff f ffl, fi-I ' 4 l' 1 , ., 7 i., H , I A ! r T ,f ' I if .L Av 1 .-- v MJ11-3 ' Lf Mnffj! . li 1 ' ' 1 Q R 1 'T Qt' ,, I 3' , Rf Lf'- X I yvv' ,Ci Ji je. 1A L' 'L Exim i i , f , fe 'fl ef., y ..fA ,l-or - l l Mil YD J , ' 9 ' H n ki .114 .'QXl2 J x X fV,.V,lifw'4- ' ' A, ' bimdf Q fi,Lf r ifL! , offilfwi ff , .., 1 I ' J' if - .1 ll if fl -1 L! Z fy Q..j.,.U.,dQ V' if J fi: Afvliiff K' 'i cy, V 1 ' , ,, 11 , X eg,-fl f 4 Lili, ,JW ff, ,fi 'Qtf i lr , ,if V. il, -' 5 L, M Q V L YW in , . 5 fm gy VL f---49 n l l 1 I olassoounoil solves problems ..,f , ,,, . f 4 . V ' f 4 f if 'l ,w if.: Q' l vko , Ulxvcpi' Q,,X XV RM R , , 0h! Mr. Lunn l could listen to you talk all day, you're so wonderful, said Anne .ggf i Manning. ' f:-5' f Mui flfumjl l ' X Vg 5,-V51 Dawn Myers 'l ' 1 l '? J 'L 'Mfr k' . Joe Nelson ! 7 1 ,il - f KA-! V l 521 Nick Nelson , r 'w .- 5 ,il-,if iQ.L5L1w ', A Lisa Newman '' ' e is Cynthia Nikolaros F Ml by QrJ.g.,,q,,,.1v1j rx, Karry Niner fulemlr Ll J 1 all L11 J digg. ? Qvow' Q' Diane O'Connor f- A - Pat o'Deu - 1 1 - in of-flff fjbglvfkff' U' M 'ff 1 I Becky Oldenburg f y gh, if . Tim o'Niel MU QU U., S1341 .l,, ff tjaclquie Osbon . I I 'fl ,Q A 'l J , ,jeu f l5'i 4 -' ,K I if CJYUVLON Jw A Eammy Osborne X A 'iv All Iffslvni , Paula Paintermx - l f 'Nj law I' 'Martin Palomof jvvvawxvc ' aff iMaureen Pankralzi i-e- 5 , ,f H 3 V, Q. In John Pape we fafllflk 5lfNTl 'if' Joanne Papietroiiix Q W' J'QJLJ,,.L'J,iUi?:-' ' N WIA' 'EH U X 15 ' :,., il - 'E .V j rlirj1,,k.flf?' A? 3 LAS? 1 4 H - :fit 4,1 ,ilf,,g,frZff!,.rf'-,,1l, L 1551 WL, ,i... l be lil!! 'aff . I lin!! by ANN ,VM ,d 1 ,lfeirllx ,,.,,,.QaEf!, 5i,.fMJ'f? C fkljll, A -,,, R ki! 1, l 176 Juniors .Aff fr IMA,-' f' ' rr ,Q ' r' ' 'V iff' J lf' ii ' 'LLL-' ,w-,.ffM, N ,,,,- V ,,.1 rl. . I P 1' , ,r , . I 5 Q' E 53 'jf ' of U . ff' lf x PX fx.. Ly ,L i,,,e xtfizff ffl! if 2? 1 -Alee 5 fel H1 V K .NN 1, in ,,.-foie. ,.. ..... ,, qc- . x.f ..f 'Y 1-1 A ' 1 . oh , 1 '- ,

Page 182 text:

Rusiecki-Vance Lori Fazio and Counselor Al Osbon smile cheerfully for you. 178 Juniors Robert Shoemaker Margie Shoob Lynette Shorr Flon Short Mike Shriver Kris Sigfridson Hubert Sims Valerie Skiba Mark Slotta Lisa Slusha Eric Smith Lisa B. Smith Lisa M. Smith James Snyder Tom Synder Ron Stark Todd Starkovich Roberta Steelman Sharon Stepanian Julie Strout Leigh Talmage David Taylor David Taylor Scott Terdine Steve Rusiecki Brenda Sager David Sandfer Kari Saragusa Dave Schleis Julie Schubert Mike Schwertley Damian Secunda Benita Sharon Bill Shearer Gigi Shearer Cheryl Shockie Bruce Tietjen Keren Tripp Ginger Truax Lorenzo Valenzuela Voni Vance

Suggestions in the Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) collection:

Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1959 Edition, Page 1


Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1960 Edition, Page 1


Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1977 Edition, Page 1


Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1979 Edition, Page 1


Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1980 Edition, Page 1


Sunnyslope High School - Valhalla Yearbook (Phoenix, AZ) online collection, 1982 Edition, Page 1


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