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Page 78 text:
x 5,4 si, MADRIGAL: FRONT ROW: Dale John- son, Bonnie Mellin, Janine Wrobleski, Sue Thurow, Sue Wilcox, Gloria Stoltz, Norma Bubnich, Rosie Griffin, Patty Johnson, Val Griffin, Marv Groothius. SEATED: Mr. Richard Loy, SECOND ROW: Ray Rodefer, Paul Salzwedel, Jim Murray, Harold Dodge. Gary Neus- tadter, John Dennis, John Landmann, Jenny Birkness, Debby Fox, Dave Cooper. Dale Lamb, Lauren Protz. Vocal Training and Patient Study Results Sum V39 , 1 .1 .4 2 , , . 1. J .- - 5 , , L , W., . i i eg, l L Z ' 3 9 'Rb 1 5 . Wi i Q -X 71 1 A CAPPELLA: FRONT ROW: Sue Wilcox, Christine Crawford, Rosie Griffin, Bonnie Mellin, Marcia Bloom, Val Griffin. Chris Rattle, Patty Johnson. Sue Thurow, Janine Wrobleski, Judy Larsen, Chris Erbs, Sandy Schendel, Mary Maxwell. Ruth Richmond, Mary Jo Zahrte. Terry Seflow. SECOND ROW: Annette Winchel, Gloria Stolz, Debbie Sowle, Wilma Royce, Kathy Ball, Janet Drew, Jenny Birkness, Debby Fox, Suzanne Leinen, Julie McNamer, Shirley Warnke, Cathy Lein, Ruth Martinson. Angie Olson, Betsy Singleton, Jackie Steele, Jenny Steinmetz, Carolyn Coates. THIRD ROW: Dick Jensen, Steve Finni- gan, Ted Moskonas, Jim Murray, John Dennis, Jim Falkner, Dave Ornes, Tunney Strozewski, Paul Salzwedel, Marvin Groothius, Marty Alexander, Ralph Taylor, Harold Dodge. David Mike, Ray Rodefer. FOURTH ROW: Steve Walker, John Landmann, Ron Calkins, Carl Knutson, Charles Wood, Dennis Koranda, Lauren Protz, Tim Foley, Dale Lamb,, Jim Westphal, Dave Cooper, Rich Walley. Kent Tattroe, Gary Neustadter, Dale Johnson.
Page 77 text:
Leading the Band With Skill and Poise ....CYN- ue we 1' Mist M TWIRLERS: Cl. to r.j Norma Bubnich, Linda Walsh, Vicki Sowle, Denise Pederson, Debbie Sowle. High-kickingtwirlers lead the spirited band in the Homecoming parade. 73 Twirlers try-outs in the fall judged by entire band .., marching the length of the parking lot ... final glory of winning ... work just begun .., Vicki Sowle chosen head majorette. ., practiced football rou- tines in morning dew ... anxiety of first half-time show ... shivering in buckskin and short skirts nerv- ousness over twirling fire ... only a few singed hairs ... worked with tapes for parade routines .,. prac- tice marching Block D . . . two big parades ... Homecoming... Spar- ta tournament gave baton les- sons to youngsters passing on knowledge for future success. ..
Page 79 text:
GlRLS' TREBLE CLEF: FRONT ROW: Shirley Ammerman, Julie Chris- tianson. Norma Bubnich, Pam Henderson. Gloria Stolz, Linda Wein- zierl. Joan Beck, Bonnie Herth, Sue Coenen. Kathy Sullivan, Patty Johnson, Mary Zarhte, Jenny Steinmetz. Monica Johns, Patty Gerke, SECOND ROW: Ruth Richmond, Jean Beck, Judy Zimmer- man, Sue McCurdy, Kathy Knight. Linda Morrow. Lorraine Pearson. Roberta Randall. Rhonda Van Vorhees, Val Griffin, Elizabeth Reese. Kathy Happel. Kay Steidl. Barb Bailey. THIRD ROW: Marsha Gnewi- kow, Colleen Decorah, Mary Lincoln, Debbie Clay, Julie Abbott. Jo Ann Larson, Gail Fisher, Debbie Mesner, Susan Shisler. Cynthia Zel- ley, Pauline Salzwedel, Sue Sorenson, Linda Zimmerman, Debbie l-leintz. FOURTH ROW: Debbie Spearbecker, Barb Janney, Ina Mae Cramer, Barb Larson, Helen Ollendick, Jeanette Morehouse, Diane Senogles, Dorothy Janusheske, Kay Koscal. Linda Kriigel, Bonnie Pederson.JaneChristianson. Candy Meier, in Pleasant Harmonizing for Public Functions Mr. Richard Loy directs the annual musical. This year's selection was Brigadoon. A Cappella ... a blending of many different voices . .. never enough alto ... undertook new projects .,. tel- evised a Christmas concert from Eau Claire planned and produced a successful musical . . par- ticipated in public concerts . .. sold stationery to raise money ... entered our best in tournaments ... many went to State .,. performed for final time at Com- mencement ... Madrigal ... a select group of the best singers ... gave up noons to practice ... appeared in public at special functions learned to harmonize with a small group ... Girls' Treble Clef ... applying basics of vocal control ...supplied music during Bri- gadoon ... improved in hopes of being promoted... added own contributions to concerts hard work ... practice ...the only way to becomethe best . ..
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