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Page 240 text:
36 Congliardo, Toni Conner, Rebecca Conrad, Kerry Cook, Alan Cook, -Iacquelyn Cook, john Cooke, Daniel Copeland, Susan Copolla, jean Coston, Pam Cotton, Ronald Councill, Terry Cox, Jerry Crain, Cathy Crawford, Cheryl Crawford, Vicki Criddle, Victor Crider, Gloria Crim, Arthur Cure, Susan Cureton, Glenn Cynthia, Berry Daily, Mike Dargin, Debora Dashiell, Miki David, Lucretia Davidson, Lila Davidson, Rose Davis, Ronnie Denton, Debbie DeVries, David Dickson, Sterling Dimiceli, Debbie Dobbs, Roger Doescher, Tracy Dorsey, Ann Drinkwater, james Dryden, William ya.. vf wr' -sad ,Q , Q I ., fl. ,, L G oing f ' X if ,,,, , i . , my ll ,.f, 'M 5',,,1'ig ffl .ai 'luv at , .44 I ,wrt ' , 9 M i Aj f li ff ,f vs ? a
Page 239 text:
Cantella, Toni Caraway, Gene Carbon, joe Carker, Debbie Carlisle, Billy Carreon, Eva Carter, Sandi Carter, Stephanie Cass, Mark Castillo, Debbie Castro, Robert Cejka, Thomas Champ, Bubba Chztman, Brenda Chesser, Larry Cheung, Hubert Childers, jan Chow, Leslie Christoph, Cathy Cicherski, Dennis Cipolla, Linda Clark, Larry Clark, Robert Cleek, Tracey Coats, Reggie Cobler, Charles Cole, Annette Cole, Bobby Cole, Jeanette Coleman, Darlene Collier, Harriet Collins, Patti Cologne, Bunny Colom, Diana Colson, Linda 235
Page 241 text:
. k,fWmwMM,,- I Dube, Cindy Dulaney, joey Dunn, David Duran, joseph Durden, Lynn Edwards, Kenneth Edwards, Tricia Eggers, Louanne Elam, Rerra Ellis, Hughsron Ellzey, Richard Elrod, Kris Elsenbrook, Bobby Eschenfelder, Will Escobedo, Nita Evans, Bob Evans, Brenda Evering, Carol Fahrenrhold, Greta Fain, George Falk, Suzy
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Looking for old family members and relatives? Do you want to find pictures of parents or grandparents when they were in school? Want to find out what hairstyle was popular in the 1920s? E-Yearbook.com has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly!
Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? E-Yearbook.com can help you with scanning and providing access to yearbook images for promotional materials and activities. We can provide you with an electronic version of your yearbook that can assist you with reunion planning. E-Yearbook.com will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy.