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need adive for 12V 2.5A switching power supply
I understand the basic work that a switching power supply does, but I am a total noob in this field and I am unable to build one from scratch and I'm not even able to evaluate if any scheme found on Google is OK or not.
I'm looking for a switching power supply to power 108 series of LEDs at 12V (3 leds + 150Ohm resistor per series). The amount of LEDs series will use around 2.2A (20mA per series - LEDs rated 3.2V 30mA max). I will use the same 12V power supply to get a 5V power supply to a PIC16F876 (I'll use a 5V voltage regulator like 7805).
I have specified 2.5A because that would be the very maximum current I could possibly use if I'll make any modifications to the project or if I miscalculated the current consumption (I hope I didn't).
This question is not actually a "is this ok" question, but a real "could you do it for me" request. So if someone has the knowledge to design a 12V 2.5A switching power supply for me I'd be very very grateful. If you think is not in the spirit of this forum helping like this, I will understand and I won't blame you.
I know it's not much but when the project will be over I'll publish it on the forum with all the sources and designs, hoping it will be better than a simple thank you.
Thank you in advance.
I understand the basic work that a switching power supply does, but I am a total noob in this field and I am unable to build one from scratch and I'm not even able to evaluate if any scheme found on Google is OK or not.
I'm looking for a switching power supply to power 108 series of LEDs at 12V (3 leds + 150Ohm resistor per series). The amount of LEDs series will use around 2.2A (20mA per series - LEDs rated 3.2V 30mA max). I will use the same 12V power supply to get a 5V power supply to a PIC16F876 (I'll use a 5V voltage regulator like 7805).
I have specified 2.5A because that would be the very maximum current I could possibly use if I'll make any modifications to the project or if I miscalculated the current consumption (I hope I didn't).
This question is not actually a "is this ok" question, but a real "could you do it for me" request. So if someone has the knowledge to design a 12V 2.5A switching power supply for me I'd be very very grateful. If you think is not in the spirit of this forum helping like this, I will understand and I won't blame you.
I know it's not much but when the project will be over I'll publish it on the forum with all the sources and designs, hoping it will be better than a simple thank you.
Thank you in advance.