Latest news:
Prof. Steve Mann just got back from CES / ICCE in Las Vegas where he received 3 awards including the 2025 IEEE Consumer Electronics Award, joining the ranks of Apple founder Steve Wozniak (2021 Award recipient), Linux creator Linus Torvalds (2018 recipient), and the inventor of the cellphone, Marty Cooper (2015 recipient). He also received the Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award of 2024, joining the ranks of Nobel laureate Geoffrey Hinton (2023 Award recipient).
VRTO2016, Virtual and Augmented Reality 2016

Steve Mann was recognized as "The Father of The Wearable Computer", IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 7th, 2000.

"Steve Mann is the perfect example of someone... who persisted in his vision and ended up founding a new discipline."
-- -- Nicholas Negroponte, Founder, Director, and Chairman, MIT Media Lab

Mann is full professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Toronto, and is the Chief Scientist of the Rotman School of Management's CD Lab. He is also the Chief Scietist of Meta (, recently closing a $23 million Series A funding round.

Christina with Steve Mann and his WearComp7 invention

Prof. Steve Mann

(pictured here with EyeTap wearable computer)

Director, EyeTap Personal Imaging (ePi) Lab

Director, FL_UI_D Laboratory

ECE1766 (Personal Imaging) course announcement

List of Steve's research papers

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering Research Group
University of Toronto
10 Kings College Road; office = Room 2001; Mailstop S.F. B540
if mailing, use the mailroom (S.F. B540) in the mailing address.
Toronto, CANADA - M5S 3G4

email to username "mann", at the domain of ""
harmonic telegraph, telephone, phone, or whatever you like to call it:
(416) 946-3387,
fax: (416) 971-2326

Some of Steve Mann's publications that are available on the WWW:

Comparametric Equations (the mathematical theory of computer mediated reality)

Wearable Intelligent Signal Processing: Lead article from Proceedings of the IEEE, Nov. 1998, Vol. 86, No. 11, cover+p2123-2151 (scroll down to the feature article of Feb.'97)
The complete article is also available from:

See also: and and

For a light overview of the invention, see: or if you want more resolution:

Mathematical theory (video orbits) behind his "image compositing" work, see Sep.'97 issue of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

A small gallery of images is located at and a brief description at

The chirplet transform

Take a look at some other embodiments of his "WearComp" (wearable computer) invention (e.g. WearComp1, WearComp3, etc.):

Other pictures of Mann's "WearComp" invention as it has evolved over more than 20 years.


University of Toronto has one of the most active FPGA research groups anywhere: (Jonathan Rose, one of the principal founders of the "transmogrifier" project,... an FPGA-based computational system)

Prof. Steve Mann
University of Toronto
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, mailstop S.F. B540,
10 King's College Road; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; M5S 3G4
Tel. 416.946-3387
Fax. 416.971-2326