EN World: D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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This issue features sub-zero espionage, the dryad, and wilderness adventures!
Brendan was kind enough to give me some background on his upcoming newest RPG and talk more about it with me.
D&D is encouraging all pinball wizards to play.
Happy New Years! This week’s article kicks off the new year with TTRPG crowdfunding campaigns that end between January 9 to 15.
Happy New Year! The holiday season continues with no time for a weekly update. Instead, this week, a collection of boxed starter sets.
The New York Times sparked a wave of culture war outrage over Dungeons & Dragons.
Picking up where we left off, here's four more tips for game design.
An RPG whose name is an acronym for Bind Is Not Dnd. Perfect for the Not DnD podcast!
Tell some spooky haunted house stories with friends without any dice.
More monsters than expected will be in the new rulebook.
But how much of the staff are running a side racket?
The author, Fenris-77, was kind enough to talk about his upcoming RPG.
Are your fantasy role-playing game-gods all-powerful, and are they omniscient?
This week I cover several RPGs I’ve run over the last few years as a great wrap up to 2024.
This week’s TTRPG crowdfunding review includes a sampling of projects that end in the New Year, January 2 to 8.
Here are a few of the ways I approach game design.

This Week in TTRPG


Tell some spooky haunted house stories with friends without any dice.
A guide to running tough but fair OSR adventures.
My favorite cyberpunk campaign in years.
Relive your teenage years in a world full of sick tricks and sci-fi drama.

Dungeons & Dragons

D&D is encouraging all pinball wizards to play.
The New York Times sparked a wave of culture war outrage over Dungeons & Dragons.
More monsters than expected will be in the new rulebook.
But how much of the staff are running a side racket?
Tuque's D&D video game delisting from online stores, shutting down servers in February
Francis never asks a second favor once he's refused the first. Understood?

Industry News

As we do every year, it's time to vote for the most anticipated tabletop roleplaying game of the coming year!
The indie gaming storefront was offline, blaiming Funko's "Brand Protection Software"
In this episode Jessica is back from her stint as Vice President of the USA, and Elon Musk explodes all over D&D.
The richest man in the world wants to know how much D&D's owner Hasbro would cost.
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