This study applies three widely used land models (SSiB, CLM, and Noah-MP) coupled in a regional climate model to quantitatively assess their skill in preserving the imposed ± 5 °C anomalies on the initial land surface and subsurface temperature (LST/SUBT) and generating the 2-m air temperature (T2m) anomalies over Tibetan Plateau (TP) during May–August. The memory of the LST/SUBT initial anomalies (surface/soil memory) is defined as the first time when time series of the differences in daily LST/SUBT cross the zero line during the simulation, with the unit of days. The memory of the T2m anomalies (T2m memory) is defined in the same way. The ensemble results indicate that the simulated soil memory generally increases with soil depth, which is consistent with the results based on the observations with statistic methods. And the soil memory is found to change rapidly with depth above ~ 0.6–0.7 m and vary slowly below it. The land models have fairly long soil memories, with the regional mean 1.0-m soil memory generally longer than 60 days. However, they have short T2m memory, with the regional means generally below 20 days. This may bring a big challenge to use the LST/SUBT approach on the sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction. Comparison between the three land models shows that CLM and Noah-MP have longer soil memory at the deeper layers (> ~ 0.05 m) while SSiB has longer T2m/surface memories and near-surface (≤ ~ 0.05 m) soil memory. As a result, it is difficult to say which land model is optimal for the application of the LST/SUBT approach on the S2S prediction. The T2m/surface/soil memories are various over TP, distinct among the land models, and different between the + 5 °C and − 5 °C experiment, which can be explained by both changes in the surface heat fluxes and variances in the hydrological processes over the plateau.