Combining existing datasets to investigate key questions in developmental cognitive neuroscience brings exciting opportunities and unique challenges. However, many data pooling methods require identical or harmonized methodologies that are often not feasible. We propose Integrative Data Analysis (IDA) as a promising framework to advance developmental cognitive neuroscience with secondary data analysis. IDA serves to test hypotheses by combining data of the same construct from commensurate (but not identical) measures. To overcome idiosyncrasies of neuroimaging data, IDA explicitly evaluates if measures across studies assess the same construct. Moreover, IDA allows investigators to examine meaningful individual variability by de-confounding source-specific differences. To demonstrate IDAs potential, we explain foundational concepts, outline necessary steps, and apply IDA to volumetric measures of hippocampal subfields from 443 4- to 17-year-olds across three independent studies. We identified commensurate measures of Cornu Ammonis (CA) 1, dentate gyrus (DG)/CA3, and Subiculum (Sub). Model testing supported use of IDA to create IDA factor scores. We found age-related differences in DG/CA3, not but CA1 and Sub volume in the integrated dataset. By successfully demonstrating IDA, our hope is that future innovations come from the combination of existing neuroimaging data to create representative integrated samples when testing critical developmental questions.