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t="",e=0,r=n.variants;e\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/,p=(new RegExp("^"+p.source),new RegExp(p.source+"$"),a(y()));f=Error,(0,p.__extends)(A,f);function A(){var n=null!==f&&f.apply(this,arguments)||this;return n.type="MISSING_LOCALE_DATA",n}var v=a(i()),p=a(h()),C=new WeakMap;function D(n){var a=C.get(n);return a||(a=Object.create(null),C.set(n,a)),a}var M=p.supplemental.likelySubtags,i=["ca","co","hc","kf","kn","nu"],E=/^[a-z0-9]{3,8}(-[a-z0-9]{3,8})*$/i;function N(n,a,t,e,r){return void 0===e&&(e=[]),r?{lang:n&&"und"!==n?n:r.lang,script:a||r.script,region:t||r.region,variants:(0,L.__spreadArray)((0,L.__spreadArray)([],e),r.variants)}:{lang:n||"und",script:a,region:t,variants:e}}function w(n){var n=(0,v.parseUnicodeLocaleId)(n),a=n.lang,t=a.lang,e=a.script,r=a.region,a=a.variants;if(e&&r){var u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,script:e,region:r,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,void 0,void 0,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}if(e){var u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,script:e,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,void 0,r,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}if(r){u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,region:r,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,e,void 0,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}u=M[t]||M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:"und",script:e,variants:[]})];if(u)return t=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,e,r,a,t),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n);throw new Error("No match for addLikelySubtags")}I.prototype.maximize=function(){var a=D(this).locale;try{return new I(w(a))}catch(n){return new I(a)}},I.prototype.minimize=function(){var a=D(this).locale;try{return new I(function n(a){if(t=w(a)){var t=(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(t)),{variants:[]})),e=(0,v.parseUnicodeLocaleId)(a),r=e.lang,u=r.lang,i=r.script,o=r.region,r=r.variants;if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,void 0,void 0,r)}));if(o)if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,region:o,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,void 0,o,r)}));if(i)if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,script:i,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,i,void 0,r)}))}return a}(a))}catch(n){return new I(a)}},I.prototype.toString=function(){return D(this).locale},Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"baseName",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)((0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n))},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"calendar",{get:function(){return D(this).calendar},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"collation",{get:function(){return D(this).collation},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"hourCycle",{get:function(){return D(this).hourCycle},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"caseFirst",{get:function(){return D(this).caseFirst},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"numeric",{get:function(){return D(this).numeric},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"numberingSystem",{get:function(){return D(this).numberingSystem},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"language",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).lang},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"script",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).script},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"region",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).region},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),I.relevantExtensionKeys=i;p=I;function I(n,a){if(!(this&&this instanceof I?this.constructor:void 0))throw new TypeError("Intl.Locale must be called with 'new'");var t=I.relevantExtensionKeys,e=["initializedLocale","locale","calendar","collation","hourCycle","numberingSystem"];if(-1\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/;new RegExp("^"+u.source),new RegExp(u.source+"$");function d(u,e,t,n,i){var r=function u(e,t,n,i,r){return D(e[t],n,i,r)}(e,"minimumIntegerDigits",1,21,1),o=e.minimumFractionDigits,a=e.maximumFractionDigits,l=e.minimumSignificantDigits,e=e.maximumSignificantDigits;u.minimumIntegerDigits=r,void 0!==l||void 0!==e?(u.roundingType="significantDigits",l=D(l,1,21,1),e=D(e,l,21,21),u.minimumSignificantDigits=l,u.maximumSignificantDigits=e):void 0!==o||void 0!==a?(u.roundingType="fractionDigits",o=D(o,0,20,t),a=D(a,o,20,Math.max(o,n)),u.minimumFractionDigits=o,u.maximumFractionDigits=a):"compact"===i?u.roundingType="compactRounding":(u.roundingType="fractionDigits",u.minimumFractionDigits=t,u.maximumFractionDigits=n)}function t(u,e,t,n){var i=n.availableLocales,r=n.relevantExtensionKeys,o=n.localeData,a=n.getDefaultLocale,n=n.getInternalSlots,e=c(e),l=Object.create(null),t=function u(e){return void 0===e?Object.create(null):f(e)}(t),n=n(u),D=(n.initializedPluralRules=!0,F(t,"localeMatcher","string",["best fit","lookup"],"best fit")),D=(l.localeMatcher=D,n.type=F(t,"type","string",["cardinal","ordinal"],"cardinal"),d(n,t,0,3,"standard"),g(i,e,l,r,o,a));return n.locale=D.locale,u}function e(u,e,t){var n=t.getInternalSlots,t=t.PluralRuleSelect,n=n(u);return p("Object"===r(n),"pl has to be an object"),p("initializedPluralRules"in n,"pluralrules must be initialized"),p("Number"===r(e),"n must be a number"),isFinite(e)?t(n.locale,n.type,e,function u(e){p("string"==typeof e,"GetOperands should have been called with a string");var t,n,i,r=l(e),o=(p(isFinite(r),"n should be finite"),e.indexOf(".")),a="",o=-1===o?(n=r,t=0):(n=e.slice(0,o),t=l(a=e.slice(o,e.length)),a.length),e=Math.abs(l(n));return a=0!==t?(i=(n=a.replace(/0+$/,"")).length,l(n)):i=0,{Number:r,IntegerDigits:e,NumberOfFractionDigits:o,NumberOfFractionDigitsWithoutTrailing:i,FractionDigits:t,FractionDigitsWithoutTrailing:a}}(o(n,e).formattedString)):"other"}function h(u,e){for(var t=[],n=0,i=e;na[a.length-1]?a[a.length-1].length-1:-1===(o=a.indexOf(c))||"0"===l[c=a[o]].other?0:c.length-l[c].other.match(/0+/)[0].length:0}}function c(n,t,e){var u,r,i,a,o,c=e;if(a=0===n?(u=m("0",c),r=0):(i=(a=n.toString()).indexOf("e"),o=(a=a.split("e"))[0],a=a[1],o=o.replace(".",""),0<=i&&o.length<=c?(r=+a,u=o+m("0",c-o.length),n):(r=f(n),i=Math.round(s(n,r-c+1)),10<=s(i,c-1)&&(r+=1,i=Math.floor(i/10)),u=i.toString(),s(i,c-1-r))),o=c-1<=r?(u+=m("0",r-c+1),r+1):0<=r?(u=u.slice(0,r+1)+"."+u.slice(r+1),r+1):(u="0."+m("0",-r-1)+u,1),0<=u.indexOf(".")&&t\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/,Vn=new RegExp("^"+L.source),Xn=new RegExp(L.source+"$"),Hn=/[#0](?:[\.,][#0]+)*/g;function zn(n,t,e,u){var r,i=n.sign,a=n.exponent,o=n.magnitude,c=u.notation,l=u.style,s=u.numberingSystem,f=t.numbers.nu[0],m=null;if("compact"===c&&o&&(m=function n(t,e,u,r,i,a,o){var c,l=t.roundedNumber,s=t.sign,t=t.magnitude,t=String(Math.pow(10,t)),f=u.numbers.nu[0];if("currency"===r&&"name"!==a){r=(m=u.numbers.currency)[o]||m[f],r=null==(a=r.short)?void 0:a[t];if(!r)return null;c=P(e,l,r)}else{var m,a=((m=u.numbers.decimal)[o]||m[f])[i][t];if(!a)return null;c=P(e,l,a)}return"0"!==c?c=j(c,s).replace(/([^\s;\-\+\d¤]+)/g,"{c:$1}").replace(/0+/,"0"):null}(n,e,t,l,u.compactDisplay,u.currencyDisplay,s)),"currency"===l&&"name"!==u.currencyDisplay){var D=t.currencies[u.currency];if(D)switch(u.currencyDisplay){case"code":r=u.currency;break;case"symbol":r=D.symbol;break;default:r=D.narrow}else 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"The staff were very polite, welcoming and most of all, very helpful with checking in, knowledge of the area, recommended trips and what to avoid. The hotel is very clean, luxury in a good way but not OTT. Right by the tram stop and a 10 min walk from the cruise terminal for the Danube boat trips."
"Nice hotel, super clean, large room with confy bed. Room had hairdryer, safe and a mini bar. We assumed chargeable but it wasnt (noone told us). It wasn't replenished in the two days we were there. Shampoo, shower gel and conditioner in bathroom. No tea or coffee in room (hence 4 stars for facilities) but free facilities in the reception. Reception staff were lovely. Cleaning staff cleaning the coffee facilities on a Sunday modming, at breakfast time which took a machine out - seemed strange to...
"Absolutely fantastic place yo stay. All the members of stuff were super helpful and professional. Great options at continental breakfast. And was given a complementary drinks at my birthday to the room and small note with it which is nice. Highly recommend the place."
"This hotel is fabulous! It is centrally located. It has 24 hr coffee, tea, water in the lobby. And some times treats. Free fabulous breakfast! I highly recommend. "
"The only two negatives are the only windows open to an interior court yard facing other rooms and hotel restaurant has limited options, very expensive and they want to explain each dish…some people like that, I don’t no matter the expense"
"The location, at the foot of the Chain Bridge in Buda, is perfect for exploring all of the sights. The view of the Danube, the Chain Bridge and the magnificent buildings of Pest is fabulous. Service was excellent. Bed was extremely comfortable. Food was good, but not great."
"I loved this quaint hotel, the service and staff were excellent. I ended up having all my meals in the hotel because the food was Michelin Star level, brilliant chef. "
"Fabulous hotel with very friendly and helpful staff. Hand written notes for VIP wine and birthday gifts. No room upgrade was mentioned but we did ask for a quiet room prior to our stay so that may be why? Highly recommend this hotel."
Lowest nightly price found within the past 24 hours based on a 1 night stay for 2 adults. Prices and availability subject to change. Additional terms may apply.
Lowest nightly price found within the past 24 hours based on a 1 night stay for 2 adults. Prices and availability subject to change. Additional terms may apply.
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See all available properties in Budapest
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Situated on the east bank of the Danube, this central area offers sightseeing at landmarks like Buda Castle and shopping on Váci Street. Easily accessible via Ferenc Deák Square, where three Budapest Metro lines converge.
Heart of Budapest, District V boasts political, financial, and touristic significance. Explore iconic sites like Hungarian Parliament Building, St Stephen's Basilica, and Széchenyi Chain Bridge.
If you're spending time in District VI, check out sights like House of Terror or Andrássy Út and hop on the metro to see more the city at Vorosmarty Street Station or Oktogon M Tram Stop.
While you're in District VII., take in top sights like Kiraly Street or Ferenc Liszt Square, and hop on the metro to see more the city at Wesselényi utca - Erzsébet körút Tram Stop or Király utca / Erzsébet körút Tram Stop.
Explore the great outdoors with a trip to Margaret Island, a popular green space in Budapest. Check out the spas and top-notch restaurants in this relaxing area.
Soothe your aching joints in Budapest’s famous mineral hot springs housed in an impressive building where you can also enjoy a range of spa treatments.
Price trend information excludes taxes and fees and is based on base rates for a nightly stay for 2 adults found in the last 7 days on our site and averaged for commonly viewed hotels in Budapest. Select dates and complete search for nightly totals inclusive of taxes and fees.
Find out more about Budapest
Find out more about Budapest
Top reasons to visit Budapest
Thermal Spas: Budapest is famous for its thermal baths, offering rejuvenating spa experiences that blend relaxation and wellness.
Historic Architecture: The city showcases stunning architecture, from Gothic churches to grand palaces, reflecting its rich history.
Cultural Vibrancy: Explore vibrant markets, museums, and art scenes, highlighting the local culture and traditions.
Scenic Views: Enjoy breathtaking views from iconic landmarks like Fisherman's Bastion and Gellért Hill.
Diverse Accommodations: Budapest offers a wide range of lodging options, catering to all budgets and preferences.
Find great hotels in Budapest
Discover the perfect place to stay in Budapest, where a diverse selection of accommodations awaits. From charming hostels to luxurious 5-star hotels, you'll find options to suit every budget and preference. Whether you're traveling with family, on a business trip, or enjoying a pet-friendly getaway, Budapest's hotels offer exceptional amenities and services to enhance your experience in this beautiful city.
Corinthia Budapest: Experience unparalleled luxury at the Corinthia Budapest, a 5-star hotel that caters to families, spa enthusiasts, and luxury seekers alike. Nestled in the heart of Budapest, this elegant property offers a full-service spa with adult supervision required for its extensive pool area, including a hot tub and couples' treatment rooms. Families will appreciate the thoughtful amenities for children, including complimentary cribs and supervised childcare options. The combination of opulent accommodations and relaxing facilities ensures that guests can unwind in style while enjoying a family-friendly atmosphere.
Prestige Hotel Budapest: Perfectly suited for business travelers, the Prestige Hotel Budapest is a sophisticated 4-star property located in the bustling center of the city. The hotel boasts modern meeting rooms and conference spaces, making it an ideal choice for corporate retreats or business trips. Guests will appreciate its stylish design and convenient access to local attractions, ensuring a productive stay. The thoughtful blend of professional amenities and comfortable accommodations allows business visitors to thrive while enjoying the cultural richness of Budapest.
H2 Hotel Budapest: Embracing a pet-friendly philosophy, H2 Hotel Budapest is a welcoming 3.5-star accommodation for travelers who wish to bring their furry friends along for the adventure. Located in Budapest, this hotel provides essential amenities for pets, including water and food bowls, ensuring a comfortable stay for both you and your dog. The relaxed atmosphere and contemporary design make it a great choice for pet owners looking to explore the city without leaving their companions behind. Enjoy the vibrant surroundings while creating memorable experiences with your beloved pets.
Best areas to book your stay in Budapest
Discover the enchanting charm of Budapest, where rich history meets vibrant culture. Explore downtown Budapest's stunning architecture and experience the city's romantic atmosphere. Take a weekend to wander through old settlements, enjoy breathtaking views, and immerse yourself in the local art scene. With friendly locals and a budget-friendly vibe, Budapest is perfect for family vacations, offering a unique blend of historical significance and modern city life.
Budapest City Centre: The vibrant heart of Hungary, Budapest City Centre is where history meets modernity. This area is ideal for travelers interested in family activities, cultural experiences, and urban exploration. With peak visitor numbers in May and July to August, the center is bustling with life. Here, you can indulge in body treatments and spa days, or enjoy shopping at local boutiques. Don't miss the iconic landmarks such as historic monuments and charming streets that narrate the rich history of Budapest.
Inner City Budapest: Known for its dynamic atmosphere, Inner City Budapest attracts visitors year-round, with a notable increase during the warmer months. This neighborhood is perfect for families and culture enthusiasts. Explore its plethora of shopping options, rejuvenate in local spas, and soak in the city's vibrant street life. Historic places and striking monuments dot the landscape, offering a glimpse into the past. The Inner City is a blend of tradition and modernity, making it an unforgettable destination.
Belváros - Lipótváros: This charming neighborhood, often referred to as the downtown area, is a hub for families and cultural explorers. Belváros - Lipótváros sees higher visitor numbers in January to February and September. Here, you can stroll through public markets, enjoy a spa day, and take in the lively shopping scene. The streets are lined with historic sites and tourist precincts, providing a perfect mix of leisure and exploration. The area's rich heritage and inviting atmosphere make it a must-visit on your Budapest journey.
Find the best attractions in Budapest
Budapest offers a rich blend of family-friendly activities, cultural experiences, and vibrant city life. Visitors can explore an array of museums, charming squares, and stunning churches, making it an ideal destination for those seeking culture and outdoor adventures. Don't miss the iconic landmarks and modern attractions that define the heart of Budapest, ensuring a memorable vacation for all travelers.
Margaret Island: A serene getaway in the heart of Budapest, Margaret Island offers beautiful parks, outdoor activities, and a charming beach vibe. You can stroll along tree-lined paths, rent a bike, or enjoy a picnic while soaking in the scenic views of the Danube River.
Parliament Building: An architectural marvel, the Hungarian Parliament Building showcases stunning neo-Gothic design and rich history. Guided tours provide insight into Hungary's political heritage, allowing you to admire its grand interiors and learn about its cultural significance.
Buda Castle: Perched on a hill, Buda Castle exudes romance with its breathtaking views of the city. Explore its historic halls, beautiful gardens, and museums, all while immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Hungary.
Booking tips and Expedia advantages for Budapest
Traveling to Budapest can be budget-friendly with a few smart choices. Enjoy free attractions like St. Stephen's Basilica, Vaci Street, and the Christmas Market. For transportation, public transit and bike rentals are economical options. To save on accommodation, visit during the off-peak months of January, February, and November, and book about a month in advance for the best rates. Consider last-minute deals on Expedia, and explore package options that bundle hotels with flights for added savings. Joining Expedia's One Key program can also yield exclusive discounts and rewards for future stays.
The most and least expensive months on average to stay in a hotel: The cheapest months to stay in Budapest are January to February and November, where the prices are slightly lower. This is in comparison to May and July to August, where prices are slightly higher.
The best time to book a hotel: Booking a hotel in Budapest about 1 month out from when you are planning to stay is usually when prices are lowest. If you're a little more spontaneous, you could also peruse Expedia's last minute deals for hotels, look out for the green banner below the price, as this indicates a cheaper deal.
Find cheap hotels on Expedia: Utilize Expedia’s search tool to refine your preferences, such as your budget, desired location, and preferred type of accommodation. For instance, selecting the "Eco-certified" option will showcase sustainable and environmentally-friendly hotels currently available. To find the best prices and deals, simply arrange the price filter from low to high.
Consider bundling your trip: You can save money by combining your hotel stay in Budapest with your flights and activities through an Expedia package deal.
Become a One Key member: Join Expedia's One Key membership program for exclusive discounts and deals on hotel bookings. You can also earn OneKeyCash to use on future selected hotels.
Things to do in Budapest
Budapest offers a fantastic blend of family-friendly activities and rich cultural experiences. Visitors can indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments, explore vibrant public markets, and enjoy shopping in various districts. For the best adventures, consider a day itinerary that includes top tips for navigating the city. Whether you're seeking relaxation or excitement, Budapest has something for everyone to make your vacation unforgettable.
Food and drinks
Indulge in traditional Hungarian dishes like Goulash and chimney cake at local spots. For drinks, visit Etyeki Kuria Winery or Hernyak Estate, both 15 miles from Budapest, offering a romantic atmosphere. Don't miss IKEA Étterem Örs for a unique Scandinavian twist in the city.
The Great Market Hall offers a vibrant public market experience, perfect for local gifts and souvenirs. Corvin Plaza is a lively shopping mall, ideal for family entertainment. Hunyadi Ter is a charming shopping area with a local feel. If you're up for a drive, explore nearby malls for even more options.
Experience the Gellért Thermal Bath, where you can indulge in rejuvenating body treatments amidst stunning architecture and soothing thermal waters. For family fun, visit the Danube Arena, featuring aquatic activities suitable for all ages. Catch an exciting match at Groupama Arena, where the lively sports atmosphere is contagious.
Experience the thrill of motor racing at Hungaroring, located 11 miles from Budapest, where you can feel the adrenaline rush on the track. Additionally, immerse yourself in the excitement of Lasergame Lasertag, right in Budapest, for a fun and adventurous gaming experience. Don't miss Funlock, also in the area, for unique activities!
In Budapest, the Las Vegas Casino offers an exciting atmosphere with romance and city vibes, perfect for a thrilling night out. For a family-friendly adventure, the Ferris Wheel of Budapest provides stunning views. Don't miss the Budapest Operetta Theatre for an enchanting evening filled with culture and entertainment.
Best time to go to Budapest
Visitor numbers in Budapest is generally unchanged in popularity throughout the year. The best time to visit Budapest is dependant on what kind of holiday you are seeking. July and August are its hottest month on average. At the time of July, visitor numbers are slightly high and weather is mostly sunny. January is its coolest month on average. At this time, visitor numbers are slightly low and weather is mostly cloudy with no rain.
Calendar Month
32.9°F (0.5°C)
No Rain (Dry)
Mostly Cloudy
Slightly Low
Slightly Low
36.1°F (2.3°C)
No Rain (Dry)
Mostly Cloudy
Slightly Low
Slightly Low
44.2°F (6.8°C)
No Rain (Dry)
Mostly Sunny
53.8°F (12.1°C)
No Rain (Dry)
Mostly Sunny
61.3°F (16.3°C)
Light Rain
Mostly Sunny
Slightly High
Slightly High
70.0°F (21.1°C)
Light Rain
Mostly Sunny
74.1°F (23.4°C)
Light Rain
Mostly Sunny
Slightly High
Slightly High
74.1°F (23.4°C)
Light Rain
Slightly High
Slightly High
65.1°F (18.4°C)
Light Rain
Mostly Sunny
54.3°F (12.4°C)
Light Rain
Mostly Sunny
44.6°F (7.0°C)
Light Rain
Mostly Sunny
Slightly Low
Slightly Low
35.2°F (1.8°C)
No Rain (Dry)
Mostly Cloudy
The nearest major airports for your trip to Budapest
When visiting Budapest, you can fly into Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport (BUD), located 11 miles from the city center. Nearby hotel options include the Airport Hotel Budapest, a 4.5-star hotel situated 1 mile from the airport, and the Budapest Airport Hotel Stáció Wellness & Conference, also rated 4.5 stars and 2 miles away. Both hotels offer convenient access to the airport. Additionally, the Danubius Hotel Arena, a 4-star accommodation, is located 9 miles from BUD. Transportation services from these hotels include various shuttle options, ensuring an easy commute to the airport for travelers.
"The staff were very polite, welcoming and most of all, very helpful with checking in, knowledge of the area, recommended trips and what to avoid. The hotel is very clean, luxury in a good way but not OTT. Right by the tram stop and a 10 min walk from the cruise terminal for the Danube boat trips."
A verified traveler from Thatcham stayed at Hotel Vision
"Nicely situated in a quieter area of Budapest but still very convenient for the main attractions. Restaurants, bars and supermarkets all close by. Fantastic view of the Danube made our stay. Excellent staff, particularly the people on reception."
Inner City Budapest is a walkable neighborhood known for its major shopping area and fascinating museums. Other favorite areas in Budapest include Jozsefvaros and Castle Hill.
What are some of the best vacation rentals in Budapest?
If I need to cancel my hotel reservation in Budapest, will I receive a refund?
Yes! The majority of hotel reservations are fully refundable if you cancel before the accommodation's cancellation deadline, which is often 24 or 48 hours before the scheduled arrival. If you have a reservation that's non-refundable, you may still be able to cancel and receive a refund within a 24-hour period of booking. Filter your search by fully refundable to find flexible hotel deals in Budapest.
Where can I learn more about changing or cancelling my trip to Budapest?
What's the best budget-friendly accommodation in Budapest?
Based on reviews, H2 Hotel Budapest is a popular hotel for our travelers who want a more economical choice, and features free buffet breakfast and free WiFi. Other options to stay on the cheap include D8 Hotel and Avenue Hostel. View all budget hotels in Budapest.
Where is the best place to stay in Inner City Budapest?
There are 268 hotels and other accommodations to choose from in this neighborhood, so you're sure to find what you're looking for as you plan your trip. Based on Expedia customer reviews, Aria Hotel Budapest by Library Hotel Collection is the highest ranked property in Inner City Budapest. This 5-star hotel offers free breakfast and a restaurant. It's located steps from St. Stephen's Basilica. Other top choices in the neighborhood include Four Seasons Gresham Palace and Prestige Hotel Budapest.
What's a favorite place to stay in Jozsefvaros?
In this neighborhood, there are 106 places to stay, so you should find just want you want for your visit. Úttö Luxury Suites is a favorite with our customers staying in Jozsefvaros. This 4-star hotel offers free WiFi and in-room kitchens. It is located a short 15-minute walk from Hungarian National Museum. Travelers also recommend Hotel Nemzeti Budapest – MGallery and Brody House as top choices in the area.
What's the best accommodation for a family vacation to Budapest?
Hotel Viki is one of the top choices for your stay based on our traveler data, and this hotel offers free breakfast and an indoor pool. It's located 4.8 mi (7.8 km) from Hungaroring. Other good choices around the area include Erzsebet Kiralyne Hotel and Konvoj Szálló.
What about the best place to stay near Szechenyi Chain Bridge?
What's the best hotel for a beach vacation in Budapest?
Hotel Panzió 100 is a top 3-star beach hotel offering an outdoor pool and a restaurant, located within a short 14-minute walk of Priest Island. Other good options to stay near the beach include Katona Apartments and Aquamarina Hotel.
What's the best place to stay if I'm looking to play golf in Budapest?
Novotel Budapest Centrum is a hotel featuring free WiFi and a 24-hour fitness center, and it's a top choice for golfing nearby. You can tee off at Old Lake Golf Course during your trip. See more golf hotels in Budapest.
What's the best place to stay in Budapest to absorb the local history?
Based on our travel expertise, Brody House is a top historic hotel bookable on Expedia and it features free WiFi. Also notable landmarks to visit include Liberty Bridge, Dohany Street Synagogue, and Danube Promenade. See more options for historical stays in Budapest.
What's the best place to stay for a ski vacation in Budapest?
Based on our travel data, Dominik Panzio is a top pension for hitting the ski slopes, and features free WiFi and concierge services. Attila Hotel & Restaurant is another good option for your winter getaway. Enjoy the skiing and snowboarding by visiting Babos Ski Area or Slider Club.
What's the best neigborhood in Budapest for seeing the sights?
Zugló is one of the best areas of the city for sightseeing with top places to visit like Szechenyi Thermal Bath, Vajdahunyad Castle, and Heroes' Square. Szentendrei is another area known for sightseeing including Aquaworld Budapest, Szentendre Skanzen Village Museum, and Main Square.
What are some accommodations with pools in Budapest?
Where can I find the best neigborhood in Budapest to get out and enjoy the local nightlife?
Come to Erzsebetvaros for the array of dining options, and while you're here, check out one of the favorite pubs—Szimpla Kert. Based on customer reviews, Stories Hotel is the highest ranked place to stay in the neighborhood, and this 4-star B&B offers free WiFi and concierge services. Corinthia Budapest and Leonardo Boutique Hotel Budapest M-Square are a couple of other options in the neighborhood. Terezvaros is another neighborhood where you can enjoy the nightlife.
What's it like to stay in Budapest?
History buffs will enjoy exploring Budapest, and visitors give high marks for the fascinating museums, cathedral, and entertainment choices. This city also attracts tourists with its monuments, shopping, and cafes. A top sight in the city is Margaret Island. In Budapest, there are 1828 hotels and other accommodations to choose from. Find out more about Budapest.
Walk to nearby metro stations like Ferenciek Square Station, Astoria M Tram Stop, and Astoria Station. If you want to venture out around the area, you may want a rental car in Budapest for your journey.
What's the weather like in Budapest?
The hottest months are usually August and July with an average temp of 71°F, while the coldest months are January and February with an average of 37°F. Average annual precipitation for Budapest is 25 inches.