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STRONG, James, scholar, born in New York city, 14 August, 1822. His father, Thomas, came from England to this country in 1815. The son was left an orphan at an early age, and in 1839 began the study of medicine, but the failure of his health led to its abandomnent. He was graduated at Wesleyan in 1844, taught two years in Poultney, Vermont, and then failing health again compelled his retirement to a farm in Newtown, Long Island. Eighteen months later he settled at Flushing, where he followed biblical studies. He held various local offices, took an active interest in the development of tile town, and projected and built the Flushing railroad, of which he was president. He gave gratuitous private instruction to classes in Greek and Hebrew, which led to his first literary labor, the preparation of brief manuals of Greek, Hebrew, and Chaldee grammar, which were afterward published (1856-'69). From 1858 till 1861 he was professor of biblical literature and acting president of Troy university, where in the former year he delivered an inaugural on "Scholastic Education and Biblical Interpretation" (Troy, 1859), and he then returned to Flushing to engage in public improvements. Since 1868 he has been professor of exegetical theology in Drew theological seminary, Madison, New Jersey Wesleyan gave him the degrees of D. D, and LL. D. in 1856 and 1881 respectively. Dr. Strong travelled in Egypt and Palestine in 1874, and is a member of the American branch of the Palestine exploration committee, tie is also one of the Old Testament company of the committee for the revision of the authorized version of the Bible. In 1872 he was a lay delegate to the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is the author of "A New Harmony and Exposition of the Gospels" (New York, 1852); " Harmony in Greek" (1854); "Scripture History delineated from the Biblical Records and all other Accessible Sources" (Madison, New Jersey, 1878) ; " Irenics, a Series of Essays showing the Virtual Agreement between Science and the Bible" (New York, 1883) ; and "The Tabernacle of Israel in the Desert" (1888). He has edited, for the American edition of Lange's commentary, the parts on "Daniel" (1876) and "Esther" (1877), and published a "Literal Translation of Ecclesiastes" (1877) The chief work of his life is the "Cyclopmdia of Biblical, Theo-logical, and Ecclesiastical Literature" (10 vols., 1867-'81 ; supplement, 2 vols., 1885-'7). In the preparation of the first three volumes of this work, which was begun in 1853, he was the associate of its projector, Dr. John McClintock (q. v.), who took charge of the theological part, while he attended to the department of biblical literature, but since the death of Dr. McClintock Dr. Strong has had sole charge. He has also prepared various question manuals for Sunday-schools and Bible classes, based on his " Harmony of the Gospels," several of which were edited by Daniel P. Kidder, D. D. (New York, 1853-'4), and with Orange Judd and Mrs. Julia M. Olin lessons for every Sunday in the year (4 vols., 1862-'5), on the plan afterward used in the " International Lessons."
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