5 Restorative Yoga Poses Everyone Will Love

At the end of a long day, taking a little time for some rest and relaxation can make huge difference in lowering your high stress levels — not to mention your quality of sleep. Each of these poses is worth a shot, regardless of your yoga level or experience.

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Reclining Butterfly Pose
Megan Wolfe Photography

Reclining Butterfly Pose

Reclining Butterfly Pose is the perfect elixir for tight inner thighs or anyone struggling with uncomfortable menstruation pains. If you have a bolster handy, then bring it out for this pose:

  • Start off in Butterfly Pose, sit on the floor, bend both knees, and bring your feet together.
  • Slowly begin to round your spine toward your mat until your back is resting all the way to the ground.
  • Draw awareness to keeping your feet together, and allow your knees to drop closer and closer toward your mat. Either keep your arms gently resting on the floor, palms facing, or with one hand on your belly and the other on your heart.
  • Hold for at least five breaths.
Legs Up the Wall
Megan Wolfe Photography

Legs Up the Wall

The tight legs, swollen ankles, and stiff lower backs of desk-dwellers will find comfort in this simple but important posture:

  • Sit sideways, and position yourself a few inches away from a wall. On your exhale, swing your hips 90 degrees to bring legs up the wall.
  • Allow your shoulders and head to rest lightly on the floor, relax your arms at your sides, and close your eyes.
  • Keep your legs firm against the wall, but don't force anything in this pose. If it feels uncomfortable or your lower back, then give yourself a few more inches away from the wall.

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Reclining Twist
Megan Wolfe Photography

Reclining Twist

To give some love to the tight lower back, few things feel more glorious than this reclining twist posture:

  • Lie flat on your back, and draw both knees in toward your chest, giving them a nice big squeeze.
  • Either keep your legs bent for a more beginner-friendly posture, or extend them out straight up in the air, and breath in deep.
  • On the exhale, open your right arm and gaze to the right side, and drop your legs toward the left. If your legs are extended long, then reach for your thigh, ankle, or foot, and look toward your open right hand.
  • Hold for at least five breaths before coming back to center and then dropping your legs toward the right.
Child's Pose
Megan Wolfe Photography

Child's Pose

The mother of all restorative poses, Child's Pose is the perfect way to give your body a little love. It's especially helpful to come back to if you fall out of sync with your breath during yoga class:

  • Kneel on your mat with your knees hips-width distance apart and your big toes touching behind you. Take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, lie your torso over your thighs.
  • Try to lengthen your neck and spine by drawing your ribs away from your tailbone and the crown of your head away from your shoulders.
  • Rest your arms beside your legs, with your arms extended out in front of you.
  • Stay here for at least five breaths.