Friday, March 14, 2025Daily Trivia Questions are below TODAY’S FOOD QUOTE“I don't think a really good pie can be made without a dozen or so children peeking over your shoulder as you stoop to look in at it every little while.” John Gould FOOD HOLIDAYS - TODAY IS:� National Potato Chip Day (Chips Facts & Trivia) � National Reuben Sandwich Day (Declared by Omaha, Nebraska in 2013) (Reuben Sandwich Trivia) � National Pi Day (annually March 14). [] The mathematical constant, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, is approximately 3.14. Pi day has been celebrated since at least the late 1980s, and in 2009 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution recognizing Pi Day. (Pie Recipes) � Groundwater Awareness Week (March 9-15, 2025) [National Ground Water Association] (Water Trivia and Facts) TODAY IN FOOD HISTORY1794 Eli Whitney of New Haven, Connecticut patented the Cotton Gin, which separates cotton from the seeds. (Cottonseed Oil Trivia & Facts) 1833 Lucy Hobbs Taylor was born (died Oct 3, 1910). The first American female Dentist. 1836 John Adlum died (born April 29, 1759). American viticulturist, he is sometimes mistakenly credited with developing the Catawba grape. He was a pioneer in cultivation of native grape varieties, and certainly was instrumental in popularizing the Catawba grape. (Grape Trivia & Facts --- Grape Quotes) 1862 Vilhelm Bjerknes was born (died April 9, 1951). A Norwegian meteorologist, one of the founders of the modern science of weather forecasting. 1864 Casey Jones (John Luther Jones) was born (died April 30, 1900). Famed railroad engineer of the passenger train, the Cannonball Express, which crashed into a freight train near Vaughn, Mississippi. He died trying to stop his train and was immortalized as a hero in Wallace Saunders, 'The Ballad of Casey Jones'. (Railroad Trivia & Facts) 1899 Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin of Stuttgart, Germany, received a patent for the Zeppelin, a "Navigable Balloon" 1901 Urbain Dubois died (born May 26, 1818). French chef, author of many cookbooks, but especially 'La cuisine classique' (1856). Served as chef to Prince Alexey Orlov and Prince William of Prussia. 1903 President Theodore Roosevelt established the first U.S. national bird sanctuary to protect pelicans and herons nesting on Pelican Island, near Sebastian, Florida. (see also Jan 9, 1864) 1921 Samuel Truett Cathy was born (died Sept 8, 2014). Founder of the fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A in 1946. 1927 Pan American Airways was founded to operate service between Key West, Florida and Havana, Cuba. 1946 Jim Pons of the music group 'The Turtles' was born. 1958 'Tequila' by The Champs is #1 on the charts. 1962 Union Carbide registered the 'Glad' trademark for plastic bags. 2011 The UK bans Immigrants from outside the European Economic Area from working as chefs in fast food and takeaway restaurants. 2014 Quiznos restaurant chain filed for bankruptcy protection. 2020 Coronavirus: Spain announces nationwide lockdown; France closes all nonessential businesses; Middle Eastern countries are closing their doors to outsiders. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** February 27-March 9, 2025 113th Central Florida Fair Orlando, Florida March 4-23, 2025 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Houston, Texas March 8-9 & 15-16, 2025 65th Annual Maple Festival Highland County, Virginia March 13-17, 2025 Taste Washington Seattle, Washington March 14-16 & 21-23, 2025 - Annual Ostrich Festival Chandler, Arizona March 15, 2025 34th Annual Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry - Virginia City, Nevada March 15-16, 2025 Maple Taste & Tour Weekend Various Locations, Pennsylvania (SEE ALL FOOD FESTIVALS and OTHER FOOD EVENTS) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** FOOD TRIVIA QUIZ (new DAILY questions)1) All of the following events took place in the same year. What year is it? � Pillsbury acquires H�agen-Dazs ice cream. � Jenny Craig Inc. weight loss program is founded by Sid and Jenny Craig. � Denny's Restaurants acquires the U.S. El Pollo Loco restaurants. � Maytag built its last wringer-washing machine. � Wendy's introduced Baked Potatoes with toppings. � Earl Silas Tupper died. The inventor of Tupperware. 2) What is the largest drive-in restaurant chain? 3) In 1876 B&M baked beans were the first baked beans to be sold in cans. What does the B&M stand for and what was the specific reason this company canned baked beans? Click Here for Today’s Quiz Answers ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Read an article about Chef James and the website published in the Winona Daily News, Minneapolis StarTribune, and numerous other newspapers: Click here for the Article ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Dedication This website is dedicated to: � Gladys Ehler, my mother, who taught me patience and how to make Sauerbraten (it is still my favorite) � Edward Ehler, my father, who taught me a love of books and history. � Barbara Saba, my sister, who taught me how to dance. � Cpl. Thomas E. Saba, my nephew. Died in action on Feb. 7, 2007 in Iraq. He was 30 yrs. young. Chef James TOP |