When you read about indoor location, the topic du jour is shopping malls and keeping retail alive inside of a shrinking marketplace. But a museum in Victoria, British Columbia decided it was time to go high tech and recently installed indoor navigation in their 126-year old museum in order to enhance the visitor experience.
In general, the most common type of self guided mobile experience in a museum is still the audio tour, and it's also closest thing to augmented reality in a museum - where we overlay what we see and observe, with what we hear.
But, the role of technology in museums evolving and indoor navigation technology is a new type of visitor engagement tool that gives them the ability to trigger location based events automatically based on all the content they have on hand. Indoor Positioning System, (IPS) technology allows museums to automatically deliver location based content without requiring visitors to scan in a QR codes which has proven to be cumbersome and harder to mainstream outside of ad campaigns.
The Royal BC Museum was looking for a way to enhance the visitor experience and keep them coming back again and again. And like most museums around the world, membership skews older so they knew they had to reach a younger demographic who is tied to their smartphones and likes to experience things on their own terms. Typically, museums share exhibit information with visitors in a limited and physical way - pamphlets and placards - or with an audio tour. But with indoor location, the museum hoped it could create a more engaging and interactive relationship with visitors.
So they turned to Wifarer, a company that specializes in indoor navigation technology. What GPS does outside, tracking and locating your position, Wifarer, with IPS does inside. In this case, navigation and serving up location based services centered around content which can be delivered to you based on where are in the museum. Say you want to go see the Woolly Mammoth they have in the museum, your smartphone (through the app) will show you how to get there, once you have arrived, your phone will push to you the information about the Woolly Mammoth and other content related with that exhibit.
Imagine you're with a big group, or your family, who don't agree on anything anyway. Instead of all members of your group or family having to do the same preset tour in a museum, each can visit the exhibit they're most interested in and get the content they're interested in, not the groups. Move at your own pace, linger and explore -- personalized content as you move around the museum, even with your family.
In the case of the Royal BC Museum, your location is represented by a beacon on a map on your own smartphone. Wifarer automatically up
This wasn't a massive technology overhaul either. The Museum made a single capital investment to outfit their 40-year old building with WiFi, (about two months to install) and then the deployment of the Wifarer technology in the Museum took only two weeks. After the system was in place, content was uploaded from the exhibits and archives (still ongoing) and it was up and running.
"This system gives us a way to leverage our archives to provide layers of information using video, audio and text that is engaging and interactive," said Kim Gough, Program Developer, Learning and the Visitor Experience, Royal BC Museum. "It also opens up the world of augmented reality - the ability to trigger location specific events to complement our exhibitions. Ultimately, it makes each visitor's experience customized and more personal. They can dive deep, or not, depending on their own personal interests."
IPS is a new paradigm - a browser in a physical space. It gives us the unique ability to not only help visitors navigate our corridors, which resemble a labyrinth, but to provide richer content along the way -- Kim Gough, Royal BC Museum
The Museum says the Wifarer technology has given them the ability to jump to the forefront of visitor engagement technology. But they are not alone, the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, has also installed an indoor navigation system to strengthen the visitor experience and has six Explorer apps visitors can use in their visit.
"We think IPS technology gives us the ability to offer visitors a unique, interactive and new way to experience our museum by simply downloading a free app on the smartphone they already carry around in their pockets," said Gough. "This type of technology lets our guests create a customized tour based on individual interests while providing real time GPS-style directions to where people want to go."
If you are visiting Victoria, BC and are planning a trip to the Royal BC Museum you can download the app on Google Play and iTunes.