Holy Saturday / Easter Vigil
Do not be afraid. (Matthew 28:5)
A powerful earthquake shook the ground. An angel, unearthly in electric might, caused tough Roman soldiers to faint in terror. Sometimes, God acts and we are afraid: afraid of his power, afraid of the upheaval it causes, or afraid because we simply can’t comprehend his ways.
The resurrection was like that. But what did the angel say? “Do not be afraid” (Matthew 28:5). Jesus said it, too: “Do not be afraid” (28:10). God is always out for your good. And so he tells you as well: “Do not be afraid!”
For the past forty days, you have been pursuing a deeper relationship with the Lord. You have probably prayed more and fasted or engaged in other kinds of self-denial intended to bring you closer to him. The truth is, when you draw near to him, you can be sure he will draw near to you, too. And so, if God has done something in your life this Lent, don’t be afraid! If he has spoken to you or caused your heart to pound over some Scripture passage you have read or some hymn you have sung or some homily you have heard, don’t be afraid.
Maybe he has brought up old hurts or patterns of sin. Maybe he has pointed out someone you need to forgive or ask forgiveness of. Don’t be afraid. If the Holy Spirit has nudged you in a new direction, to a new service or activity or away from an old one, don’t be afraid. You may be longing for more of Jesus but feeling reluctant to move out of your comfort zone. Or maybe you hesitate because you don’t know where the Spirit will lead. Don’t be afraid. Join Jesus in stepping out of the tomb and into the dawn of a new day!
Approach him. Embrace him. Surrender your ideas and plans and activities to him. But don’t be afraid! Come to him so that you can have life. He is near you right now, and as you approach him, he will meet you on the way, just as he met Mary Magdalene. What joy to hold onto as you celebrate the resurrection of our Lord! You have nothing to be afraid of!
“Jesus, I cast aside all fear in your presence. Take my hand, Lord, and lead me in the joy of new life.”
Romans 6:3-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23
TODAY we experience the silence of the tomb while Jesus slept in death, as if resting from His harrowing passion. Then, tonight at the Easter Vigil, we will proclaim with the Creed that Jesus had descended into hell, trampled its gates, and broken Satans stranglehold on the human race. All night, we will wait in anticipation for His resurrection to fee us from the curse of sin and restore us to life in God.
We will also be reminded tonight of the night the Israelites passed on the shores of the Red Sea. Escaping into the desert after the angel of death had passed over them, they found themselves hemmed in, the sea before them and Pharaohs troops behind them. There they kept vigil, with a mysterious angel and a pillar of cloud guarding them through the night (Exodus 14:19). How keenly they must have hoped for deliverance! Their lives hung in the balance, and they could only stand firm in faith (Exodus 14:14). There was nothing else they could do. Everything depended on God.
Jesus disciples found themselves in a similar situation after his crucifixion. No amount of effort not Peters grief at denying his Master nor the womens kindly preparations to anoint Jesus body with spices could bring the Master back to life. There was nothing they could do bug wait. But it is precisely here, at the end of all human resources, that Gods power shines through most gloriously. When we were enslaved to the devil, God loosed our chains.
Let us wait on the Lord tonight, expecting His power to move in us. We have only to keep still, and He will act on our behalf. Even if we are not able to attend the vigil, let us spend some time this evening keeping watch and waiting for the light of Christ to flood our hearts and break into our world. This is the most blessed of all nights, chosen by God to see Christ rising from the dead!