Some "Friends" are for Life |
Friends of Ottawa County
Parks is an organization dedicated to connecting people with nature, recreation and community by partnering with the Ottawa County Parks & Recreation Commission. Organized in 2005, the Friends group sponsors programs to build public awareness of the Ottawa County Parks system by hosting events and providing information about Ottawa County parks and open spaces. Click this link for more info and and membership application. |
Quick link to Facebook
Posts about OC Parks Barb Brown provided this link so folks can see what's posted on her Facebook group for Friends of Ottawa Co Parks, OC Parks Foundation, and from the parks staff publications: 1591321254541102 |
We've had a wonderful response to the challenge for replenishing the Statema Stewardship Fund. The goal had been to raise a total of $4,500 (including the member challenge amount and their employer match). We did much better than that! We have added over $10,000 to the fund. In late 2024 we approved and paid nearly $9,000 of grants for 2025 projects. Thank you to everyone who contributed! Stewardship Grants |
For information on Ottawa County Parks, visit: |