Fujifilm GFX100RF vs X-Pro3 vs Leica Q3 approximate Size Comparison and Dimensions
Size Comparison
Andrea has made a video about the leaked images of the Fujifilm GFX100RF and has made an approximate size comparison between the Fujifilm GFX100RF, Fujifilm X-Pro3 and Leica Q3.
Of course these are very approximate size comparisons, so don’t take them as 100% accurate. But if the size comparison is accurate, then the GFX100RF would look about as wide as the X-Pro3 and Leica Q3, just a little bit higher.
But the more interesting thing is the lens. The one on the Fujifilm GFX100RF looks quite compact as opposed to the lens on the Leica Q3, which protrudes quite a bit from the camera body. This could ultimately make the GFX100RF a more pocketable solution than the Leica Q3, even though it has a sensor about 70% larger than the Leica Q3.
Also, FR-reader Matt compared the size of the Fujifilm GFX100RF to other cameras by aligning the width of the hotshot as seen in this image.
According to this, the size of the GFX100RF should be around 135mm (W) x 94mm (H).
For comparison:
- GFX100RF
135mm (W) x 94mm (H) - GFX 50R
160.7mm (W) x 96.5mm (H) - X-Pro3
140.5mm (W) × 82.8mm (H) - X100VI
128mm (W) x 74.8mm (H)
Matt’s calculations more or less fit with the comparisons made by Andrea.