Fujifilm GFX100RF vs X-Pro3 vs Leica Q3 approximate Size Comparison and Dimensions


Size Comparison

Andrea has made a video about the leaked images of the Fujifilm GFX100RF and has made an approximate size comparison between the Fujifilm GFX100RF, Fujifilm X-Pro3 and Leica Q3.

Of course these are very approximate size comparisons, so don’t take them as 100% accurate. But if the size comparison is accurate, then the GFX100RF would look about as wide as the X-Pro3 and Leica Q3, just a little bit higher.

But the more interesting thing is the lens. The one on the Fujifilm GFX100RF looks quite compact as opposed to the lens on the Leica Q3, which protrudes quite a bit from the camera body. This could ultimately make the GFX100RF a more pocketable solution than the Leica Q3, even though it has a sensor about 70% larger than the Leica Q3.


Also, FR-reader Matt compared the size of the Fujifilm GFX100RF to other cameras by aligning the width of the hotshot as seen in this image.

According to this, the size of the GFX100RF should be around 135mm (W) x 94mm (H).

For comparison:

Matt’s calculations more or less fit with the comparisons made by Andrea.


EXCLUSIVE: First Image of Fujifilm GFX100RF Front View with Lens


Here you have it guys, the first image of the Fujifilm GFX100RF front view with lens (top and backside image here).

Size seems quite reasonably for me, and the lens looks very compact compared to the rather long lens of the Leica Q3.

Interestingly there is still the viewfinder switch we have on the X-Pro and X100 line, even though the Fujifilm GFX100RF has only an electronic viewfinder. So I guess it will have some other function.


Fujifilm X-T5 Firmware Update Released


Fujifilm has released a new firmware update for the Fujifilm X-T5. All details below.

Fujifilm X-T5 ver.4.21 – download here
The firmware update Ver.4.21 from Ver.4.20 incorporates the following issue:

  1. A firmware bug is fixed that the connection with USB devices may not work properly.

STAY TUNED: Fujifilm GFX100RF Front View Image Coming Today – And See the Crop Lever Now!


Earlier today Fujifilm shared the first image of the front view of the Fujifilm GFX100RF.

Well, our sources thought that the Fujifilm community needs more than just that massively underexposed image.

So they reached out to us and passed us a very clear image of the entire front of the GFX100RF (the top and backside can be seen here).

I am preparing the article now and will share it today.

In the meantime you can see the crop zoom lever placed under the ON/OFF switch and (big) command dial.

You toggle the lever left or right to change the crop, and it automatically flips back to the center after each adjustment.

Join Now!


Fujifilm Shares Image of Fujifilm GFX100RF


When announcing the Fujifilm X summit on March 20 at 5AM New York time, Fujifilm has also shared the first “official” image of the Fujifilm GFX100RF.

The original images is underexposed, so you get it brightened up for you here on FujiRumors. We can see:

  • lens looks rather compact
  • the crop lever under the shutter button
  • there is still the viewfinder selector, but the Fujifilm GFX100RF has an EVF only, so it likely has another function.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you want to get a clear view of the top and back of the Fujifilm GFX100RF, check out this article.
