Garrett Lane, Tyldesley, Greater Manchester, M29 7EY


Garrett Hall Primary School

Dream and Believe, Learn and Achieve...

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Headteacher's Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to Garrett Hall Primary School, a fun, and vibrant school where pupils, staff, governors, parents and the school community work extremely hard to have high expectations of one another. We are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning-achieved through a combination of challenges, support, encouragement and praise-to ensure that all children fulfill their potential. I hope that our website gives you a real feel for our happy, caring and aspirational school. We hope that you enjoy exploring our website and finding out about our school. Visitors are always welcome and for new or prospective parents I would warmly encourage you to come and visit us to see what we can offer you and your child.

Mrs Tracy Beaty 


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