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Mineral Deposits Studies Group

The Mineral Deposits Studies Group


Twitter: @MDSG_UK


The purpose of the group is to study mineral deposits, mineralization processes and other geological topics related to mineralization. It does this by arranging meetings for the reading and discussion of communications and promoting the exchange of information, and by organising visits to sites of scientific interest to its members.

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Katie McFall
[email protected]


Steven Hollis


Holly Elliot

University Representative

Dave Holwell
University of Leicester

Industry Representative

Ryan Bartlett
Rio Tinto

Industry Representative

Sandy Walker
Rio Tinto

Student Representative

Aileen Doran
University College Dublin

Student Representative

Eva Marquis
University of Brighton

Student Representative

Jo Miles
University of Bristol / British Geological Survey

Student Representative

James Davey
University of Southampton

Student Representative

Rob Pell
Camborne School of Mines

Student Representative

Chris Yeomans
Camborne School of Mines / British Geological Survey

Student Representative

Rebecca Strachan
University College London