Stephen Hawking’s phenomenal, multimillion-copy bestseller, A Brief History of Time, introduced the ideas of this brilliant theoretical physicist to readers all over the world.
Now, in a major publishing event, Hawking returns with a lavishly illustrated sequel that unravels the mysteries of the major breakthroughs that have occurred in the years since the release of his acclaimed first book.
Stephen William Hawking was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. Between 1979 and 2009, he was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, widely viewed as one of the most prestigious academic posts in the world. Hawking was born in Oxford into a family of physicians. In October 1959, at the age of 17, he began his university education at University College, Oxford, where he received a first-class BA degree in physics. In October 1962, he began his graduate work at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where, in March 1966, he obtained his PhD degree in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, specialising in general relativity and cosmology. In 1963, at age 21, Hawking was diagnosed with an early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease that gradually, over decades, paralysed him. After the loss of his speech, he communicated through a speech-generating device initially through use of a handheld switch, and eventually by using a single cheek muscle. Hawking's scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Initially, Hawking radiation was controversial. By the late 1970s, and following the publication of further research, the discovery was widely accepted as a major breakthrough in theoretical physics. Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He was a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Hawking achieved commercial success with several works of popular science in which he discussed his theories and cosmology in general. His book A Brief History of Time appeared on the Sunday Times bestseller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks. Hawking was a Fellow of the Royal Society, a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. In 2002, Hawking was ranked number 25 in the BBC's poll of the 100 Greatest Britons. He died in 2018 at the age of 76, having lived more than 50 years following his diagnosis of motor neurone disease.
The Universe in a Nutshell is a 2001 book about theoretical physics by Stephen Hawking. It is generally considered a sequel and was created to update the public concerning developments since the multi-million-copy bestseller A Brief History of Time published in 1988. In it Hawking explains to a general audience various matters relating to the Lucasian professor's work, such as Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem and P-branes (part of superstring theory in quantum mechanics). He tells the history and principles of modern physics. He seeks to "combine Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and Richard Feynman's idea of multiple histories into one complete unified theory that will describe everything that happens in the universe."
عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «جهان در پوست گردو: دنباله کتاب تاریخچه زمان»؛ «جهان در پوست گردو»؛ «کیهان در پوست گردو»؛ نویسنده: استیون هاوکینگ؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: چهاردهم ماه آگوست سال2005میلادی
عنوان: جهان در پوست گردو: دنباله کتاب تاریخچه زمان؛ نویسنده استیون هاوکینگ؛ مترجم محمدرضا محجوب؛ تهران: حریر شرکت سهامی انتشار، سال1383؛ در326ص؛ مصور؛ شابک9649334254؛ چاپ دوم سال1383؛ چاپ سوم سال1384؛ چاپ چهارم سال1384؛ چاپ پنجم سال1386؛ چاپ ششم سال1387؛ چاپ هفتم سال1388؛ چاپ نهم سال1391؛ چاپ یازدهم سال1393؛ چاپ دوازدهم سال1395؛ چاپ چهاردهم سال1397؛ موضوع: کوانتوم از دانشمندان بریتانیا - سده21م
عنوان: کیهان در پوست گردو؛ نویسنده: استیون هاوکینگ؛ مترجم: محمد قصاع؛ مشهد: آستان قدس رضوی، شرکت به نشر، سال1386؛ در225ص؛ شابک9789640207604؛ چاپ دوم سال1387؛ چاپ سوم سال1388؛ چاپ چهارم سال1390؛
عنوان: جهان در پوست گردو؛ نویسنده استفن هاوکینگ؛ مترجم داوود نعمتاللهی؛ تهران معیار علم، سال1392؛ در267ص؛ شابک9786005461374؛
عنوان: جهان در پوست گردو؛ نویسنده: استفن هاوکینگ؛ مترجم: عبدالحسین صبوری؛ تهران شبگیر، سال1394؛ در238ص؛ شابک9786006774114؛ چاپ سوم سال1397؛
عنوان: جهان در پوست گردو؛ نویسنده: استفن هاوکینگ ؛ مترجم: صمد غلامی؛ تهران ناقوس، سال1396؛ در266ص؛ شابک9786004730754؛
فهرست مطالب کتاب: یک: «تاریخچه مختصر نسبیت»؛ دوم: «شکل زمان»؛ سوم: «جهان در پوست گردو»؛ چهارم: «پیشگویی آینده»؛ پنجم: «نگهبانی از گذشته»؛ ششم: «آینده ما؟ پیشتازان فضا یا نه؟» هفتم: «دنیای جدید برِین»؛
یک برآمد بسیار مهم نسبیت رابطه ی بین جرم و انرژی است؛ ادعای «آلبرت اینشتین» که سرعت نور باید برای تمام ناظران یکسان باشد، ایجاب میکند که هیج چیز نمیتواند تندتر از نور حرکت کند؛ در نتیجه استفاده از انرژی برای شتاب دادن هر چیز، چه ذره باشد و چه سفینه ی فضائی، بر جرمش میافزاید، و کار را دشوارتر میکند؛ شتاب دادن یک ذره تا سرعت نور ناممکن خواهد بود؛ زیرا بینهایت انرژی لازم خواهد داشت؛ جرم و انرژی معادل هستند؛ آنطور که در فرمول معروف «اینشتاین» خلاصه شده است: «ای مساوی ام سی دو»؛ میتوان گفت این معادله در فیزیک، تنها معادله ای است که زبانزد خاص و عام است؛ در میان برآمدهای آن، درک این بود، که اگر هسته ی یک اتم اورانیوم شکافته، و به دو هسته، با جرمهای تقریباً کمتر تقسیم شود، انرژی بی اندازهٔ زیادی تولید خواهد کرد
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 19/03/199هجری خورشید؛ 15/01/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Now I read this book cover to cover, line-by-line, methodically going back over passages that were "challenging", line-by-line, got to the last page, closed the book and said out loud; "Nope, sorry Steve, you lost me there".
Un libro muy difícil pero delicioso. Hawking muy Hawking, fiel a su estilo, con una narrativa no demasiado didáctica, con sus toques excéntricos que me disgustan pero hablando de temas de los que solo él y muy pocos más, contados con los dedos de la mano, pueden hablar. Que una mente así se abra para acercar temas tan controvertidos, interesantes y avanzados como los que trata es para agradecerlo. Este es de esos libros que cambian vidas. Así que Hawking, muchas gracias. De verdad.
Contrary to Einstein's opinion that God doesn't play the dice, Hawking asserts that God is actually a decent gambler. Funny enough, none of them refer to any particular deity when they use the word "God".
The first chapter is dedicated to explaining Einstein's special and general theorem along with some of the events of Einstein's life. Hawking usually explains scientific issues in their historical context and combines some biographies of scientists with scientific explanations. Not only do they provide more comprehensive writing, but this method helps to remember the discussed material better, at least in my case. The connections between theories of relativity with singularity and M-theory are discussed in chapters two and three. Then, with the help of imaginary time, it demonstrates how quantum theory shapes time and space. As usual, Richard Feynman's name came up, and his theory of multiple histories left me in awe.
I want to highlight that many of the topics described by Hawking in this book—such as the Doppler effect, Hubble's constant, Maxwell's field, and anthropic principle—have already been covered by him in his earlier works and that the repetition is quite clever. Providing a different explanation of these theories and discoveries increases the chances that the casual reader will understand quantum physics. Like learning at school, when a particular subject may have been studied in detail over several years from various perspectives.
Despite Hawking's outstanding efforts to simplify things, these topics' complexity makes comprehension difficult. To better understand challenging ideas in some cases, I used YouTube videos with visual explanations, especially the fourth chapter, which was the most difficult one as I couldn’t understand all the concepts regarding black holes and event horizons. Chapter six is about the future and makes many predictions that after 20 years of publication, we can see they are not far from what we are heading to. For example, neural implants, genetic engineering, parallel processing in CPU, growing babies outside the human body, etc.
In the final chapter, he addresses dimensions other than four ordinary dimensions. He offers a fresh take on string theory and a description of the holographic representation of the world. Let me borrow his words: “According to the idea of holography, information about what happens in a region of spacetime can be encoded on its boundary. So maybe we think we live in a four-dimensional world because we are shadows cast on the brane by what is happening in the interior of the bubble. However, from a positivist viewpoint, one cannot ask: Which is reality, brane or bubble? They are both mathematical models that describe the observations. One is free to use whichever model is most convenient.”
Hawking is an exceedingly clear and occasionally quite funny writer, not easy when the topic is quantum physics, etc. I would be lying if I claimed to understand much of this book, especially in the audiobook format in which an exceedingly pleasant British voice hurls a flood of Hawking's words and concepts, one more challenging than the previous one. It might, repeat: might, have been possible to understand this material on a printed page, which in this case included a lot of nifty diagrams, on the presumption that repetition might have helped. But probably not. I did enjoy and generally understand the opening chapter in which Hawking explained the history of physics and our conception of the universe, with a beautiful presentation of the life and work of Einstein, and to a lesser extent his contemporaries and immediate intellectual followers. But after that, when Hawking moved into contemporary physics and the exploration of the cosmos (where he made his own contributions, mind you), I was mostly gasping for air, down for the count, you get the idea. Once I let go of the expectation that I could actually master the material, I kind of enjoyed the periodic appearance of concepts and phrases I had sort-of known about arrive in their natural and proper context, things like string theory, black holes, quanta, Heisenberg principle, nebula, etc. Perhaps more than anything, I enjoyed the ebulliance and delight with which Hawking presents his material, as if it is the simplest and most fun thing ever... which to him, it probably is.
I was listening to the audiobook while I was doing another task and only stopped when I finished it. So I read it all in one sitting. It's one of those few books that I feel I might read it again someday. I like Stephen's writing, but for some reason I ended up liking '' A brief history of time'' better.
یکی از جذاب ترین و باحال ترین کتاب های علمی فیزیکی بود که خوندم و بسیار لذت بردم ازش. که چنتا از جذاب هاش رو دز زیر میارم: نسبیت خاص و عام انیشتین انیشتین در ابتدا میگفت که دلیل اینکه سیب روی سر نیوتن افتاد این بود که نیوتن و سطح زمین به سمت سیب شتاب گرفتند و انیشتین گرانش رو در ابتدا در نظر نگرفت.(که این نظریه نسبت خاص نامیده شد). بعدا انیشتین فهمید که اگر اینطور است که شتاب سطح زمین بسمت بالا باعث میشد که همه مردم به سمت بالا شتاب بگیرند ولی دید اینطور نیست و زمین تخت نیست بلکه گرد است، پس آمد گفت که باید فضازمان پیچ و تاب بخورد و گرانش را به خمیدگی فضا زمان ربط داد ، یعنی این میدان گرانشی است که باعث خمیده شدن فضا زمان میگردد.که این نظریه نسبیت عام نام گرفت.
سفر در زمان هاوکینگ میگه: یسری حلقه هایی تو زمان داریم که به حلقه های زمان معروفند یعنی جاهایی که بشه تو اونجاها با سرعت کمتر از نور حرکت کرد. و ویژگی این حلقه های زمان اینه که میشه تو اونها تو زمان سفر کرد. این از قسمت اثبات فیزیکیش، ولی تو عمل به دلیل پیچ و تاب فضا زمان(نظریه نسبت عام انیشتین) که اجازه ایجاد چنین حلقه هایی رو نمیده، پس در کل سفر در زمان در عمل کار محالی میشه و نیز در فیزیک چیزی داریم به اسمه ریسمان های کیهانی که تو خود این ریسمان ها سفر، بخصوص سفر به گذشته امکان پذیر نیست چون حلقه زمانی رو دربرنمیکیرن ولی اگه بشه فضاهای ریسمانی کیهانی پیدا کرد سفر به گذشته ممکنه که این کارم تقریبا محاله چون ویژگی این فضاها باید این باشه که بشه تو اونها با سرعت بیشتری از سرعت نور حرکت کرد که محاله:).
اشتباه انیشتین در مورد زمین یا جهان انیشتین:جهان اینستاست بدون مبدا. درحالی که بعدا اثبات شد که جهان یا با منقبض شدن و یا با بزرگ شدنش پایان خواهد یافت(بستگی به ماده و انرژی دارد.)
فرضیه های پایان جهان فرضیه های پایان جهان:یک اینکه اگر چگالی جهان از یک مقدار بحرانی بیشتر باشد، آنگاه در این حالت کشش گرانشی بین کهکشانها بیشتر شده و حرکت آنها را کند و درنهایت آنان را از دور شدن از هم باز می دارد.که در نهایت همه چی متراکم شده و همه چیز در یک ویرانگر گرانشی مکیده می شوند. ۲- دوم اینکه اگر مقدار چگالی از مقدار بحرانی کمتر باشد،آن گاه کشش گرانشی کمتر از آن است که بتواند از دورشدن کهکشانها نسبت بهم جلوگیری کند و ستارگان رفته رفته سوخت خود را تمام می کنند و در نتیجه در نهایت جهان رفته رفته تهی تر و سردتر می شود و دوباره مانند حالت اول همه چیز به پایان می رسد.اما در دوحالت هم جهان حداقل دو میلیارد سال عمر خواهد داشت. جهان در پوست گردو
Stephen Hawking, stated in, " The Universe in a Nutshell" that our history is filled with infinite potentiality and what we "got” was due to disturbing the quantum field by our "observations." Profound, I thought, and pondered about his theory for months.
To better understand Dr. Hawking's theory, I read everything on quantum physics I could understand and a pile of books on the brain, Bruce Hood's "The Self Illusion" was the most helpful. Below is what I believe correlates with Hawking's theory, It is from the book, The Nature of Personal Reality, by Jane Roberts, (Seth Material) I have included a quote and then how I am seeing life now through a magical lens.
"An examination of your conscious thoughts will tell you much about the state of your inner mind, your intentions and expectations, and will often lead you to a direct confrontation with challenges and problems. Your thoughts, studied , will let you see where you are going. They point clearly to the nature of physical events. What exists physically existed first in thought and feeling. There is no other rule.
What if our "observations" were first feeling-tone shared by all consciousness focused in physical reality. The cells and organs have their own awarenesses, and a gestalt one. So the race of man also has individual consciousness and a gestalt or mass consciousness of which makes up our physical reality. While physical we follow physical laws, or assumptions. These form the framework for corporeal expression. Within this framework you have full freedom to create your experience, your personal life in all of its aspects; the living picture of the world, your personal life, and to some extent your individual living experience, helped create the world as it is known in your time.
It is important before we continue that you realize that consciousness is within all physical phenomena, however. It is vital that you realize your position within nature. Nature is created from within. The personal life that you know rises up from within you, yet is given. period. Since you are part of Being, then in a certain fashion you give yourself the life that is being lived through you." ~ Jane Roberts, Seth Material.
“Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free.” ― Stephen Hawking
When I fully realized my entire reality was created by me, and global consciousness, I could chose what to give my attention to for the change I wanted to see. The more you examine your thoughts and feelings the more excited you'll get when what you were thinking about appears. You'll notice "integrity" plays a role as well, (even when no one but you knows what good things you've done), because it's "liking yourself" that is most important in your ability to thrive without limitations. It only works if you truly believe.
Just like Yoda said, “there is no try, only do.”
Whatever you hold in your consciousness you put in your reality. If you are thinking about something, it will appear in a similar form. Don't get scared when you notice you have a lot of negative thoughts, about yourself and the world. These types of "thoughts" are your current vibration, giving you the reality you have now. Any change towards better inner-feelings about yourself and your surroundings will show up immediately in a in an event confirming your power to create your reality. I am now excited about cleaning up my thoughts -especially my deep inner feelings that were not as great as I wanted them to be.
Below are examples of limiting beliefs you may want to remove.
Example of limiting thoughts: 1. My behavior is hidden in my subconsciousness. 2. My life is a result of my childhood, or Karma, 3. Old age causes illness and regression. 4. People are out to screw me. Or People don't like me. 5. I am not smart enough, good enough, someone is better than me. 6. My religion is the right one, and so are my beliefs. 7. I have no control over the events in my life. 8. I am fat. 9. There is something wrong with money. People who have it are greedy, less spiritual than those who are poor. They are unhappier, and snobs.
These are all beliefs held by many people. Those who have them will meet them in experience. Physical data will always seem to reinforce the beliefs, therefore, but the beliefs formed the reality.
"The ego, which is ever changing based on a flow of new experiences looks out upon physical reality and surveys it in relation to those characteristics of which it is composed at any given time. It makes its judgments according to its own idea of itself." ~Jane Roberts
I try to catch myself in conversation making jokes about myself, and stop it. )
When science has proven "consciousness creates everything in our reality" our focus will turn to beautiful stories, ideas and breathtaking environments. We will spot giving our attention to garbage news stories filled with violence and fear; because we don't believe what we hold these emotions in our consciousness mind.
If I could ask Dr. Hawking one question it would be this: You said that we collapse waves when we observe an event. But what if-- our expectation collapsed the wave, our belief before the form existed. If this is true, consciousness is creating the collapsing of the field based on our inner-emotions, which would make the unpopular words, like "emotions, feelings and insights" the most valuable of all our senses.
I learned most of my beliefs were secondhand and limiting, so I jumped those fences! I documented my journey in my memoir, "From Hollywood to God," by Kelly Granite Enck I am leaving the link for those, like me, who love to explore the Inner Journey of the Mind!
Thanks Stephen for all your years of passion! Love Kelly!
كيف وضع آينشتاين أسس النظريتين الأساسيتين للقرن العشرين: النسبية العامة، ونظرية الكم؟ كيف أثبت آينشتاين أن الأرض كروية وليست مسطحة؟... ما هو شكل الزمن؟ ( النسبية العامة لآينشتاين تعطي شكلاً للزمن. كيف يمكن التوفيق بين هذا وبين نظرية الكم؟) …و مالزمان؟ ...كيف نشأ الكون؟ و ماذا كان قبل خلق الكون؟ ...ماهي النظرية إم؟ (M- theory) . هل للكون تواريخ متعددة؟ (صاغ الفكرة ريتشارد فاينمان،... ويعمل العلماء الآن على دمج النسبية العامة لآينشتاين مع فكرة التواريخ المتعددة لفاينمان في نظرية موحدة متكاملة تصف كل شيء يحدث في الكون)، …ما هو الزمن التخيلي (imaginary time)؟ وما هو الزمن الحقيقي (Realtime )؟ وما مدى تأثيرهما على تاريخ الكون، والواقع؟ أين نرسم هذا الخط العمودي المعروف بالزمن التخيلي؟ هل نرسمه عشوائيًّا في أي نقطة في الفضاء؟ والسؤال الأهم: كيف نحول الزمن الحقيقي إلى زمن تخيلي؟ وإلى أي مدى يكون الزمن تخيليًّا؟ ...هل الكون لا متناهٍ حقاً أم أنه فسيح فحسب؟ هل كانت لديه بداية؟ وهل سيبقى إلى الأبد أم لأجل طويل فحسب؟ وكيف لعقولنا المتناهية أن تستوعب كوناً لا متناهياً؟ أليس من الغرور من جانبنا أن نحاول ذلك؟ ...إن آينشتاين قد جعل للمكان - الزمان أربعة أبعاد، فماذا لو كان للكون أبعاداً أكثر؟ كأن يكون له مثلاً أحد عشر بعداً أو أكثر؟ ...ماذا نعني بمصطلح (طاقة الفراغ) ؟ وهل لها دور في سلوك المقاييس الكونية؟...ماهو تأثير كازيمير؟ …وهل الفراغ حقاً مكان خاوي ولا يحوي شيئاً ولا توجد به فعالية أو حياة؟! ...كيف يؤدي فقد المعلومات في الثقوب السوداء إلى إضعاف قدرتنا على التنبؤ بالمستقبل؟... ماهو مبدأ عدم اليقين ( الشك)، وما هو دوره في المعرفة العلمية؟ ...هل السفر عبر الزمن ممكن؟ هل يمكن لحضارة متقدمة أن تعود بالزمن إلى الوراء وتغير الماضي؟ هل يسمح الزمكان بوجود انحناءات شبه زمنية مغلقة تعود إلى نقطة بدايتها مراراً وتكرارًا ؟ ...مستقبلنا هل يشبه ستار تريك أم لا؟… كيف سيستمر تطور تعقيد الحياة البيولوجية والإلكترونية بمعدل متزايد دائماً؟ ...هل نعيش على غشاء أم أننا مجرد صور مجسمة؟… كيف ستتقدم رحلتنا الاستكشافية في المستقبل؟ ... و هل سننجح في سعينا إلى وضع نظرية موحدة كاملة تحكم سلوك الكون وكل مايحويه ( نظرية كل شيء)؟
والكثير الكثير من الأسئلة الأخرى التي تتوالد في الأذهان عند كل سؤال وتفصيل في هذا الكتاب الرائع. اتبع ستيفن هوكينج المنهج العلمي- الفلسفي في الطرح.
-Intenta divulgar y, en cierto grado, hasta lo consigue.-
Género. Ensayo.
Lo que nos cuenta. El libro El universo en una cáscara de nuez (publicación original: The Universe in a Nutshell, 2001) es un vistazo a los campos de investigación en física teórica más activos y atractivos para el autor (en el momento de la redacción del libro, claro), con especial interés en hablar sobre el tiempo en varios aspectos.
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Tuy nói tác giả viết quyển này cho đối tượng phổ thông, nhưng mình thấy nó không dễ hiểu đến vậy.
Nội dung chính là giới thiệu và giải thích một số đề tài được yêu thích trong vật lí lí thuyết như không - thời gian, lỗ đen,.. bằng toán học và lập luận. Từng chủ đề đi tương đối sâu và có nhiều thuật ngữ được sử dụng nên người mới tiếp xúc (như mình) cần đọc chậm. Bù lại nắm được thì thấy khá hay.
Bên cạnh đó còn có các đề tài thú vị như du hành thời gian, vòng lặp,... được mổ xẻ chi tiết theo hướng kĩ thuật. Chứ không chỉ đưa ra các nghịch lí gây tò mò như nơi khác.
Tổng quát mình thấy đây là sách khoa học hay. Độ khó hiểu tầm trung bình. Nên nếu là dân ngoại đạo mà muốn tìm hiểu (như mình) thì cũng có thể xem qua.
I’m not going to pretend that I understood most of it but he does raise a few thought-provoking points about the future of the human race. Plus it’s very well written.
The purpose of science is not only to answer the most perplexing questions, but also to arouse curiosity in the mind of the readers about the universe. While many books on science do give valuable information, they fail to achieve the latter purpose, as mentioned earlier. This book however succeeds in achieving both.
The Universe in a Nutshell is considered as a sequel to Hawking's previous bestseller, A Brief History of Time. The book, as the title suggests, discusses about the history and principles of the physical universe, in a nutshell. The topics are discussed in just the fair amount of detail and simplicity, although there are some topics which are just too advanced to understand.
Despite being nearly 2 decades old, the book still holds it value, and readers can give it go if they are curious to know about the universe, but lack lots of free time.
First of all, I expected the Hawking's electronic voice for narrating the audiobook. Though it might sound silly, I'm more fond of his unique voice.
After his international bestseller, A Brief History of Time in 80s, he wanted to propagandize the current frontier we're encountering but this time in a more brief way. The First two chapters serve as a prerequisite for proper understanding. Short but very well explained introductory concepts of Einstein-Relativity stuffs; Maybe because i used to read a lot of books in that subject (I've read more books on relativity than automobile engineering in which I've got a bachelor's recently).
Weirdness of Quantum Mechanics and its unification attempts with relativity at the initial conditions of the universe. Time and extra dimensions for the maintenance of consistencies. Some little dip in the chaos theory but too much idea regarding it in this book.
Some chapters on his (and his colleagues) attempts on the formulations of the Quantum Gravity theory, then evolving into Super Gravity, then String theories and eventually m-theory atleast for now (Eventually is not the correct usage).
Blackhole information paradox and the concepts of imaginary time are correlated to hinder the optimistic possibilities of Time Travel atleast for now. The Paradox is a puzzle resulting from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. I feel personally that this Part needs revisiting again. Even the simple terms and explanations, these are much more complex topics undergoing tedious *theoritical* research currently. He also reassures the readers sarcastically that this might be a part of government cover up for Time Travel Conspiracy; You get to know only when you get to meet one like HG Wells.
What I can assure is, that one could get a better view on string theory based M-theory which currently has the higher chance to become the Theory of Everything and the concepts of brane worlds.
روزهای شیرین دوره ی راهنمایی - دبیرستان، لذت کشف دنیا از بین کتاب ها. ممنون آقای هاوکینگ ستاره هایی که به کتاب می دهم، ستاره هایی است که یک پسربچه ی دوره ی راهنمایی به کتاب محبوبش می دهد، نه ستاره هایی که امروز باید به عنوان یک فیزیک خوانده ی معلم نجوم به کتاب بدهم.
I really enjoyed A Brief History of Time and so was looking forward to The Universe in a Nutshell and its updated material. I was hoping it would be a "dumbed down" version of some of the high-end theoretical physics ideas that I haven't had the time or brain cells to keep up with.
While I'm sure the content is dumbed down from Stephen Hawking's level, most of it is covered at a level and speed that kept it out of my comprehension. To be honest I find a lot of modern theories and ideas very skeptical - it almost seems to me that the theories are created and given weight because they might be possible... and that's good enough because to prove otherwise is incredibly difficult. A part of me (no doubt remnants of thinking left there by my college professors) downplays my pessimism and wants to believe them at face value. In this book I was looking to confirm that part, but it just didn't happen.
There didn't seem to be any real explanations or support (or maybe it was above my head and I zoned out). It was simply describing the theories (e.g., M Theory) and presenting them as fact. (We used to call this "hand waving" in my Physics classes in college - like a magician's hand waving as misdirection.)
There were a lot of good parts that were interesting and engaging. Near the end there was a part on the evolution of life on Earth and humans that was really intriguing. It had to do with DNA as a form of evolutionary method of saving data which has now been augmented by humans' ability to store information outside of our DNA now. And I do now have a better understanding of the framework on some modern theories (like multi-dimensions) that I didn't have before. I particularly liked coming to a better understanding of the theory of our perception of reality being a mere projection of 4 dimensions (3d + time) that derives from a "real" existence that exists in a 5 dimensional "membrane" universe (much like a 3d object casts a 2d shadow). Cool stuff.
و اتمام اولین کتاب امسال یکم با تأخیر اول از همه بذارین اینو بگم که اگه خواستین این کتاب رو بخونید اصلاً اصلاً اصلاً با برگردانِ کوروش زعیم نخونین نمیدونم نسخ دیگه خوب باشن یا نه ولی این یکی به صورت جدی احتیاج به ویراستاری داره این کتاب به خودیِ خود یه کتاب روون نیست که بگی اوکی حالا یه کاریش میکنم کتاب داره مبحث علمی مطرح میکنه و خوندن مبحث علمی اونم بدون ویراستاری !! دیگه خودتون تصور کنید هر جمله رو باید چند بار بخونید علائم نگارش پس و پیش و نادرست گذاشته شدن
اماااا با وجود همه ی اینا کتاب خوبه دوست داشتنیه هاوکینگ به زبان نسبتاً ساده این کتاب رو نوشته و اینم بگم که این کتاب دنباله ی کتاب تاریخچه ی زمانه که خب من اونو نخوندم ولی خوبه که شما اگه خواستین سراغ خوندن این کتاب برید قبلش اونو مطالعه کنید نوع نوشتاری هاوکینگ دوست داشتنیه به نظرم همون طور که تو سریال بیگ بنگ تئوری تا حدودی با کاراکترش آشنا شدم که خب آدم باحالی دیده میشه تو این کتاب دیگه بهم ثابت شد که همینطوره چون بعضی از قسمت های کتاب طنز خوبی داره به نظرم
اگر میخواین درباره تئوری نسبیت و تئوری ریسمان و... اطلاعات ابتدایی کسب کنید این کتاب عالیه
در کل از کتاب با تمام کاستی هاش راضی بودم ولی بازم توصیه می کنم شما دنبال یه برگردانِ بهتر از این کتاب باشین
Yes, I'm a dork, and in addition to reading grammar books for fun, I also read science books. I've been told that Stephen Hawking is not as complicated to read as one might assume. While I did learn a lot from this book, I also was left with a lot more questions. Furthermore, the illustrations were either confusing or totally unnecessary.
الكتاب جيد لكن يشوبه الصعوبات الناتجة عن الترجمة فلم أكن مدركة لاغلب المصطلحات العلمية لاختلاف التوحيد اللغوي للترجمة ورأي الشخصي ان قراءة الكتب العلمية تجب بالانجليزية اوقع واكثر عمومية من أي لغة أخرى
یادمه وقتی کلاس هفتم بودم اسم استیون هاوکینگ و اینشتین که میومد تو پوست خودم نمی گنجیدم این کتاب رو از آقای خطاپوش معلم علومم قرض گرفتم و خوندمش یه واقعیت رو بخوام بگم هیچی ازش نفهمیدم جز اینکه خود ذره های زیر اتمی هم از کوارک ها ساخته شدن با اینکه هیچی نمیفهمیدم ازش ولی بازم عشق میکردم
لن أقول أنني فهمتُ كل ما ذُكر في الكتاب..لا يهم، فقد خرجتُ بأفكارٍ جديدة,, وتعميق لما كنتُ أعرفه. على أي حال...إن مثل هذه العلوم، بالنسبة لي أراها، أكبر من يستوعبها عقلي الصغير جداً...ههه وفي كل مرة أتأمل، أسأل نفس السؤال: كيف تمكنوا من ذلك؟!! ما هذا الذي يحصل...؟ وأتوقف على الأسئلة لئلا اصاب بالجنون. تلفاز من القرن الماضي،يُثيرني،وأقول عنه أنّى لهم هذا... فما بالكم بالكون !! :/ ~~~~~~~ ليس هنالك ما يُسمى سفراً خلال الزمن،، ويحدث في شروط فيزيائية معقدة جداً، احتمال توافرها صفراً !! هذا ما خلصتُ إليه. ~~~~~~ يعتقدُ الكاتب أنه مع التطور البيولوجي الالكتروني، ومع الثورة البيولوجية في الDNA . وأنّ ما استغرقه التطور البيولوجي الطبيعي آلاف بل ملايين السنين،لاحداث طفرة، أصبح بالإمكان حدوثه في المعامل خلال سنوات بسيطة..ماذا سيحصل عند ذلك، عند خلق بشر مُحسّنين مستقبلاً؟! لربما يكونوا أكثر قدرة على فهم الكون !!! O.o
في حديثه عن التطور التكنولوجي السريع في أجهزة الحاسوب، يتوقع أنها قد تُضاهي التعقد نفسه الذي يتميز به المخ البشري ذات يوم. في رأيي،أن هذا بحد ذاته، تطوراً قد يودي بنا نحن البشر،وكأفلام الخيال العلمي نصبح ضحيةً للآلة! لأن الآلة وقت ذاك، ستتمكن من تطوير نفسها بنفسها,, وما حاجتها للبشر !!!! ويذكرني ذلك، بفيلم "Her" الذي يعرض فكرة أن يصبح الحاسوب ذو نظام عالي الدقة والتعقيد والتطور، بحيث يستطيع المرء أن يختلق له صديقاً أو حبيباً أو زوجاً...عن طريق شرائه لنظام الحاسوب هذا... وكأنك تتحدث بالهاتف مع صديق لحمي كمثلك !!! :O ~~~~~~ في الختام، لطالما حيرتني النظريات المختصة بعلم الكون، وما تؤول إليه من نتائج عقل الإنسان العادي لا يتحملها.. وإذا ما ربطتُ بين العلم وما أعرفه في الدين.. قد أُصاب بجنونٍ لا خلاصَ منه.. وأسأل ماذا بعد؟!!! أين هذا العلم من النصوص الدينية، وإلامَ سنؤول في النهاية؟! .... يُفضل عدم الاسترسال في هذه الأفكار. .... وبعد الانتهاء من هذا الكتاب، يراودني سؤال.. ماذا سأجدُ في ثقبٍ أسود، لو حدث يوماً،واقتحمته...غير أنني لا يمكنني العودة بتاتاً؟ :D بصراحة،لا أريدُ المغامرة ولا أطمحُ لها.. فقبرٍ في ترابٍ أرضيٍ، ولا ثقبٍ أسودٍ مجهول الهوية :D ويبقى التساؤل خيال علمي أصلاً ^_^ على الأقل في وقتنا الحالي.. فما ابعدنا عن أقرب ثقبٍ أسود !! وينتهي الزمان في ثقبٍ أسود،، كما يقول الكتاب :)
I really liked "A Brief History of Time" much more.
While it isn't that bad (it's actually very good), in comparison with Brief History, it seems only to have many more illustrations and fewer thorough explanations.
I understand that Hawking tried to write a popular science book with a branching non-linear structure without depending heavily on what has been said in the previous chapters, but I don't think that's actually possible. At least I honestly doubt it could be done without losing a significant portion of quality and precision.
I don't know, I read too much about these kinds of things anyway so I guess I might not be right, it could be just what an intelligent layman without too much time needs. But that's a big maybe. Try it, after all, I put 4 stars up there for a reason.
یک برآمد بسیار مهم نسبیت رابطة بین جرم و انرژی است. ادعای آلبرت انیشتین که سرعت نور باید برای تمام ناظران یکسان باشد ایجاب میکند که هیج چیز نمیتواند تند تر از نور حرکت کند. در نتیجه استفاده از انرژی برای شتاب دادن هر چیز چه ذره باشد و چه سفینه فضائی، بر جرمش میافزاید و کار بیشتر را سخت تر میکنند. شتاب دادن یک ذره تا سرعت نور ناممکن خواهد بود. زیرا مقدار بینهایت انرژی لازم خواهد داشت. جرم و انرژی معادل هستند. آن طور که در فرمول معروف اینشتا��ن خلاصه شده است: E=MC ۲ میتوان گفت این معادله در فیزیک، تنها معادلهای است که زبانزد خاص و عام است. در میان برآمدهای آن، درک این بود که اگر هسته یک اتم اورانیوم شکافته و به دو هسته با جرمهای تقریباً کمتر تقسیم شود، انرژی بی اندازهٔ زیادی تولید خواهد کرد.
نابغهترین فردی که تا مدتها در عرصهی علم برروی ویلچر یکهتازی میکرد، کتابی نوشت تا همراه با طعم نمک، فیزیک را بر مغز انسانهای کندذهنی مثل من، یا کسانی که سررشتهای از آن ندارند زخم بزند. آن یک ستاره را ندادم چون باز هم نفهمیدم:))) اما خواندن این کتاب یک تجربهی بینظیر بود. حدود یکی دودرصد از کتاب را فهمیدم که آنهم نگاه من بهجهان را تغییر داد.