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The Tea Rose #2

The Winter Rose

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An epic tale of secret love and hidden passions. It is 1900 and the dangerous streets of East London are no place for a well-bred woman. But India Selwyn Jones is headstrong: she has trained as one of a new breed, a woman doctor, and is determined to practice where the need is greatest. It is in these grim streets where India meets - and saves the life of - London's most notorious gangster, Sid Malone. Hard, violent, devastatingly attractive, Malone is the opposite of India's cool, aristocratic fiance. Though Malone represents all she despises, India finds herself unwillingly drawn ever closer to him - enticed by his charm, intrigued by his hidden, mysterious past.

THE WINTER ROSE brings the beginning of the turbulent twentieth century vividly to life, drawing the reader into its wretched underworld, its privileged society, and the shadowland between the two, where the strict rules of the time blur into secret passions.

736 pages, Paperback

First published January 8, 2008

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About the author

Jennifer Donnelly

32 books8,065 followers
Jennifer Donnelly is the author of fourteen novels - Beastly Beauty, Poisoned, Stepsister, Lost in a Book, These Shallow Graves, Sea Spell, Dark Tide, Rogue Wave, Deep Blue, Revolution, A Northern Light, The Tea Rose, The Winter Rose and The Wild Rose - and Humble Pie, a picture book for children. She is a co-author of Fatal Throne, which explores the lives of King Henry VIII's six wives, for which she wrote the part of Anna of Cleves, Henry's fourth wife.

In 2023, she published Molly's Letter, the first in a series of novella-length stories called Rose Petals set in the world of her three-volume Tea Rose series -- followed by Where Roses Fall in August, 2024.

Jennifer grew up in New York State, in Lewis and Westchester counties, and attended the University of Rochester where she majored in English Literature and European History.

See Jennifer's full bio on Wikipedia.

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Profile Image for Jess.
2,559 reviews75 followers
January 29, 2008
Cliche-ridden? Yes. Improbable coincidences? Yes. Over-the-top drama? Murder, sex, politics, poverty, money, medicine, women's rights, workers' rights, colonialism, revenge, mountain-climbing, Antarctica, Africa, faked deaths (yes, plural), amputations, paraplegics, death by wild animal attack, and doomed lovers reunited? Yes, yes, yes. Was I able to put it down? No. Despite all its faults, I couldn't put the silly thing down. Saga-riffic. This feels like a horribly slippery slope, and before you know it I'll have given up on Good Books and I'll just be reading page-turners and eating bonbons.

This is the sequel to The Tea Rose, and there's a horribly dull page or two spent recapping the first book's equally improbable plot points, but this could be read independently. You just wouldn't have the emotional background on a few of the characters. Also, I'm betting that Donnelly's planning a third book, because she left Seamie and Willa's story hanging, emotionally, just like she left Charlie's story hanging in The Tea Rose. And, God help me, I'll read it.
Profile Image for Misfit.
1,638 reviews332 followers
August 20, 2008
I think I lost more sleep over this one than The Tea Rose! What an awesome sequel, I think it's better than The Tea Rose. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing more of Joe and Fiona, their children and of course Seamie. Lots of love, laughter, adventure, heartbreak, tears and more tears. I don't want to say much about the plot, because one of the two main characters in this book is a surprise return at the end of TTR and I don't want to give it away to those who haven't read the first book. This story will take you from London and Whitechapel to the plains of Africa and the top of Mount Kilamanjaro. Be warned, many chapters in this book contain nail biting cliffhangers, and the author leaves you hanging for several chapters afterwards until you know what happened, and you will be on the edge of your seat waiting for that answer!

All in all a pretty perfect read, finishing with one of the sweetest endings I can recall coming across in a long time. I shed a few tears at that one. Highly highly recommended, I will read this one again and again over the years.
Profile Image for Allison.
711 reviews422 followers
August 15, 2009
Jennifer Donnelly does it again! She is definitely at the top of my favorite authors list.

One of the main things that kept me from being 100% in love with Tea Rose was Joe Bristow. His character was very well portrayed, don't get me wrong--I just didn't have much use for the guy. He did a couple of things in this book that really pissed me off. Then I finally realized...Donnelly is just so bloody brilliant with characterization that Joe was just being a man! Stupid, bull-headed and...wrong! He could have been a real person. Once I made that revelation, I liked him better, not his fault after all :) Plus...he did a couple of really cool things in this book. He decided to run for Parliament and he didn't even think he had a shot at winning-he just wanted to corner his opposition into making promises to help the poor that Joe was dead set on making sure they followed through with post-election. I thought that was so amazing and selfless.

"Sid" was the tortured hero. Here again is Donnelly's talent shining through. Normally, these types of characters have to be taken with a grain of salt. Not Sid. She takes you straight into his head and you see what he is going through. We saw him in the background of Tea Rose, and he comes forward in this and steals the show. He is one of the most truly portrayed characters I have ever read about. Every single thought she puts in his head was a MILLION percent dead-on.

The plots of these books are very edge-of-your-seat/hard to read at times/beautiful on their own...but when you put in her gorgeous lyrical writing and unparalleled talent for creating real and magnificent characters...she can't be beat.
Profile Image for Νόρα.
256 reviews35 followers
May 11, 2019
Πιο καλό από το πρώτο.Έχει και μια ενδιαφέρουσα κριτική για τις ιατρικές συνθήκες στη Βρετανία το 19 αιώνα.Η πρωταγωνίστρια μακράν πιο συμπαθητική,αν και ούτε σε αυτό το βιβλίο δεν κατάφερα να ξεφύγω από τη Φιόνα που εξακολουθεί να μου σπάει τα νεύρα.
Profile Image for Vera.
95 reviews57 followers
February 20, 2013

Το “Τριαντάφυλλο του χειμώνα” αποτελεί το δεύτερο μέρος της επιτυχημένης τριλογίας της Jennifer Donnelly. Στο βιβλίο αυτό η Φιόνα και ο Τζο δεν ήταν οι κύριοι χαρακτήρες. Πρόκειται για ένα ρομαντικό έπος που περιγράφει τις δυο όψεις του Λονδίνου στις αρχές του 20ου αι. Κεντρική ηρωίδα η ΄Ιντια Selwyn-Jones που είναι παθιασμένη με ένα πράγμα: την ιατρική. Η ΄Ιντια γύρισε την πλάτη της σε πλούσιους, ανώτερης τάξης στην οποία ανήκε και η ίδια. ΄Ονειρό της ήταν η δημιουργία μιας κλινικής για τους φτωχούς και ανήμπορους ανθρώπους του Ανατολικού Λονδίνου. Αρωγοί στην προσπάθεια της στάθηκαν ο Wish, ο ξάδελφός της, η Ella η νοσοκόμα, και ο Σιντ Malone. Η ΄Ιντια κινούμενη από αγάπη, σεβασμό και ανιδιοτέλεια για το δοκιμαζόμενο ασθενή της προσφέρει τις ιατρικές υπηρεσίες της στους κατατρεγμένους πολίτες του Ανατολικού Λονδίνου. Η ίδια πρόσφατα αποφοίτησε από την ιατρική σχολή και κάνει την πρακτική της στο Whitechapel με τη βοήθεια της επιρροής του μνηστήρα της του Freddie Lytton, ενός Φιλελεύθερου και υπερβολικά φιλόδοξου βουλευτή, ο οποίος έχει καταστραφεί οικονομικά και αποβλέπει στην τεράστια περιουσία της Ίντια και εργάζεται για να κλείσει τα κρησφύγετα του οπίου της περιοχής που καταστρέφουν το σώμα και την ψυχή.
Η ηρωίδα μια ισχυρογνώμων νεαρή γυναίκα αψηφά τους αριστοκρατικες γονείς της για να γίνει γιατρός. Είναι αποφασισμένη να χρησιμοποιήσει τις γνώσεις της για να κάνει τη διαφορά στις ζωές των φτωχών του Λονδίνου. Στη συνέχεια, όμως συναντά Σιντ Malone (τον Τσαρλι Φίνεγκαν του πρώτου βιβλίου τον αδερφό της Φιόνα), έναν ελκυστικό αλλά περιβόητο γκάνγκστερ. Αρχικά, η ΄Ιντια αντιμετωπίζει τον Σιντ ως αιτία όλων των προβλημάτων του Ανατολικού Λονδίνου. Είναι ένας γκάνγκστερ, που ασχολείται με τα ναρκωτικά και την πορνεία. Καθώς περνά περισσότερο χρόνο μαζί του, ανακαλύπτει ότι είναι ένας γκάνγκστερ άτυχο θύμα των περιστάσεων με καρδιά χρυσού. Όμως, παρά τις αντιξοότητες, η ΄Ιντια και ο Σιντ ερωτεύονται. ΄Εχουν αγεφύρωτες διαφορές αλλά και ένα κοινό είναι και οι δύο τραυματισμένες ψυχές.
Οι βασικοί ήρωες του Tea Rose, και κυρίως η Fiona και ο Joe, εμφανίζονται ως ήσσονος σημασίας χαρακτήρες στο Winter Rose, και ο Σιντ Malone, που ως αναγνώστες του Tea Rose θα θυμάστε, χάνεται ο αδελφός της Fiona Finnegan. Το πραγματικό του όνομα είναι Charlie Finnegan, αλλά χωρίστηκε από την οικογένειά του όταν δολοφονήθηκε η μητέρα του και επέζησε στους σκληρούς δρόμους του ανατολικού Λονδίνου με το να γίνει εγκληματίας και να ζει στον κόσμο της παρανομίας.
Οι μηχανορραφίες του Φρέντυ θα ματαιώσουν τα σχέδια φυγής του νεαρού ζευγαριού και θα οδηγήσουν της έγκυο ΄Ιντια σε μια πράξη απελπισίας να παντρευτεί τον μέχρι πρότινος μνηστήρα της για να μπορέσει να φέρει στον κόσμο το παιδί του Σίντ χωρίς να δεχτεί αυτό τον κοινωνικό ρατσισμό. Ο Σιντ θεωρείται από όλους νεκρός και η ΄Ιντια εγκαταλείπει το όνειρό της την ιατρική προκειμένου να δ��χτεί τους όρους του αδίστακτου Φρέντυ.
Το βιβλίο αποκτά μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον και αγωνία προς το τέλος καθώς η ιστορία και η πλοκή εκτυλίσσονται στην Αφρική. Εκεί συμβαίνουν αλλεπάλληλες ανατροπές που κόβουν την ανάσα του αναγνώστη. Το ζευγάρι στο τέλος του βιβλίου θα βρεθεί μαζί και μαζί με την κόρη τους πλέον θα ζήσουν ως οικογένεια.
Η λυρική γραφή της Ντόνελι είναι εμφανής καθώς και το αδιαμφισβήτητο ταλέντο της να πλάθει πραγματικούς/ανθρώπινους χαρακτήρες με πάθη και αδυναμίες.

Το “Τριαντάφυλλο του χειμώνα” είναι μια συγκλονιστική ιστορία αγάπης που δε μένει όμως μόνο εκεί αλλά μέσα από αλλεπάλληλες αντιθέσεις ανάμεσα στο καλό και στο κακό στον πλούτο και στη φτώχεια στην αισιοδοξία και στην απαισιοδοξία στη ζωή και στο θάνατο χαρίζει στον αναγνώστη πλούσιες εμπειρίες και διδάγματα ζωής.

Βέρα Δακανάλη
Profile Image for Sonja Arlow.
1,172 reviews7 followers
March 17, 2016
I just started a new job and so have been quite preoccupied leaving little room to immerse myself in a difficult read so this was the perfect choice. I took my time and overall I really enjoyed it.

I read Tea Rose about 12 years ago and was worried that I would not remember enough of the first book to understand the dynamics at play between Joe, Fiona and Sid but there were enough background references that this was not a problem at all.

This review comes with a huge caveat, this is a historical romance book and I haven’t read romance in a long time and try to avoid it as much as I can. However, this is well written fluff.

Yes, the book is riddled with clichés, the plot is highly predictable and the last 1/3 of the story had me rolling my eyes so many times I almost got a headache but it’s the perfect holiday/beach read for when you want a book you can put down at any time and take it up again at leisure.

What I really liked is that the majority of the book focused on Dr India Jones, one of the first women of this time period who studied and qualified as a doctor. I am a sucker for any type of medical angle in a story and really enjoyed reading about her struggles practicing under difficult circumstances, the prejudices that surround women in medicine and the almost archaic views of some of the male doctors when it comes to birth control or the causes of childbed fever.

You also get a good feeling of the political climate of London in the late 18-hundreds as some of the main characters were involved in political campaigning.

The typical half-truths, wrong assumptions and star crossed lover themes that’s obligatory in all romance novels started dominating the story in the last ¼. It was a little disappointing in an otherwise really good read.

I am still undecided if I will read book 3 as it will focus on Willa and Seamie and although they were good as secondary characters I am not sure I have enough interest in them to read a whole book that focuses on them.

So if you like romance novels then you will probably LOVE this series and if you are going on a holiday where you want to force your brain to shut down, gab the suntan lotion and pack this book.
Profile Image for Χρύσα Βασιλείου.
Author 6 books165 followers
February 5, 2015
Αχ..τι να πω γι' αυτό το βιβλίο;!
Αναμφίβολα χορταστικό,καλογραμμένο,πολύ ψαγμένο.Εντυπωσιάστηκα με τις γνώσεις της συγγραφέως σχετικά με εξειδικευμένα θέματα,όπως τα περί ιατρικής για παράδειγμα.Στο ψάξιμο των πηγών της πραγματικά της βγάζω το καπέλο!Μου άρεσε όπως ανέπτ��ξε την ιστορία της,μου άρεσαν οι καινούριοι ήρωες που γνώρισα σε αυτό το βιβλίο,που ξανασυνάντησα εκείνους του πρώτου,το πώς κυλάει ο καιρός και μαζί οι ζωές τους..
ΔΕ ΜΟΥ ΑΡΕΣΕ αυτό που έπαθε ο Τζο(μου)..Δε μου άρεσε που σε μερικά σημεία το βιβλίο κούραζε,κατά την προσωπική μου άποψη,με περιττούς πλατειασμούς,υπερβολικές αναλύσεις ή απλά πολύ μπλα μπλα..Θεωρώ πως ειδικά προς το τέλος θα μπορούσαν να είχαν παραλειφθεί κάποια πράγματα,που ίσως θα μπορούσαν να εξιστορηθούν στο τρίτο,και να γίνει λίγο πιο σύντομο...Έχω διαβάσει βιβλία με 1000+ σελίδες και δεν κουράστηκα,εδώ υπήρξαν στιγμές που οι 925 του με κούρασαν...
Γι' αυτό και τα 4,αντί για τα άριστα 5,αστεράκια..Τελικά και πάλι είχαν δίκιο οι φίλες μου,που με είχαν προειδοποιήσει:καλό,υπέροχο,άξιο να διαβαστεί,αλλά σε καμία περίπτωση δεν υπερβαίνει το πρώτο της τριλογίας. :)
Profile Image for Vera.
95 reviews57 followers
February 20, 2013

The "Winter Rose" is the second part of a successful trilogy of Jennifer Donnelly. In this book, Fiona and Joe were not the main characters. It is a romantic epic that describes both sides of London in the early 20th century. The central character Edie Selwyn-Jones is passionate about one thing: medicine. The Indian turned his back on the rich, upper class to which belonged the same. Her dream was to create a clinic for the poor and needy people of East London. Patrons to the effort stood Wish, her cousin, the nurse Ella and Sid Malone. The Indian animation of love, respect and selflessness for the tested patient, offers medical services to the downtrodden citizens of East London. She recently graduated from medical school and doing practice in Whitechapel with the help of the influence of his fiancé Freddie Lytton, one overly ambitious and Liberal MP, who has ruined financially and aims at huge fortune of Indio and works to close opium dens in the area that destroy body and soul.
The heroine is a strong-willed young woman defies the aristocratic parents to become a doctor. It is determined to use her knowledge to make a difference in the lives of the poor of London. But then he meets Sid Malone (Charlie Finnegan's first book Fiona's brother), an attractive but notorious gangster. Initially, Edie confronts Sid as the cause of all the problems of East London. It's a gangster, dealing with drugs and prostitution. As we spend more time together, he discovers that he is a gangster unfortunate victim of circumstances with a heart of gold. Despite the adversity, Indio and Sid fall in love. Have irreconcilable differences and a common are both wounded souls.
The main heroes of the Tea Rose, and especially Fiona and Joe, appear as minor characters in Winter Rose, and Sid Malone, who, as readers will recall Tea Rose, lost her brother Fiona Finnegan. His real name is Charlie Finnegan, but was separated from his family when his mother was murdered and survived the hard streets of East London to become delinquent and live in the world of illegality.
The machinations of Freddy will frustrate the plans of the young couple flee and lead the pregnant Indian in an act of desperation to marry her fiancé until recently to be able to have her child Sind without conceding that social racism. Sid is dead and all of the Indian dream of leaving medicine to accept the conditions of the ruthless Freddie.
The book becomes very interesting and suspense towards the end as the story and the plot unfolding in Africa. There occur successive reversals Breathtaking reader. The couple at the end of the book will be found together with their daughter will now live as a family.
The lyrical writing of Donnelly is evident and indisputable talent to mold real / human characters with passions and weaknesses.

The "Winter Rose" is a poignant love story that is left but only there but through successive contrasts between good and evil in wealth and poverty in optimism and pessimism in life and death gives the reader rich experiences and lessons learned life.

Profile Image for Diana Stoyanova.
608 reviews139 followers
February 12, 2022
4.3 ⭐

Прекрасно продължение на " Чаената роза", в което Донъли развива съдбите на героите си от предишната книга и ни среща с някои нови и вълнуващи образи. Първата книга обаче ми е фаворит.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,394 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2018

He realized she was a rare creature.
As rare as a rose in winter ...

Another epic tale, to be sure BUT, some of the conincidences and clichés had me rolling my eyes a few times. The world is a big place and back in the early 1900s, transport was not as it is today. Means of communication were limited ... telegrams, which probably took forever to get from A to B! I won't say anything but if you have read it, you will probably know what I mean.

Sid and India had a tough time of it ... the treatment of women back then! It would make your blood boil. Have things changed? I would like to think so but, in some cases, I wonder. I work for the European Union and at the "Summits", we have the majority of European leaders who are men ... a handful of women in leadership, trying to emulate men ... dressed in pants and jackets, blending in. Theresa and Angela, wearing horrible suits, eschewing their femininity, trying to be "one of the boys"! It annoys me at times! Then again, I cannot really talk - not sure when was the last time I wore a dress or skirt!!!

"You want to be forgiven?"

"Then learn to forgive."

I loved catching up with Fiona and Tom .. the characters from Book 1 ... we get a good introduction to Seamie (I a wondering how non-Irish friends are pronouncing this one!!) and Willa.

"You do not choose love. Love chooses you."

OK, on reflection, I cannot give it 5. I know it is fiction but the coincidences were just too eye-rolling for me. A solid 4 stars.

I will continue the series but not just yet ... I need a few shorter reads now. These books are way too long. I admire the author for the level of research she has done on the subject matter ... even any Irish references worked for me!! Now that should be a huge compliment to her ... you guys know me! "Ms. Critical for All Things Irish in Books."!!
Profile Image for Carol.
3,281 reviews124 followers
September 9, 2023
India Jones...her name, an echo, intentional or not, of the Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford film character, is spirited, richer than God, smart, high-toned, (in her case another word for smutty), tough and diligent. She lacks only the ability to “smell a set-up a mile away,” a skill that would help her fit right in with her patients in Whitechapel, described as London’s dingiest, grimiest, district, where she has set up her medical practice. The story features a heroine who appears to be an upstanding member of society, but who is "less than complete", without a man...and not just any man...preferably a dangerous one. India fills the bill with Sid Malone, a cruel-hearted and cruelly handsome gangster who is definitely not for the faint of heart. Both naturally resist the temptations of the other.... though not for long enough. Eventually, hormones out rules good common sense that God gave green apples; as the author explains, “He stood, as if to go, then instead he bent to her, took her face in his hands, parted her lips with his tongue, and kissed her deeply.” Once those lips were parted they remained that way for the remainder of the book...and though it wasn't said in so many words, I suspect other body parts as well. To no one's surprise, Sid eventually gets himself in trouble with the police. When he’s released on his own recognizance and arms himself with a false name, he goes in search of India, who has transferred herself to Kenya to do try and "do good in the country". But it seems she has something that Sid says is his. Meanwhile, India is looking for something that she says is hers, but she is stymied by the evil politician...just what this story needed...another evil" anything. Freddie Lytton is the evil politician. who come to think of it, does have several "Jack the Ripper" qualities. Two questions that will sum this up for most readers...Can love take precedence over money? and can love, or the readers patience, out last this way too long, too average narrative? It took a while, but I believe I have come up with the perfect description of this one. This is the love child of Horatio Alger who meets a bodice-ripper who meets a Hemingway, with Dickensian dashes for good measure. I didn't think they wrote "bodice-rippers" anymore...Guess I was wrong. Oh, well...some good came from it... I can cross of another challenge category:)
February 18, 2017
Ох, отново невероятна книга, невероятна Донъли - страхотна разказвачка! Много повече страници от предходната и така излетели неусетно. За първи път чета книга в която главният герой да е престъпник и главен главорез от подземния свят, чиято любов преобръща представите му. (Разбира се изключвам "Кръсникът", която е в друг жанр) Сид Малоун сякаш по погрешка се оказва от другата страна на закона и си остава там до появата на нея. А тя - Индия Джоунс - богаташка с идеализирани представи как ще спаси света се оказва лекарката в един все още мъжки свят на медицина, която го спасява от смъртта. Интересното в този роман не е само любовната история - тук има толкова много странични фактори, които го правят блестящ. Медицинските постижения от началото на века предизвикват любопитство, още повече има я борбата между силната религиозност и самото лекуване - раждането като процес, при който се отмива първородния грях от съвокуплението и поради тази причина трябва да е болезнено, майки който дават печени мишки на децата си срещу туберкулоза или обикалят магаре в кръг срещу магарешка кашлица и всичко на фона на ужасна, смразяваща бедност. От друга страна са политическите интриги - Фреди Литъл - млад политик домогващ се до високи постове, но желаещ и несметни богатства, готов на всичко в името на това. И освен всичко друго е загатната историята и от третата книга с най-малкия брат Шийми, който иска да "превземе" нови неизследвани територии (да си призная тези глави ми бяха малко скучни, не исках да се откъсвам от основната история). В книгата срещаме и семейството на Фиона - интересно е до какво развитие са стигнали отношенията й с Джо - как самият Джо възприеман като лапе от мен в първата книга с много погрешни стъпки, тук вече се проявява като истински мъж. Определено негово поведение е доста променено и това, че отстоява позиция прави много добро впечатление. За сметка на Фиона, която е по-поомекнала, по-емоционална, не че не е пак силната и борбена жена от първата книга, но вече е и майка и други чувства взимат връх в нейното ежедневие. Изобщо така са преплетени роли и съдби в тази книга, такова надмощие на характери, че държи в напрежение до последно. А в самия край, о самия край ми беше много емоционален и недостатъчен, човек иска още и още. Надявам се, че в третата книга ще надникнем още малко в света и на тази двойка, защото тези почти 1000 стран
ици се оказаха малко :)
Profile Image for Angie .
306 reviews59 followers
June 24, 2020
Το "Τριαντάφυ��λο του χειμώνα" είναι το δεύτερο βιβλίο της τριλογίας της Ντόνελυ και δεν ξέρω αν μου άρεσε εξίσου ή ακόμα περισσότερο από το πρώτο! Το μόνο σίγουρο είναι πως και πάλι ,παρα τον όγκο του, δεν ήθελα να το αφήσω από τα χέρια μου!

Και πάλι όλη η πλοκή αναπτύσσεται γύρω από μια ερωτική ιστορία ,με τέτοιο όμως τρόπο ώστε να περνά σε δεύτερη μοίρα και η έμφαση να δίνεται σε πιο κοινωνικά ζητήματα. Μεταφερομαστε στο Λονδίνο του 1900 και παρατηρούμε την αντιφατική ζωή των κατοίκων των ανατολικών συνοικιών που ζουν στην εξαθλίωση και των αποικιοκρατών ,πλούσιων γόνων και πολιτικών της Αγγλίας. Διαπλοκή, διαφθορά, μισογυνισμός, φαλλοκρατια και εγκληματικότητα είναι μερικα από τα στοιχεία που τους χαρακτηρίζουν. Βρισκόμαστε σε μια εποχή όπου οι γυναίκες κάνουν τα πρώτα βήματα στο�� τομέα της ιατρικής αλλά και των εξερευνήσεων, λαμβάνοντας των χλευασμό και την περιφρόνηση του δήθεν "ισχυρού" φύλου. Υπήρχαν τόσες πολλές στιγμές μέσα σε αυτό το βιβλίο που με έκαναν να θυμώσω , να νιώσω πως με πνίγει το δίκιο για όλες εκείνες τις αδικημένες προσωπικότητες που επισκιάζονταν και έμεναν τόσα χρόνια στην αφάνεια επειδή ετυχε να γεννηθούν γυναίκες!

Σίγουρα τελειώνοντας το δεύτερο αυτό μέρος ανυπομονώ να διαβασω το τρίτο και τελευταίο βιβλίο όπου ολοκληρώνεται η πορεία των ηρώων που τόσο αγάπησα!
June 11, 2024
Έχοντας διαβάσει “Το Τριανταφυλλάκι” κι έχοντας ενθουσιαστεί από την μαγική και όμορφη ιστορία του, δεν περίμενα ότι η συνέχεια της τριλογίας θα μπορούσε να μου προκαλέσει ακόμα πιο έντονα συναισθήματα. Και όμως, το “Τριαντάφυλλο Του Χειμώνα” ήρθε ακόμα πιο δυνατό, ακόμα πιο έντονο, ακόμα πιο όμορφο, να με μαγέψει, να με καθηλώσει και να μου αποδείξει για μια ακόμη φορά ότι ακόμα και στις μέρες μας, υπάρχουν άνθρωποι των οποίων η πένα έχει την υπέροχη ικανότητα να σε ταξιδεύει στον χώρο και στον χρόνο, να σε παρασύρει και να σε γεμίζει με τέτοια συναισθήματα, που μόνο η κλασσική λογοτεχνία μπορεί.

Η Donnelly για μια ακόμη φορά μεταφέρει την ιστορία της σε μια άλλη, μακρινή, ίσως και ξεχασμένη εποχή. Συνεχίζει την ιστορία των ηρώων που γνωρίσαμε στο πρώτο βιβλίο με μοναδική διαφορά ότι πλέον, έχει αλλάξει το βάρος. Αυτή τη φορά δεν πέφτει τόσο έντονα στις πλάτες της Φιόνα και του Τζο αλλά, στις πλάτες του Μαλόουν και της Ίντια, της γυναίκας που θα εισβάλλει στην ζωή του και που ο ένας για τον άλλο, θα φέρει με απρόσμενο τρόπο τα πάνω-κάτω. Το νήμα της ιστορίας ξετυλίγεται για άλλη φορά στο Λονδίνο. Σε ένα Λονδίνο όπου η εγκληματικότητα έχει πάρει μαφιόζικες διαστάσεις και που η δήθεν πολιτικές αρχές ζουν με σκοπό να την εξαλείψουν.

Η ιστορία ξεκινάει στα 1900 για να ακολουθήσει μια πορεία οχτώ χρόνων. Μέσα σ’ αυτό το διάστημα παρακολουθούμε την εξέλιξη και τις αλλαγές στο πολιτικό σκηνικό. Ήταν η εποχή όπου το εργατικό κίνημα κατάφερε να εισβάλλει στο κοινοβούλειο διεκδικώντας καλύτερη ποιότητα ζωής. Ήταν η εποχή που οι γυναίκες είχαν σηκώσει το ανάστημά τους απαιτώντας το φυσικό δικαίωμα της ψήφου, της συμμετοχής στα κοινά και στους αγώνες. Παράλληλα όμως, υπήρχε και η προσπάθεια του αντίπαλου στρατοπέδου να καταπνίξει αυτές τις προσπάθειες, αυτές τις επιθυμίες. Τα συμφέροντά τους κινδύνευαν κι έπρεπε να τα προστατέψουν πουλώντας ακόμα και την ψυχή της, διατυμπανίζοντας ψεύτικες υποσχέσεις.

Ένα ακόμα σημαντικό σκέλος που αναπτύσσεται είναι η εξέλιξη και οι ανακαλύψεις στην ιατρική. Με ενδιαφέροντα τρόπο ανακαλύπτουμε πως οι γυναίκες κατάφεραν να εισχωρήσουν στον κόσμο της ιατρικής, έναν μέχρι τότε ανδροκρατούμενο κλάδο αλλά, και πως αυξήθηκαν οι ανάγκες, οι απαιτήσεις αλλά και οι ιατρικές παροχές εκείνων των χρόνων. Πόσο υπολογιζόταν και πόσο κοστολογούταν η ζωή και η ασφάλεια της αριστορκρατίας σε σύγκριση με τα κατώτερα κοινωνικά και οικονομικά στρώματα. Μέσα σε αυτό τον ιατρικό κόσμο της ανισότητας η Ίντια έχει πάθος και όνειρα. Ζει με την ελπίδα να αλλάξει τον κόσμο γιατί για εκείνη, κάθ ανθρώπινη ζωή αξίζει, κάθε ανθρώπινη ζωή είναι σημαντική και πρέπει να προφυλάσσεται και να μην υποφέρει.

Ένα ακόμα κεφάλαιο το οποίο είναι εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρον, είναι η προσπάθεια των ανθρώπων για νέες ανακαλύψεις. Η διάθεση να διευρύνουν τους ορίζοντές τους. Μέρος αυτού ο Σέιμι, που ταξιδεύει με σκοπό να ανακαλύψει νέα μέρη, να κατακτήσει απάτητες κορφές, να κερδίσει εμπειρίες. Και ανάμεσα στις ανακαλύψεις και την λαχτάρα που του προκαλούν, να ερωτευτεί και να διεκδικήσει την καρδιά Γουίλα σε μια ανολοκλήρωτη ιστορία. Επιπλέον παρακολουθούμε την αποικιοκρατία των Άγγλων στα αφρικανικά εδάφη, την ανάπτυξη των μέσων μεταφοράς, την αντιμετώπιση τόσο την δικιά του όσο κι ενός κόσμου άγνωστου, επικίνδυνου και γοητευτικού που πλήττεται από την εισβολή τους που έχει καθαρά και μόνο διάθεση εκμετάλλευσης.

Αλλά ο έρωτας... Ο έρωτας είναι παντού παρόν. Είναι η κινητήρια δύναμη των ηρώων. Τους δίνει κουράγιο και θάρρος να προχωρήσουν στην ζωή και να συνεχίσουν παρά τις δυσκολίες και τις αντιξοότητες. Καταδικάζονται να ζήσουν με φαντάσματα ενός κυνηγημένου παρελθόντος. Δεν περιμένουν την λύτρωση γιατί δεν πιστεύουν ότι θα έρθει. Και όμως, εκεί που καρτιερικά προσμονούν το τέλος, η ζωή γυρίζει και αποδεικνύει πως θα σου δώσει ότι σου χρωστάει, ότι σου έχει αποσπάσει βίαια και οφείλει να στο δώσει πίσω. Δεν είναι μόνο η μοναδική και δυνατή σχέση ανάμεσα στον Σιντ και την Ίντια, έστω κι αν αυτή έχει την μεγαλύτερή μας προσοχή αλλά, και όλων των υπόλοιπων που τους περικυκλώνουν.

Η συγγραφέας επιλέγει να ακολουθήσει την ίδια πορεία. Να παντρέψει την πραγματική ιστορία με την δικιά της φανταστική, μια ιστορία που θα μπορούσε όμως να υφίσταται. Γιατί, πόσο φαναστικό μπορεί να είναι κάτι όταν είναι βγαλμένο από την ζωή; Το βιβλίο της Donnelly είναι τόσο μοναδικό όσο και ένα τριαντάφυλλο μέσα στον χειμώνα. Ευαίσθητο αλλά ταυτόχρονα δυνατό, έτοιμο να παλέψει και ν’ αντέξει κάθε δυσκολία. Όχι μόνο αγαπάμε την Ίντια και τον Σιντ, συμπάσχουμε μαζί τους βιώνοντας την δραματική αγάπη τους που στο τέλος δικαιώνεται αλλά, παρακολουθούμε και τις εξελίξεις, δραματικές ή μη, στις ζωές όσων αγαπήσαμε από το πρώτο βιβλίο. Το μόνο πια που μπορώ να περιμένω είναι το τρίτο και τελευταίο μέρος της τριλογίας, να έρθει και να με ταξιδέψει, να με συγκινήσει όπως αυτό.
Profile Image for M.K..
Author 27 books191 followers
March 30, 2013
I found the cure for the common cold. Last weekend, I crawled into bed and declared myself sick. You have to do that if you're a wife and mother or there's no rest, especially if, like me, you're wicked, too. I overdosed on the big, fat juiciness of The Winter Rose. As my legion of followers know (you know who you are because I surely don't), Jennifer Donnelly's The Tea Rose was everything I love in a historical and this, her sequel, is equally superior. 'Equally superior' is not contradictory. It means that at any moment, due to their excellence, one may surpass the other in my estimation of them. India Selwyn Jones is a fine woman with her plans to change the world, and is completed by Sid Malone who is a fine example of how you don't need to be good to do good. And we have the reappearance of Fiona and Joe, who have a story as meaty as you'd find in any ordinary historical. Oh, and, of course, the villian. Freddy was the best kind: cold, irredeemable and so utterly devastated by who he'd become. Really, the only difference between Sid and Freddy was good parenting. Which is why, after completing the book's clubhouse thickness in two days, I flipped back the covers and got back to being a wife and mother. I can't have anyone in my family go around ripping out their hearts. You'll understand the reference once you read the book. And you will. Because all of us, once in a while, need The Cure.
Profile Image for Yiota Misiou.
361 reviews53 followers
May 12, 2016
Αυτό ήταν πολύ καλό!
Μου άρεσε πολύ το τριανταφυλλάκι, αλλά το συγκεκριμένο ( 2ο βιβλίο της σειράς) ήταν υπέροχο. Η φλυαρία της Ντόνελη που με ενόχλησε στο πρώτο, δεν είναι τόσο έντονη σ'αυτό.
Ήταν πολύ δυνατό! Μια ιστορία πολλή όμορφη και συναρπαστική.
Ένα τριανταφυλλο του χειμώνα :)
Profile Image for Galina Shishkova.
52 reviews8 followers
March 30, 2017
Мнооооогооо добра тая авторка.Как само пише.....Уникална поредица-в любими ми е <3
Profile Image for Andzhelika.
108 reviews25 followers
December 17, 2017
Не 5, а 100 звезди бих й дала! Още една феноменална история от Донъли. Нямаше да се разсърдя на още 900 страници. Просто невероятна! <3
Profile Image for Nance.
1,566 reviews112 followers
April 30, 2013
What can I say about Jennifer Donnelly’s second installment to the Finnegan family drama that takes place just before World War I in England? The word is simply TERRIFIC! With intensely gripping details expertly researched, I thought that it was even better than the first book. I found myself turning the pages long into the night wanting to see what happens to the infamous gangster, Sid Malone and his new-found love, India Selwyn Jones, a young just graduated doctor from the London School of Medicine for Woman. India is from a wealthy aristocratic family that feels that her being a doctor is ridiculous because it is only proper that she be married and bearing children. Her mother has disinherited her until India somehow comes to her senses.Unbeknowst to her, a dispicable money-hungry childhood friend, Freddie Lytton, decides that it is his destiny to acquire her money along with political prestige from the Selwyn Jones family name. So behind India’s back, he is working with her mother to marry her and drop this ludicrous notion of being a doctor. While working in the poverty-striken East End of London, however, India saves Sid Malone’s life and he is indebted to her forever. Sid is hiding a past full of anguish and heartache, which he rather not talk about with India because it is too painful, but she is drawn to the handsome compassionate thug and, eventually, they fall in love and he knows that he can trust her. Coming from two different family backgrounds, the two know that their love affair is doomed from the start. Lies and betrayals are encountered between family members, friends, and lovers while also experiencing honesty, support, and encouragement from unexpected outsiders. Murder, greed, and deceit are experienced throughout the book with untrustworthy characters. Will these two young lovers end up together in the end given the fact that they come from two totally different walks of life? Well, you will just have to read the novel’s 707 pages to find out!!! A novel that will not disappoint!! Looking forward to reading the last and final book in the trilogy, The Wild Rose, which I think comes out sometime in August! Can’t Wait!!!! This "Tea Rose" trilogy of books would make for a great television or motion picture movie:)
Profile Image for Λίνα Θωμάρεη.
464 reviews32 followers
February 3, 2016
Μου άρεσε περισσότερο από το πρώτο...
Ίσως επειδή η ιστορία της Ίντια και του Μαλλόουν ήταν πιο σκοτεινή.
Και επειδή είμαι λίγο (εντάξει πολύ) Drama Queen, αυτό το βιβλίο είχε όλα τα συστατικά για να κάνει την καρδιά μου και την φαντασία μου να χτυπάει πιο γρήγορα.
Η γραφή της Ντονέλλυ συνεχίστηκε και σε αυτό το βιβλίο να με τραβάει μέσα του...

Πραγματικά με αυτή την συγγραφέα έχω ταξιδέψει σε Λονδίνο, Παρίσι, Αμερική..... και θέλω να πιστεύω ότι θα συνεχίσει να με ταξιδεύει... Το κάνει τόσο καλά άλλωστε.
Profile Image for Michelle.
715 reviews723 followers
September 4, 2014
So I was very disappointed in this book. Very. The things I kind of let slide in the first book, only were exaggerated more and just became worse. The coincidences, the drama, the unbelievability of it all...I just kind of had enough. I wanted to throw in the towel at around page 400, however I couldn't find any website in a quick search which gave a full summary so I skimmed the parts about Seamie, which I know continue on to the next book and forged on. I am mostly glad that I did, however I am so sad that the book wasn't for me, what it could have been.

I think part of my problem was I never really like India. I believe this was more personal than anything, but I just never connected with her like I wanted to. It was all so forced to me - YOU MUST LIKE HER - SHE IS THE HEROINE OF THIS STORY - I kind of felt like it was being rammed down my throat and it was a little fake to me. I would have been more than pleased to just continue with Fiona and Joe. The "love story" between India and Sid was very forced to me. It could have been done differently...not so forced. And why was this book so long?? Way too long, this could have ended way before it did.

*Kind of spoilerish**
What really frustrated me so much is that I understand India really wanted to protect her daughter and raise her in a way that made her legitimate since she was Sid's daughter, however she gave up literally her entire life??? She gave up practicing medicine??? She had all the power in the situation I felt when she was negotiating with Freddie - meaning the money - and she just let's him tell her she cannot practice medicine and here she is this really strong woman??? I just don't buy it. So I really was lost after that.

Will I read the last book in the trilogy? Maybe. If I were to pay a 1.00 or 2.00 for it. I certainly would not pay full price. Reason being because I know WWI is going to be a huge factor and that interests me a lot and I want to see how she handles that with the characters.

Overall, very disappointed.
Profile Image for Sutapa.
39 reviews
November 15, 2008
This is one of the best books I've ever read it has romance, action, and drama. I think a lot of people can learn from this book because it shows that real/true love can change a person. This book is very passionate but sad and heartwarming at the same time. It shows that if you really want something so bad, you CAN get it!!!!!
Profile Image for Donna.
4,310 reviews131 followers
August 2, 2021
This is Historical Fiction/Romance and it's book #2 in the Tea Rose Trilogy. I liked the first one and I liked this one too. India Jones, as a character, was well developed...a little slow at connecting a two piece puzzle, but still very likable. The other characters were also well drawn. And I loved, loved, loved the Karma when it came to Freddy.

This was a little too cotton candy at times when it came to the romance and also how conveniently everything fell into place. Not deal breakers but for as long as this book was, there was really plenty of time to give the plot a vigorous stirring. Maybe a few more ripples would have made this less predictable. But I just have to say again, that the karma that found Freddy was something I had hoped for and was very satisfied when it caught up to him. So 4 stars and I need to see where I can get book #3.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,117 reviews69 followers
July 30, 2023
Според мен, дори на авторката не й се разделя с тези герои. Всеки един от тях с интересна съдба.
Какво да се прави, предпочитам да гледам през розови очила, въпреки всичко. Прилича ми малко на приказка трилогията.Голяма наслада ми доставят тези книги.

Уао! Близо 1000 страници , не е разумно да заспивате с тази книга , ако не ви е интересна - може да ви счупи главата :) ( това разбира се казано със смях )
Иначе още един екзотичен специалитет , забъркан умело от вече абсолютно признатата от мен за майстор Дженифър Донъли.
Има всичко в тази книга-история, география,политика,медицина и още какво ли не, но най-важното от всички неща - всепоглъщаща и дъхоспираща любов.
Няма какво повече да коментирам , просто трябва да се прочете и то всяка нейна книга. Рядък талант.
Profile Image for Νικολέττα .
470 reviews22 followers
October 27, 2022
Ωραία η πλοκή όπως και στο πρώτο βιβλίο της σειράς συνυπάρχουν η περιπέτεια, η δράση, ο έρωτας, η προδοσία, η ίντριγκα.
Αυτό που δεν μου άρεσε ήτανε η συμπεριφορά της Φιόνας, τη βρήκα εκτός του χτισίματος του χαρακτήρα που είχε προηγηθεί στο προηγούμενο βιβλίο και τη βρήκα τελείως άκυρη "γυναικούλα" που θέλει απλά να περάσει το δικό της.
Profile Image for Έλσα.
580 reviews127 followers
July 4, 2017
Το ενα καλυτερο απο το αλλο!!! Ποσο ομορφες ιστοριες!!!😊😍😍
Profile Image for Aneca.
957 reviews125 followers
August 22, 2008
When India Selwyn Jones, a young woman from a noble family, graduates from the London School of Medicine for Women in 1900, her professors advise her to set up her practice in London’s esteemed Harley Street. Driven and idealistic, India chooses to work in the city’s East End instead, serving the desperately poor.

In these grim streets, India meets—and saves the life of London’s most notorious gangster, Sid Malone. A hard, wounded man, Malone is the opposite of India’s aristocratic fiancé, Freddie Lytton, a rising star in the House of Commons.Though Malone represents all she despises, India finds herself unwillingly drawn ever closer to him, intrigued by his hidden, mysterious past.

Though they fight hard against their feelings, India and Sid fall in love, and their unpredictable, passionate and bittersweet affair causes destruction they could never have imagined. Sweeping from London to Kenya to the wild, remote coast of California, The Winter Rose is a breathtaking return to the epic historical novel, from a masterful writer with a fresh, richly vivid, and utterly electrifying voice.

Wow! I just finished reading this book and I have to say I enjoyed it even more than The Tea Rose. Donnelly once again takes on a roller coaster of emotions but making us familiar once more with the misery of London's poverty and the difficulty of doing something to change that reality. In India and Sid she brings us two characters bent on changing that and have to go through terrible times because of that wish and their love.

I really liked them! India for her sheer determination in wanting to do something good and Sid for despite living the life he led he still maintained a kind heart and helped how he could the ones who had nothing. It's interesting to see how they are brought together when in the beginning it seems that they have nothing in common and how they have to fight the obstacles in their way. India first saves Sid's life and ends up asking him for help in obtaining birth control devices for her patients while he admires her will to help the poor and wants to repay her for saving his life. Once again Donnelly's descriptions almost convinced me I was there with her characters, besides her wonderful portrayal of people and places (besides London the story takes us to Africa) I really enjoyed knowing more about the medical procedures in the beginning of the XX century and how difficult it was for women to start practising and be respected as competent professionals.

She also does a very good job with the villains! More than in the Tea Rose, where the bad guys were mostly absent and the action went forward due to coincidences or the natural evolution of the situations the characters were in, here the bad guys play an important role on how the main characters live their lives. And she wrote them so well that for a while I was more worried with the bad guys having their comeuppance than I was with India and Sid having a happy ending!

It was really nice to revisit the Bristows and Seamie Finnegan (I wonder if the next book is about him).

Grade: A
201 reviews32 followers
January 31, 2014
If there is one message that Jennifer Donnelly carries out in her books, it's to always have a dream and never give up on it. At the same time, The Winter Rose showed that dreams always yield for love and family. That love in itself is a dream and some of us fight for half a lifetime trying to make it come true. As always, the path had many obstacles, but the epilogue I just read made me feel all warm and happy inside.
Profile Image for AtenRa.
607 reviews89 followers
May 14, 2019
Phew, I finally finished this! I give myself a pat on the back because that was exhausting as hell! 🏆💪

It's not that I didn't like The Winter Rose, I did, but I felt it wasn't as consistent and solid as the Tea Rose.
First off, the Tea Rose was all focused on two basic characters : Fiona and Joe, and most of the time not even Joe, just Fiona. She has other important people in her life who we learn about, but the main focus was always Fiona.
In The Winter Rose, there is no main focus because there are too many characters: India, Sid, Joe, Freddie, Fiona, Seamie and Willa. That was just too much for me to take in, and really distracted me from the characters who should be main and not secondary in their own book, Sid and India.
The chapters were getting shorter and shorter and POVs changed so rapidly, I didn't have a chance to put my head around one person's misfortune (and there were a lot of them) and then another bad thing happened to someone else, and then another and another. I thought it was very convoluted and in my opinion, Seamie's story was not necessary, since Wild Rose is all about him (presumably), we could learn more about him then. The last part with Africa was too much; everything that happened there could have happened in London, making the book shorter but simpler and more direct in a way.

Also ↓
Sooooo much drama! Everything was overdramatised and soap opera-ised (such a wordsmith!) in an effort I guess to create suspense. I don't mind a little drama myself, but there is a limit of over the top and exaggerated situations, and this book definitely exceeded it!

I liked Sid, even though I didn't really see him do anything that deplorable when he was top dog criminal, so his whole redemption journey was a bit pointless.
India was a much weaker character than Fiona. She would crumble under the smallest difficulty while Fiona endured so much worse and she always remained strong and optimistic. I mean, Also, for a doctor she was pretty clueless about how babies are made...just saying.
Fiona and Joe were pretty much the same, although again, Fiona was way stronger in Tea Rose with a million bad things happening to her, but less strong in Winter Rose. Donnelly, for some reason, decided to take all her female characters down a peg which did not sit well with me.
Seamie was likeable enough, as kind and selfless as all Finnegans, and his story seemed interesting. I will probably read it one day, but not now. I feel like Winter Rose took a lot out of me and I cannot get myself to go into Wild Rose back to back.
Charlotte was almost comical. I feel bad for saying this, but it's true. She was way too insighful for an almost 6 year old. When I was 6 years old in the 90s (not even in the 1900s) I didn't know where my foot was, let alone look into someone's eyes and know what they think, how they feel. Sounds good on paper, but then again she is a 6 year old, so therefore kinda silly and funny.
Freddie I think from all of them, he had the most potential. He was your classic villain, but he wasn't. You wanted to feel sorry for him, but you didn't want to at the same time. Until somewhere around the middle, he made the decision to be just another run of the mill evil guy, like the guy from Tea Rose. I could no longer make any excuses for him and he didn't ask for any, he didn't feel any remorse or guilt over his heinous acts. So, that is why his ending was completely unworthy of him, in my opinion, and not on track with what he had done so far. Having second thoughts? Caring about Charlotte? Pff no, no way. That is not him. Maybe it was him at the beginning of the book but surely not by the end. His death was merciful and quick and I believe he deserved way worse.

Overall, The Winter Rose is a story about a criminal (not really) going straight because of love, a tortured soul (not really) finding her soulmate, a filthy rich woman having a bunch of babies (really), a filthy rich but previously very poor guy running for MP, an explorer summiting Kilimanjaro and his one true love losing the one thing she values most.
Ultimately, it's a story about too much, too many things, too many people, when it should only be about Sid and India and their shared adventure, which unfortunately got lost somewhere amongst 720 pages of frivolity.
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