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National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Advisory Board

Next Meeting:
Dec 4-5, 2024

Sonesta Redondo Beach & Marina,
Redondo Beach, CA

Last Meeting:
Apr 24-25, 2024

Colorado Springs, Colorado

View agenda, presentations, & video View minutes (11MB PDF)

The National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board provides independent advice to the U.S. government on GPS-related policy, planning, program management, and funding profiles in relation to the current state of national and international satellite navigation services.


The Advisory Board consists of GPS experts from outside the U.S. government.

Group photo of Advisory Board members, experts, and support staff
Currently, there are 29 members representing U.S. industry, academia, and international organizations.
View membership

The Chairman of the Advisory Board is Admiral Thad W. Allen, USCG, Ret.


The Advisory Board organizes its work into subcommittees focused on various aspects of GPS leadership:

Findings & Recommendations

The Advisory Board provides recommendations and reports to the National Executive Committee based on their independent findings.
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