Greek Island Villages
Traditional Villages
As you will notice in my site I am referring to some of the Greek traditional villages of each island so that you know what to expect, what to see, where to stay, what to buy and all sorts of different information that I found useful when I was visiting each location. In addition, I took the initiative of adding a few more villages not characterized as traditional by the Greek National Tourism Organization that I think are worth visiting anyway. So don't be surprised if you don't find all the villages mentioned in my site in your own tourist guides.

To understand a few things about the Greek traditional villages I have to tell you that these are the most indicative samples of Greece's traditional architecture, cultural heritage and history, so they are definitely worthwhile visiting. There, ways of life, techniques, aesthetic preferences, artistic trends and social relations that were developed throughout a shaken historic evolution have left their traces everywhere.
In these traditional villages there are traditional buildings which are preserved and used for many purposes such as tourist accommodation, museums, exhibitions, restaurants, public and municipal services. Furthermore, the specific locations are upgraded since there is an effort to ameliorate their environments not only for the visitors but for the citizens as well.

If you decide to skip the visits in traditional Greek villages of the islands you will miss a lot in getting to know an important part of the Greek heritage. I certainly enjoyed my visits there, my talks with the locals, what my eyes have seen and what my ears have heard and I wouldn't want you to miss out on anything so follow my steps, take my advice and you won't regret it. Enjoy!