This section contains planes for GTA 5. The approach to transport in Grand Theft Auto 5 is not like any other game, because RockStar Games don't know what laziness is. Every vehicle in the game has its own controls, its own physics, its absolutely authentic appearance and dozens of animations associated with each transport. In this regard, the planes in the game are not inferior to any other transport - everything worked out so well, as far as possible in such a vast game. Never before has the management of air transport in action game was not as intuitive and realistic.

Pnane mods for GTA 5 doesn't affect their technical specifications, but greatly alter their appearance, making the appearance of the plane closer to reality, or vice versa, closer to the figment of someone's imagination. The most popular plane for modifications is the Hydra fighter, the many modifications of which can be found on our website (from pink color to indistinguishable from reality camouflage). This means that everyone will be able to choose the mod to his taste. For our website we select the most interesting and detailed mods, each of them performing validation before it is added to the directory.
Section regulary updated with fresh mod, so don't forget to stay tined to our website. To download planes for GTA 5, use the links on the page of the selected mod.