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Honolulu Police Commission

Honolulu Police Commission

Komikina Mākaʻi o Honolulu

HPC Logo Lg BG
The Honolulu Police Commission is committed to enhancing the public confidence, trust and support in the integrity, fairness and respect of the police department, its officers and employees by maintaining a meaningful, fair and effective system of complaint procedure whereby complaints against the conduct of the police department or any of its officers and employees are received, considered, investigated and resolved.

The Honolulu Police Commission is made up of seven individuals appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. All members serve staggered terms of five years, volunteering their services and receiving no compensation. The commission elects its own chair and vice chair each year from among its members. The Police Commission has the following mandated responsibilities:

  • appoints and may remove the Chief of Police;
  • reviews rules and regulations for the administration of the Honolulu Police Department;
  • reviews the annual budget prepared by the Chief of Police and may make recommendations thereon to the Mayor;
  • receives, considers, and investigates charges brought by the public against the conduct of the department or any of its members and submits a written report of its findings to the Chief of Police.

The commissioners are committed to continue working proactively with the department to address problems regarding police conduct and other issues. 

Commission Meetings

Commission meetings, open to the public, are held at 2:00 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the first floor Conference Room A at Honolulu Police Department Alapai Headquarters, 801 S. Beretania Street.

Executive sessions are closed to the public and are held after the regular meetings.


Kenneth Silva

Kenneth Silva, Chair

Laurie Foster

Laurie Foster, Vice Chair

Ann Botticelli

Ann Botticelli, Member

Elizabeth Char

Elizabeth Char, Member

Doug Chin

Doug Chin, Member

Carrie Okinaga

Carrie K.S. Okinaga, Member

Jeannine Souki

Jeannine A. Souki, Member