How to Draw a Dog in 6 Easy Steps
I love when my kids learn something new, they can’t wait to share it with us and everyone that stops by:) They have a crazy amount of enthusiasm, and it is SO contagious. There are so many days I am in giggles because of something that they did or said.
My kids love drawing and telling stories. So when a friend taught them this little trick, they were super excited and had to share it with all you!
Steps 1 and 2
Steps 4 and 5
Steps 5 and 6
How to Draw a Dog Story:
Once there was a little boy and he had no face and no arms.
He went for a walk and got chased by 6 bees.
So he jumped into a lake.
Where there were 2 caves, and each cave had one bear in it.
The boy walked around the forest.
While walking he came across 2 lakes.
What a cute story and I love how the dog turns out. Bree also wanted to make a little video as well. Too fun!
I remember making that as a kid. I did it a little different, but the same idea. Thanks for reminding me, I’ll have to show my girls.
I would love to do some of these art projects with my kids (ages 17 mos. – 5 years). I’ve been browsing your site and was wondering if you have a list of art supplies you keep on hand that are kid friendly. I noticed you use Sharpies, food coloring, paint, oil pastels and watercolor pencils- to name a few. Did you have any brands that you recommend, or items particularly for small children? Food coloring in particular could be a real mess for the littler ones. I guess I’m also looking for ways to enjoy the process without worrying they will be tie-dying the carpet and drawing on the walls with Sharpies. = ) Thanks- Love the projects!
Amazing, simple, funny, fun! Great! Love it.