ICAO Performance Based Navigation Programme


Performance-based Navigation (​PBN) is helping the global aviation community reduce aviation congestion, conserve fuel, protect the environment, reduce the impact of aircraft noise and maintain reliable, all-weather operations, even at the most challenging airports. It provides operators with greater flexibility and better operating returns while increasing the safety of regional and national airspace systems.

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​AFRICA FPP Alexandre Damiba [email protected] 
​APAC ​Liu Lujiang [email protected]
​APAC FPP Jing Xiao [email protected]
​ESAF Keziah Ogutu [email protected]           
​EUR/NAT Abbas Niknejad [email protected]
​MID Ahmad Amireh  [email protected]
​NACC Raul Martine [email protected]           
​SAM ​Roberto Arca Jaurena [email protected]
​WACAF ​Albert Aidoo Taylor [email protected]


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