Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing

Course Code:

Course Duration:

25 hours


This course covers the techniques of modern Digital Signal Processing that are fundamental to a wide variety of application areas. Special emphasis is laid on the architectures and design techniques for digital filters.

Course Objective

Upon successful completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Design FIR and IIR filters by hand to meet specific magnitude and phase requirements.
  • Perform Z and inverse Z transforms using the definitions, Tables of Standard Transforms and Properties, and Partial Fraction Expansion.
  • Determine if a DT system is linear, time-invariant, causal, and memory less, determine asymptotic, marginal and BIBO stability of systems given in frequency domain.
  • Design and implement digital filters by hand
  • Use computers to create, analyze and process signals, and to simulate and analyze systems sound and image synthesis and analysis, to plot and interpret magnitude and phase of LTI system frequency responses.

Course Outline

The contents of this course are designed to support the course objectives. The following focus areas are included in this course:

  • Module 1: Numerical Representation
  • Module 2: Sampling, Aliasing and Quantization
  • Module 3: Digital Up conversion and Down conversion
  • Module 4: Error Correction Coding
  • Module 5: The Discrete Hilbert Transform
  • Module 6: Signal Averaging

Course Deliverables

For Faculty

  • Course Material
  • Course Slides
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Student Exercises
  • Case Studies
  • Certification from ICT Academy

For Student

  • Course Material
  • Exercises
  • Case Studies
  • Certification from ICT Academy