The IEICE Transactions on Communications The Information for Authors

The contents would be subject to change without notification in advance.
[Last Revised on June, 27 2024 since October 1, 2002.


IEICE Transactions on Communications will be published under IEEE Xplore after the submission date of June 1, 2023.
Because of this, Information for Authors (including the amount of article processing charge) has been changed.

Table of Contents

1. General guidelines

1.1 Type of manuscript
1.1.1 PAPER
1.2 Scope
1.3 Recommendation for non-members to join the IEICE
1.4 Originality of manuscript
1.4.1 Copyright compliance
1.4.2 No duplicate submissions
1.5 Counter measures against Research misconduct
1.6 Protection of Personal Information
1.7 Open access publishing
1.8 Ethical considerations in research involving human and animal participants 1.9 Authorship

2. Process for Initial Submission of a Manuscript

3. Manuscript Style Specifications

3.1 Length of manuscript
3.2 Manuscript style
3.3 Manuscript format
3.4 When using IEICE LaTeX style file
3.5 When using MS-Word Template file
3.6 Style for figures, photographs and tables
3.7 References

3.7.1 Style for references
3.7.2 Articles with digital object identifier (DOI)
3.7.3 Citation of references

4. Galley Proofs

5. Article Processing Charges

5.1 Article processing charges
5.2 Overseas Membership Development Program (OMDP)

6. Copyright

7. Review Process

7.1 Review criteria
7.2 Decision to accept for publication
7.3 Resubmission
7.4 Handling of the review information
7.5 Request for Reconsideration
7.6 Withdrawal of Submission

8. Advance publication

9. Multilingual translation and limited-time open access trial


Appendix A. Copyright Transfer and Article Processing Charge Agreement
Appendix B. Overlength Request Form
Appendix C. Abbreviated Journal Names 
Appendix D. Editorial Subject Indexes of The Four IEICE Transactions