Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects (IGP TM)

Hanover House

Hanover House. Carlow
Map of Hannover House, Carlow
Picture of house courtesy Seamus O'Rourke. Hanover House was demolished and replaced by Quinnsworth shopping centre, the site today is occupied by Penny's shopping centre.

Hanover House c.1947

Opposite the Yellow Lion is Hanover House at present occupied by Dr. Brendan Doyle. This house, one hundred years ago, was tenanted by Dr. Middleton who was a specialist of his time in Mental Diseases. He was responsible for the destruction of Carlow Castle. He had obtained possession of the Castle and intended to convert it into an hospital for mental cases. In order to provide more accommodation inside, he put several barrels of gunpowder in the basement thinking he could demolish the inside thick walls and leave the outer walls standing. When he touched off the gunpowder he blew down the entire structure leaving only one wall and two towers standing as it is to-day. Judged by his action I think you will agree he qualified to be the first inmate of his proposed hospital. Hanover House was later the residence of Mr Darby Herring Cooper, who was succeeded there by the Slocock family, who made Hanover House famous as a horse-breeding establishment.

The large house beside Hanover House gate was at that time the Post Office. Below that was the Staff House of the Carlow Militia. On the opposite side of the street in the houses now occupied by the Misses Brophy and Misses Mullally lived Mr. Jos. Deighton, who carried on a foundry and plumbing business. He was also for many years the chairman of the Carlow Gas Company, and took a deep interest in this concern. He was the donor of the Deighton Hall to the Vestry of St. Mary's Parish Church.

Another branch of the Morris Family occupied the house now owned by Mr. Robinson, and had a furniture Show-room in the premises beside it. On the opposite side of the Street in the house now occupied by Mr. Restrick and the one next to it, a Mrs. Williams and her three daughters lived, where they carried on a Young Ladies' Seminary. To this school came, as boarders, girls from all over the county, as well as from Wicklow and Wexford; day pupils also attended.

By Edwin C. Boake

1949, at Hanover House
Brochure in the PPP.
Draft of Auction details with exterior and interior pictures.
By Instruction of the Frank Slater Estate.
Sale on Wednesday 22nd June, 1949, at Hanover House at 12oc, Summer Time.
Standing on 18 acres of finest quality land, with large greenhouse, tennis court, pleasure grounds, lake and gardens. Large range of out-offices, stables, enclosed kitchen, yard and outer yards. Lodge House with Granite pillared double gate entrance from Burrin Street, rear entrance from Hanover and side entrance from Bridewell Lane. With recently erected private bridge linking the Estate with Bridewell Lane. Situated in the center of hunting, racing and fishing country. Permission to view and particulars from:- William Mulhall, Auctioneer, Dublin Street, Carlow.

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