Angular Pivot Grid Component Overview

    Ignite UI for Angular Pivot Grid is one of our best Angular Components, representing a table of grouped values and aggregates that lets you organize and summarize data in a tabular form. It is a data summarization tool that is used to reorganize and summarize selected columns and rows of data coming from a spreadsheet or database table to obtain a desired report.

    What is Angular Pivot Grid?

    The Angular Pivot Grid component presents data in a pivot table and helps perform complex analysis on the supplied data set. This sophisticated Pivot Grid control is used for organizing, summarizing, and filtering large volumes of data which is later displayed in a cross-table format. Key features of an Angular Pivot Grid are row dimensions, column dimensions, aggregations, and filters.

    The IgxPivotGridComponent gives the ability to users to configure and display their data in a multi-dimensional pivot table structure. The rows and columns represent distinct data groups, and the data cell values represent aggregations. This allows complex data analysis based on a simple flat data set. The IgxPivotGridComponent is a feature-rich pivot table that provides easy configuration of the different dimensions and values as well as additional data operations on them like filtering and sorting.

    Angular Pivot Grid Example

    The following is an Angular Pivot Grid example in combination with the Angular Pivot Data Selector Component. This way you can have more flexible runtime configuration options.

    Getting started with Ignite UI for Angular Pivot Grid

    To get started with the Ignite UI for Angular Pivot Grid component, first you need to install Ignite UI for Angular. In an existing Angular application, type the following command:

    ng add igniteui-angular

    For a complete introduction to the Ignite UI for Angular, read the getting started topic.

    The next step is to import the IgxPivotGridModule in your app.module.ts file.

    // app.module.ts
    import { IgxPivotGridModule } from 'igniteui-angular';
    // import { IgxPivotGridModule } from '@infragistics/igniteui-angular'; for licensed package
        imports: [
    export class AppModule {}

    Alternatively, as of 16.0.0 you can import the IgxPivotGridComponent as a standalone dependency, or use the IGX_PIVOT_GRID_DIRECTIVES token to import the component and all of its supporting components and directives.

    // home.component.ts
    import { IGX_PIVOT_GRID_DIRECTIVES } from 'igniteui-angular';
    // import { IGX_PIVOT_GRID_DIRECTIVES } from '@infragistics/igniteui-angular'; for licensed package
        selector: 'app-home',
        template: `
        <igx-pivot-grid [data]="data" [pivotConfiguration]="pivotConfigHierarchy">
        styleUrls: ['home.component.scss'],
        standalone: true,
        imports: [IGX_PIVOT_GRID_DIRECTIVES]
        /* or imports: [IgxPivotGridComponent] */
    export class HomeComponent {
        public data: Transaction [];

    Now that you have the Ignite UI for Angular Pivot Grid module or directives imported, you can start using the igx-pivot-grid component.

    Using the Angular Pivot Grid

    The Angular Pivot Grid Component can be configured via the pivotConfiguration property.

    <igx-pivot-grid #grid1 [data]="data" [pivotConfiguration]="pivotConfigHierarchy">

    It is defined by three main dimensions: rows, columns and values. The rows and columns define the grouped structure that is displayed in the rows and columns of the Angular grid. The values define the aggregation fields and the aggregation that will be used to calculate and display the related values of the groups.

    A filter can also be defined via the filters configuration property. It can be used for fields that you do not want to add as a dimension or a value but would like to filter their related member values via the UI.

    Dimensions configuration

    Each basic dimension configuration requires a memberName that matches a field from the provided data, or a memberFunction that extracts a value from the record in case of complex objects or other custom scenarios.


    The memberName needs to be unique. In case you need different dimensions for the same field, you can define a custom unique memberName for each, and extract the related value via memberFunction.

    Multiple sibling dimensions can be defined, which creates a more complex nested group in the related row or column dimension area.

    The dimensions can be reordered or moved from one area to another via their corresponding chips using drag & drop.

    A dimension can also describe an expandable hierarchy via the childLevel property, for example:

                memberFunction: () => 'All',
                memberName: 'AllProducts',
                enabled: true,
                childLevel: {
                    memberFunction: (data) => data.ProductCategory,
                    memberName: 'ProductCategory',
                    enabled: true

    In this case the dimension renders an expander in the related section of the grid (row or column) and allows the children to be expanded or collapsed as part of the hierarchy. By default the row dimensions are initially expanded. This behavior can be controlled with the defaultExpandState @Input of the pivot grid.

    Predefined dimensions

    As part of the pivot grid some additional predefined dimensions are exposed for easier configuration:

    • IgxPivotDateDimension Can be used for date fields. Describes the following hierarchy by default:
      • All Periods
      • Years
      • Quarters
      • Months
      • Full Date

    It can be set for rows or columns, for example:

    public pivotConfigHierarchy: IPivotConfiguration = {
        rows: [
            new IgxPivotDateDimension({ memberName: 'Date', enabled: true });

    It also allows for further customization via the second option parameter in order to enable or disable a particular part of the hierarchy, for example:

     new IgxPivotDateDimension({ memberName: 'Date', enabled: true }, {
        total: true,
        years: true,
        months: true,
        fullDate: true,
        quarters: false

    Values configuration

    A value configuration requires a member that matches a field from the provided data, or it can define either via an aggregatorName or custom aggregator function for more complex scenarios.


    The member needs to be unique. In case you need different value aggregations for the same field, you can define a custom unique member for each, and extract the related value via the aggregator function.

    Out of the box, there are 4 predefined aggregations that can be used depending on the data type of the data field:

    • IgxPivotNumericAggregate - for numeric fields. Contains the following aggregation functions: SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT.
    • IgxPivotDateAggregate - for date fields. Contains the following aggregation functions: LATEST, EARLIEST, COUNT.
    • IgxPivotTimeAggregate - for time fields. Contains the following aggregation functions: LATEST, EARLIEST, COUNT.
    • IgxPivotAggregate - for any other data types. This is the base aggregation. Contains the following aggregation functions: COUNT.

    The current aggregation function can be changed at runtime using the value chip's drop-down. By default, it displays a list of available aggregations based on the field's data type. A custom list of aggregations can also be set via the aggregateList property, for example:

    public pivotConfigHierarchy: IPivotConfiguration = {
        values: [
                member: 'AmountOfSale',
                displayName: 'Amount of Sale',
                aggregate: {
                    key: 'SUM',
                    aggregator: IgxTotalSaleAggregate.totalSale,
                    label: 'Sum of Sale'
                aggregateList: [{
                    key: 'SUM',
                    aggregator: IgxTotalSaleAggregate.totalSale,
                    label: 'Sum of Sale'
                }, {
                    key: 'MIN',
                    aggregator: IgxTotalSaleAggregate.totalMin,
                    label: 'Minimum of Sale'
                }, {
                    key: 'MAX',
                    aggregator: IgxTotalSaleAggregate.totalMax,
                    label: 'Maximum of Sale'
    public static totalSale: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) =>
        data.reduce((accumulator, value) => accumulator + value.UnitPrice * value.UnitsSold, 0);
    public static totalMin: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) => {
        return => x.UnitPrice * x.UnitsSold).reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b));
    public static totalMax: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) => {
        return => x.UnitPrice * x.UnitsSold).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a,b));

    The pivot value also provides a displayName property. It can be used to display a custom name for this value in the column header.


    If you define both aggregatorName and aggregator function, aggregatorName takes precedence. If none is set then an error is thrown.

    Enable property

    IPivotConfiguration is the interface that describes the current state of the IgxPivotGrid component. With it the developer can declare fields of the data as rows, columns, filters or values. The configuration allows enabling or disabling each of these elements separately. Only enabled elements are included in the current state of the pivot grid. The IgxPivotDataSelector component utilizes the same configuration and shows a list of all elements - enabled and disabled. For each of them there is a checkbox in the appropriate state. End-users can easily tweak the pivot state by toggling the different elements using these checkboxes. The enable property controls if a given IPivotDimension or IPivotValue is active and takes part in the pivot view rendered by the pivot grid.

    Full configuration example

    Let's take a look at a basic pivot configuration:

          public pivotConfigHierarchy: IPivotConfiguration = {
            columns: [
                    memberName: 'Product',
                    memberFunction: (data) => data.Product.Name,
                    enabled: true
            rows: [
                    memberName: 'Seller',
                    memberFunction: (data) => data.Seller.Name,
                    enabled: true,
            values: [
                    member: 'NumberOfUnits',
                    aggregate: {
                        aggregator: IgxPivotNumericAggregate.sum,
                        key: 'sum',
                        label: 'Sum'
                    enabled: true
                    member: 'AmountOfSale',
                    aggregate: {
                        aggregatorName: 'SUM',
                        key: 'sum',
                        label: 'Sum'
                    enabled: true

    This configuration defines 1 row, 1 column and 1 aggregation that sums the values of each dimension groups. The members match fields available in the provided data source:

    public data = [
            Product: {
                Name: 'Clothing',
                UnitPrice: '12.814860936633712'
            Seller: {
                Name: 'Stanley Brooker',
                City: 'Seattle'
            Date: '2007-01-01T00:00:00',
            Value: '94.2652032683907',
            NumberOfUnits: '282'

    Resulting in the following view, which groups the Product Categories unique columns, Sellers Names in unique rows and displays the related aggregations for the number of units in the related cells:

    And if you want to streamline the entire app development process, you can try out our WYSIWYG App Builder™ for your next Angular app.

    Auto generate configuration

    The autoGenerateConfig property automatically generates dimensions and values based on the data source fields:

    • Numeric Fields:

      • Created as IPivotValue using IgxPivotNumericAggregate.sum aggregator.
      • Added to the values collection and enabled by default.
    • Non-Numeric Fields:

      • Created as IPivotDimension.
      • Disabled by default.
      • Added to the columns collection.
    • Date Fields(only the first date field is enabled, the other date fields apply non-numeric fields rule):

      • Created as IgxPivotDateDimension
      • Enabled by default
      • added to the rows collection.

    This feature allows developers to quickly create a pivot view without manually specifying dimensions and values. With a pivot selector next to the pivot grid, users can enable and reorder dimensions and values as needed.

    Known Issues and Limitations

    Limitation Description
    Setting columns declaratively is not supported. The Pivot grid generates its columns based on the columns configuration, so setting them declaratively, like in the base grid, is not supported. Such columns are disregarded.
    Setting duplicate memberName or member property values for dimensions/values. memberName/member should be unique for each dimension/value. Duplication may result in loss of data from the final result.
    Row Selection is only supported in single mode. Multiple selection is currently not supported.
    Merging the dimension members is case sensitive The pivot grid creates groups and merges the same (case sensitive) values. But the dimensions provide memberFunction and this can be changed there, the result of the memberFunction are compared and used as display value.

    API References

    Additional Resources

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