Going Beyond Low Code in 2022

Illustration of a developer and designer working together with design to code tools

Easily Integrate Designs and Prototypes with Code Generation

The move to low code has accelerated in the last few years and is projected to see a CAGR of 31.3% (Research and Markets) by 2030. But as with any tooling, it’s hard for an individual or team to adopt something new. Designers are familiar with their design tools, while developers work with GitHub or their favorite IDE.

But what if you could keep your tools, and layer a lightweight tool on top of your tools and your process to dramatically improve software delivery?

We believe that a design-to-code layer would integrate with your existing design tools (Sketch and Figma), while letting developers continue to use the tools of their choice like Visual Studio Code, GitHub and others. This type of tool would integrate code generation in Angular, Blazor, Web Cmponents, and React and allow faster designer-developer collaboration with a first-to-market WYSIWYG IDE.

In this whitepaper, we look at:

  • Why development teams are overloaded
  • Why low-code tools aren’t good enough
  • How to integrate design to code into your process with agile and design sprints
  • Why the time is now for design-to-code tools

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