Republic dress, Primark cardigan, H&M tights, vintage belt, Primark shoes, Fossil bag, name necklace, thrifted owl ring
As I’m sure you all know, I’m a Northern girl through and through. I was born and raised in North Yorkshire and now live in Leeds. Other than my fantasy life in New York (it’ll happen some day!), I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
The perception of Northern style often makes me stomp my feet and shake my head. The lovely Helen of Afeitar recently shared her anger at the portrayal of Scouse style at the Grand National – those Liverpudlian lasses are much more than Juicy tracksuits and bad fake tan.
Although many, many fashion bloggers are stylish Southern belles, there’s a growing community of Northern folk taking to the keys and preening their fashionable feathers. Some of my favourites are MJ from Dreaming Spires and Old Car Tyres, who studies in Oxford but hails from Hull; Kavita from I Heart Vintage, who’s a fellow Yorkshire girl; Aydan from Little Blog of Horrors, who kicks it in Scotland; Vicki from Magpie Girl, who wears those killer specs all over Northern Ireland; and my blogger bestie, Victoria from Lily Loves Lola who lives in Leeds.
As well as the bloggers themselves, there are some amazing blogging communities and projects based anywhere North of Watford (I joke) – like British Style Bloggers, which is run by two lovely ladies from York and Newcastle respectively, and my most bookmarked blog of the moment – Fashion Looks North. Run by Lauren and covering cities across the North, Fashion Looks North captures stunning style moments and shares them with the world.
If you’re a Northern blogger – whether you’re born and bred or just visiting – and you’d quite fancy meeting some likeminded people, tweet Rachel from BSB and let her know you’re interested.
So gang – what do you think? Where do you hail from? The North, the South, the middle bit? And do Essex girls really wear white stilettos*? I’d love to know!
*Tsk – of course they don’t.
“And do Essex girls really wear white stilettos*? ” Oooh the cheek! I’ve never worn a pair in my life, cream maybe (on my wedding day) but white? Never!
I was born in Manchester, mainly grew up in Bristol but lived in Essex for the last 11 years so a bit of a mix there!
Vicki xxx
I’m from Hull. I wear a flatcap and go to the dog races allllllll the time. (Eek, I do actually have a flatcap! I bought one for a fancy dress costume once, then ended up wearing it for real!)
Thanks for posting this. I am a proud Northerner, but even so, do feel a little inadequate sometimes. It’s hard not to when all of the signs point to the South, and in particular London, being cooler and more eclectic/sophisticated/downright amazing than the boring old North, where everyone works in a big factory and it rains all the time.
Pretty pretty dress!
I like to think of myself of being northern at heart but southern by circumstance hah.
I’m from Edinburgh, now living in Glasgow. Not sure what the style perception is of us Scottish lassies but I am partial to a bit of Viv or McQueen tartan! x
Im from the midlands, a place so boring we dont even have stereotypes
I’m a Southerner, I’m afraid! A Westcountry lass, truth be known! I live right on the South West coast, & have done all my life 🙂
I have issues with stereotypes generally, so this is no different!
PS. I bloody well ADORE this outfit – in every way.
(I know I’m starting to sound a bit like a crazed weirdo, with how much I love your outfits, but it’s true!)
Aiya love.. i was born in Leeds too 🙂 was there last week rocking my stuff on the dance floor 🙂
Love this dress i had one simular and cant find it anywhere?!?!?!?
Looks like you are making the most of the weather with your outside pics- i like! 🙂
peace & love x
I’m a Southerner through & through. Although now that I live in London and live north of the river, I get called a northerner. Haha. There is so much rivalry between North/South London, it’s funny. Wish I was a proper northerner though- the BSB sounds great! x
Hey there! I’ve been absent from blog world recently – love the new layout.
I’m a southerner through and through although all my extended family is in North Yorkshire and the North East (not sure how that came about).
Stereotypes are dead in my view. Whenever I go to visit my friend in Wigan I’m always stunned by how kick-ass stylish all her friends are. They make me feel downright dowdy.
Love the outfit! But the best are the dress,belt,shoes and ring! LOVE
AW my dear this made my day!! thanks so much for mentioning little ole me in Northern Ireland 🙂
and thank for all your lovely comments on my blog, its girls like you that make blogging so important to me 🙂
vicki xo
Yay for Leeds! <3 xx
I love your lace top, very cute! It it so interesting to hear about regions within a country and how they are perceived. Being from the West Coast of the US but now living in the Midwest you learn quickly about style and taste, but one thing that stands out is there are fashion forward girlies everywhere!
The dress, belt and bag are beautiful!
I’m also from Leeds, went to Liverpool for university and I’m now back in Leeds! Now I’m searching for ‘serious jobs’ and I just can’t bring myself to search in the south, it seems too foreign (yes, I am a wimp!)!
I’m a Yorkshire gal – an East Yorkshire one! Escaped to Newcastle for four years and have an America boyfriend – so now i’m influenced by many a thing!
Glasgow baby! 🙂
I think our style is very dependant on the weather (ie rain.) :/
Thanks for the mention girlie ♥ lots of new links for me to check out too! Gorgeous outfit as usual. Next time Im down visiting my family in leeds, I may be calling on you and victoria for some sort of blogger meet up 🙂 nothing much like that happens up here! I only know like 3 scottish bloggers 🙁 xx
love the lace dress.. i have a lace skirt but no cream lace dress..always on the look out for one though!!
im a northern girl. well im actually inbetween northern and scouse so dont know what that makes me.!!.. i felt ashamed when i saw the pics of the grand national but then having been in liverpool that day myself i did happen to see a lot of horrors!!.. but then on the other side i saw a lot of understated classic beauties out in town aswell..
my style is based on whats clean and ironed that day!!!
I grew up down south but lived in manchester for the past few years…my dads from liverpool and my mum’s from essex, I don’t really identify with either end of the country!
But from my own personal experience, people up north are a lot braver when it comes to dressing up than down south(with the exception of london) I remember recieving comments anytime I ever wore anything vaguely ‘out there’ whereas here, people are not so judgy
I think a Northern meet-up is in order!
I’ve never gotten further north than Oxford (except a few visits in Scotland), which is why I enjoy reading fashionable blogs from tres fashionable Northern girls like you, Jen.
As a Londoner I fear I must consider the Watford Gap to be too far north… but I think it’s a great idea – I hope you all have fun. The UK is definitely a little bit too London-centric!
I love loads of Northern blogs, including Pinkbow.net which I don’t think is in your post, you all always make me want to travel more in the UK.
I’m from near Liverpool, and I must say I’ve seen my fair share of dodgy tans on nights out (my eyes!!) but the huge number of gorgeous girls I see out and about definitely trumps the stereotype!
That dress is so sweet! I love it
yayy new york lol and i love your skirt! so cute
Apparently as I’m from the west country, I drive a tractor, married my brother and drink cider….only one of those is true.
Love this dress more everytime you wear it. So pretty.
X x
Ooh your dress is precious and I’m very envious as I have yet to find a cream/white dress for the summer months!
I am from the south, but my mother is a proud northerner (from Darlington) and always points out that I should never ever feel proud about being southern because it’s much much better to be northern! I kind of agree a little bit… northerners in general are a helluva lot more friendly than down here, then again… we do get the better weather!
I secretly wish I had a geordie or yorkshire accent and spend a lot of time imitating the cast of Emmerdale. Everyone thinks Cheryl Cole sounds terrible but I just love the way she speaks!!!
– Anna Jane xxx
p.s. LOVE the new blog design :):)
That dress is so pretty!
And well, I’m from New York, and I have seen some white stilettos! haha.
Really great outfit 🙂
I love how you have style the lace dress.
I have a short lace dress like this but I have no idea how to style it more conservatively for the office.
I love your lace up shoes as well! I have been wanting a pair for some time now but can’t find any in the stores in Aussieland to try them on!
Love this outfit 🙂
I’m a west country lass 😉
You look so pretty! I really love that dress!
Love all your outfits. Its amazing what you can pick up from Primark. You really know how to style your clothes. i am an irish lass living in Dublin. I’ll be back.
Hee. I know nothing about fashion on your side of the pond. But I do know that I love that little dress. So darling!
Hello fellow north yorkshirer. I’m from Richmond, n.yorks.
Those shoes are fab! are the comfy? xxxx
Gotta love the outfit!!! <3
Oh and I’m from Newcastle! XD
Ok love your dress! Really???.. those shoes are from primark! WOW! I am making a trip tomorrow!
Beautiful dress! Love your style and your blog! I am now following!
i didn’t know the site existed. i live in newcastle too!
Lovely outfit chuck 🙂 Thanks so, so much for the mention!
L x
Great dress from Republic… I don’t live in UK so I don’t really have any idea what’s the trend there, though I live nearby… dublin baby! 🙂
I always love this dress on you. I’m a mixture born and grew up in London and the South East then moved up here to Yorkshire when i was 17/18. xxx
Lovely dress Jen… and love how you styled it. Great that you’re planning something out there and seems there are really a lot of you Northern bloggers. Have a great day! xoxo
I am really really liking this outfit! Possibly my favourite of yours.
loveee this outfit- especially those shoes.. GORGEOUS! you look amazing!
Absolutely love this dress!
I was born in Brazil, but now I live in the US. Quite a change.
Looking lovely as ever…
And yay the North!
I got a little owl sewing kit gift the other day, made me think of you! I’ll blog it soon, now I’m back in action. x