A Real Nose for

South Australian Wine.

G’day friends welcome to my
Down-Under Dog website

You may think that a dog’s life is all wine & skittles down-under, but in fact I have a full-time job putting things right around here. There are pesky birds to be cleared, rabbits to be chased, kangaroos to shoo, traffic to be managed and PR duties at the cellar door.  And then, of course, there are the grapes. I’m into Shiraz in a big way myself, so come vintage time, you’ll find me full time in the vineyard. Grape testing is my talent. It’s as much art as science to know when to pick grapes so you’ll see me nibbling the berries to test the “brix”. That’s wine-speak for the level of sweetness which is essential for flavor. Once they’re right you can see me ripping into those bunches signalling it’s time to crank up the harvest. The great McLaren Vale Shiraz vintage is under way.

McLaren Vale, where I live, is one of Australia’s premium wine regions and is home to some of the best Shiraz in this country and the world! It is located just to the south of Adelaide, the capital of South Australia on the beautiful and geographically diverse Fleurieu Peninsula. The township of McLaren Vale is 22 miles (37km) from the center of Adelaide.

Jim Jim The Down-Under Dog