I have two red bumps that one is on my left neck and the other is on my right jaw bone. The left neck one hurts when
I have two red bumps that one is on my left neck and the other is on my right jaw bone. The left neck one hurts when pressed and feels like a pimple but has not reduced size in 5 days. The right jaw bone doesn't hurt and feels smooth. They showed up after taking zpak for what the Dr thought was a sinus infection but which seems to be a viral infection. Anyway thought I would ask and will upload photos on the next message
Yes these look like typical small boils or pimples here. It is a minor skin infection despite your Zpak treatment . I would go with Hibiclens antibacterial soap twice day ( this is over the counter and same as frequently used scrub for surgeons use prior to operating ) I would also try Neosporin ointment twice a day ...
This combination will probably help to treat this within several days ... To about one week
If it should worsen then see your doctor for further evaluation and different antibiotic (Zpak is mainly fir respiratory infections -- it does not have much concentration of the antibiotic to skin structures) doxycycline may be one if several to consider if you need oral antibiotic too...
I hope that this information helps . Let me know if you have further questions ! I will be happy to get back with you. If my answers have been helpful and to your satisfaction then please remember to leave positive feedback. Thank you and best regards!
Anthony Bray MD
Hey. Thanks. Sorry for late reply.
I have been using Dial anti bacterial soap, is that fine or do I need to go with the Hibiclen.
I have been taking the Zpak because of a sinus infection, not for the skin so thats why my question was asked since this came about after starting the Zpak or the sinus/viral infection. Not sure if its correlated. Normally my skin is fine.
Dial antibacterial soap is fine but Hibiclens would be stronger....
So I would add Neosporin to your regimen ....
Hibiclens may add help to regimen if you choose
Rx for Bactroban ointment is stronger for skin infections ...
The ZPAK would NOT cause your skin infection ... It would technically cover the type if bacteria but does not stay in skin in high enough concentration to really help... It has more concentration in the respiratory system...Keflex / doxycycline / Cipro would be better oral treatment options for skin but the bumps that you have would probably clear up for you in about one week with topical treatment ... I doubt that you really need oral antibiotic for that at this point ...
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have further questions.
It was not caused by anything that you did I would say but we all get these minor skin infections from time to time ...
Best regards!
Anthony Bray MD
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